Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 33 Did she misunderstand something?

"I'm really sorry, sir, please go over there and get a number card first, and then come back to process it when your number comes." The next day, in the Beihua branch of Shiling Bank, Kishida, who had just stepped into the door, saw Maori Kogoro's embarrassing look.

"It seems that you have to queue up before you can process it, right?" Maori Kogoro awkwardly shook his head. There was no way, who told him that his lecherous eyes just now made the anxious Hirota Masami very unhappy, so she looked cold as ice.

"No way, Uncle Maori, aren't you a famous detective? How come you don't even have this common sense!?" Kishida walked over and said with a chuckle.

"Boy, why is it you again?" Maori Kogoro rolled his eyes. He didn't expect that he had just returned from Tsukikage Island last night and met Kishida again today.

Is the island country really so small? At this time, not only Maori Kogoro had this idea, but even Xiaolan and Conan thought so. This is not to say that they hate Kishida and don't want to meet him.

On the contrary, after learning all the events from Asai Narimi, the three of them now have a better impression of Kishida. After all, in their eyes, Kishida is a righteous and kind person, and the key is that he is handsome!

"Do you think I just want to see you? I'm afraid you will play a role for me!" Kishida complained in his heart, but he just smiled and said nothing on the surface. In other words, smiling on the face, but feeling uncomfortable in the heart~

"Junior, why are you here?" Hirota Masami looked at Kishida and asked anxiously.

"I'm here to see you, Masami, to handle business again!"

"This..." Hirota Masami looked at her watch and felt a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm a little busy with business now, so..." Hirota Masami, who had a good impression of Kishida, said hesitantly.

"Is that so? It's okay! I'll just find another bank employee!" Kishida understood.

"Sorry, junior, we'll meet again when we have a chance!" Hirota Masami put the sign "This window is temporarily closed" on the window, waved to Kishida and left.

Tsk, is he planning to start robbing his own company's money? That's amazing! Kishida said with emotion.

"Does Kishida brother also know Sister Masami?" At this time, Conan, who was standing aside, asked.

"We've met once, what's wrong?"

"It's just a little strange, Sister Masami is usually kind to people, but just now..." Conan said with a strange look on his face, but he was interrupted by Kishida before he finished speaking.

"What's so strange about this, women! There are always a few days in a month when you're in a bad mood, isn't this normal!" Kishida said as a matter of course.

"Uh..." Conan's eyes turned into bean eyes again, but he felt that what Kishida said made sense and was speechless. He agreed in his heart, after all, Xiaolan was like this too...

"Brother Kishida!" Xiaolan, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, blushed and was very embarrassed.

"Of course, this is just one of the possibilities. As for the other possibility, you see~" Kishida used his eyes to signal Maori Kogoro, who had just received the number.

"She's gone, that lady is gone, how could this happen!? It's obviously..." Maori Kogoro was holding the number, looking at the empty window, with a sad look, muttering to himself.

"So, with Uncle Maori's face, I think even the gentlest people will inevitably get angry!" Kishida rolled his eyes and said to Conan.

"That's right!" Conan nodded in agreement.

The two of them didn't care about Xiaolan at the side at all, and talked about her father's embarrassing things in front of others. However, Xiaolan couldn't refute it.

"......" Helplessly, Xiaolan's face became even redder, and she looked down at the ground. It was probably because of this father that she wanted to find a crack to get into in embarrassment.

"Sister Xiaolan, I think we'll have to wait a long time, so I'll go outside to get some fresh air first!"

"Well, be careful of cars outside." Xiaolan nodded with a red face, and then continued to be autistic.

Because Kishida didn't make an appointment for business in advance this time, he could only go to get a number plate first, and then wait in line. There was no way, the reason he came here was to handle business.

When it was almost Kishida's turn, Maori Kogoro had already changed his passbook and took Xiaolan out.

"It's so boring. There are really no fun games on mobile phones in this era. I'd better bring a book with me next time. But smartphones should be available soon, right?" Kishida waited boredly.

"Please ask the guest at number 68 to go to window number 4." At this time, the bank clerk at window number 4 shouted to the waiting area.

"No, no, the money in the bank's armored car was stolen by robbers!" Kishida was about to stand up, and Xiaolan, who had just left the house, ran in anxiously again, shouting as she ran.

Suddenly, the entire bank business hall was in chaos. The president of the Mika branch of the Shiling Bank also ran out of the office upon hearing the noise, then called the police, asked about the specific loss, and then anxiously waited for the police to arrive.

At this time, Kishida saw Hirota Masami, who had just gone out for a while, quietly came back. This time was just right, you let Conan not suspect who you suspect! ? Kishida complained in his heart.


"What? The amount of money robbed is 1 billion!" Because the case happened frequently, Officer Megure, who was always quick to respond, arrived in less than ten minutes. At this time, Maori Kogoro exclaimed after talking to Officer Megure.

"Well, it was the money distributed from the head office to each branch." Officer Megure turned around and asked Conan for some details, because Conan was the first witness at the crime scene and chased the robber all the way.

While Officer Megure and Conan speculated with each other, Kishida just stood there quietly. He didn't want to intervene in this case at all. Now he was just waiting for Hirota Masami to get off work so that he could give her something.

"Ms. Hirota, where did you go when it was so important just now!?" At this time, Kishida saw the bank president scolding Hirota Masami severely.

"I'm sorry, I just changed shifts and went to have lunch!" Hirota Masami bowed her head and apologized.

"Young girls nowadays, I don't know what they are thinking. What time do you think it is now!" The president continued to scold.

"Young girls nowadays, I don't know what they are thinking, but there will definitely not be young girls who want a Mediterranean middle-aged man like you!" Kishida walked over, looked at the president's Mediterranean hairstyle, and said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, yes, not necessarily, maybe there are girls who covet your money, they will definitely not care whether your hair is almost bald!" Suddenly, Kishida said as if he suddenly realized something.

"Who are you!? What does it have to do with you if I teach my employees a lesson?" The president looked at Kishida, who looked like a decent person, and frowned and asked.

"After something like this happened, I think you don't have any intention to work here, right?" Kishida ignored him and turned to Hirota Masami.

"Yeah!" Hirota Masami was a little surprised that Kishida's words hit her mind, but after hesitating for a while, she still nodded under the president's furious expression.


"Junior, I really embarrassed you just now~" On the way, Hirota Masami, who had already submitted her resignation, said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, he just wants to vent his anger on you!" Kishida comforted.

However, he chose the right person to vent his anger on~ Kishida and Masami complained in their minds at the same time.

"Well, thank you~" Masami gathered her hair that was blown by the wind and smiled. I don't know if she was thanking Kishida for venting her anger just now, or his words of comfort now, or both!

"You're welcome, it's just a piece of cake! By the way, I have something to give you!" After saying that, the straight man Kishida suddenly took out something like jewelry.

"......That...I have a boyfriend." Looking at the jewelry, I don't know how long I hesitated, Hirota Masami's eyes drifted, and she said embarrassedly.


For the first time, Kishida's eyes became bean eyes......

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