Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 321 Valentine's Day Plans and Confusions

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

“Hehe~~Good morning! Remember, let’s make this a fixed ritual between us~”

Kishida kneaded and played with Mingmei’s delicate little hands like a child, his mouth corners split into a perfect arc, and he smiled with satisfaction in his heart.

“Yeah, I’ll do whatever you say! Are you satisfied now~~” Mingmei nodded, but Xiang pretended to be reluctant to reply.

“Of course I am satisfied! You are willing to kiss me before I even rinsed my mouth! How could I be dissatisfied! Hahahaha~~”

Kishida raised his eyebrows, and as soon as he finished speaking, he burst into laughter.


“Um… hurry up and brush my teeth and wash my face!!”

After hearing this, Mingmei was stunned for a long time. After coming to her senses, she saw Kishida still holding her hand and standing beside her laughing. She pulled her hand out in shame and anger, pretending to hit him!

“Hahaha~~” Kishida quickly took a step back, turned around and ran to the bathroom.

“Humph, so annoying~~”

Looking at his back, Mingmei pouted and muttered, but her blue eyes were full of smiles and affection.

Mingmei didn't know how many times she listened to the recording last night. Anyway, she only knew that she really had a sweet dream last night. In the dream, she wore that sacred gauze dress, wore lace fingerless hollow beaded white gloves, held the owner of the back in front of her, and stepped into the sacred temple. Then, the dream woke up. When she woke up, she still had the phone in her hand.........


Recalling the beautiful dream last night, accompanied by a slight yawn, Mingmei, who got up early in the morning to prepare breakfast, returned to the kitchen a little sleepy and shy. There were still many pots and pans used for cooking on the sink.

She planned to clean them up while her boyfriend was washing up, and then she and her sister, well, the three of them, happily enjoyed the beautiful atmosphere of the first time the three of them had dinner together at home.

"Clang, bang, clang~"

As the pots collided with each other and beat to a rhythmic beat, Mingmei, with a smile on her face, shook her head, hummed a song in a low voice, and rubbed the pots in the sink.

"The shadows that stretched out continuously were lined up on the red brick road; walking side by side with you in the middle of the night; holding hands tightly forever, as long as I can be by your side; I am so moved that I am about to cry;"

"Mika Nakashima's "Snow Flower"? How can you sing this song?"

As Mingmei was shaking her body, suddenly, Kishida's puzzled voice quietly appeared behind her.

"Ah! Bang!" Mingmei was startled, and the spatula in her hand fell on the iron pot in the sink.


"Really, junior, can you make a little noise when you walk? I was scared to death! And, can't you just brush your teeth honestly?" After a long while, Mingmei, who had recovered her breath, glared at Kishida who was holding a toothbrush, and said helplessly.

"Sorry, I just heard you singing, so I was curious why you sang this song."

Kishida explained awkwardly.

You know, although Mika Nakashima's "Snow Flower" is very classic and he is familiar with it, this song should have been released in the 21st century.

"Are your ears so sensitive?" Hearing this, Mingmei blinked and asked curiously.

"It's okay." Kishida nodded.

Because he was within the influence of Huiyuan, his hearing increased to a higher level.

"Siguoyi!" Mingmei looked at his ears and couldn't help but sighed, then chuckled and explained: "But you heard it wrong, the song I sang is not called "Snow Flower", and the singer is not the one you said, but Okino Yoko~" Kishida: ? ? ? Hiss~~ Could it be that Okino Yoko is also a time traveler who replaced the original body like himself? Kishida took a breath in his heart, and then directly passed it. After all, he had discovered before that some of the creators of art, songs, etc. that he knew in his previous life were still the same person, and some were replaced by people he didn't know. This may be the result of the self-evolution of this real world. After all, when 73 created this world, there was only a one-sided part. So, the real reason why Kishida came back was to gather intelligence... "Really? Then maybe I really heard it wrong! Ha~haha! But, senior sister, you seem to like singing when you are happy, right?" A wisp of thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, and Kishida asked calmly on the surface. "Yeah, that's right! I like music very much, but I don't sing very often!"

Akira nodded and replied.

"So you like listening to music more, right?" Kishida asked with a sudden realization.


"I see!"

"Any questions?"

"No! I'll go back and continue brushing my teeth and washing my face..."

Under Akime's confused expression, Kishida waved his hand and quietly left.

A plan has gradually taken shape, and he has certain plans for tomorrow's Valentine's Day. Although Mingmei's kiss has been obtained in advance, he will not lose even a little bit of motivation because of this. A man who is loyal in love, he, Kishida Yuichi, will definitely give the girl he likes an unforgettable and romantic Valentine's Day!

"It's just like Xiao Ai said, he is an inexplicable and strange man~~"

Seeing Kishida taking firm steps, Akemi chuckled and murmured, but her heart couldn't help but surge with anticipation like a huge wave.

She had a clear mind and understood Kishida's true purpose to some extent, but she was even more embarrassed.

What gift should you choose? Obviously it is Valentine's Day on February 14th, a holiday for girls to express their love to boys, but my junior has the opposite, so I must do better, and hand-made chocolates are a must! But I definitely want to give another gift, something memorable like a small plaque!

However, all the memorable things my mother left for me are in the safe house. Do I need to go back again...

Minmei pursed her lips, her blue pupils full of embarrassment.

It’s so confusing! ! !


"Why bother!?"

Ten minutes later, Kishida at the dinner table said to Haibara who looked embarrassed.

"Haha~" Haiyuan responded with a cold chuckle.

"Those little brats can go as long as they want! But of course we have to let them go by themselves. We, as a family, can go by ourselves!"

Kishida said dissatisfied.

"That group of kids are already clamoring that the famous detective didn't go to Nishitama City with us. If I don't go with them, I'm afraid Ayumi will feel uncomfortable. Besides, they don't know that you are going too, so where will we be by then? It would be very embarrassing to meet you. What’s more, don’t you hate me being a light bulb?”

Haiyuan could only explain helplessly.

"Isn't that different! Forget it, it's just a different car after all. We can just meet there then!"

Kishida was convinced. Well, I was convinced by Haiyuan’s last reason...ahem!

Anyway, his bigger purpose is just to regularly increase his favorability...

And it's good news that Conan really didn't go. Then just pay attention to whether there is any smell of alcohol there, and you can send a text message to that annoying guy without hesitation!

PS: Thank you very much for your support. Lanyu thanks you here. Thanks? (?ω?)?! Then, Happy New Year! New Year’s thoughts! (All your wishes come true!) Hey hey~ Originally I had a rare trip home today, and I wanted to use the leave note to ask for a day off to rest or something, but when I thought about it, I felt it was unkind, and I felt really bad about it, even though the leave note was redeemed with points. Okay, but forget it...

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