Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 337: Kishida's sincerity and Gin's caution

"Get in the car first and then.... huh?"

Gin, frowning slightly, stopped talking and suddenly raised his head, with a sharp and cold gaze on the elevator that was slowly moving down in the twin-tower skyscraper.

"What's wrong, brother? Is there something wrong there?"

Vodka looked up along Gin's line of sight, but didn't find anything strange.


Gin didn't reply, and looked at the descending elevator coldly for a while, then suddenly said to Vodka:

"Nothing, get in the car, Vodka."

"Ah? Oh, okay!"

Vodka was stunned at first, then he came to his senses and nodded repeatedly, opened the door and sat in the driver's seat naturally.

Then, the roar of the car sounded, and the black Porsche 356A slowly disappeared in front of the gate of the twin-tower skyscraper...

"Huh, that was close! Is this guy still human? This kind of sensitive intuition really deserves to be the world's top killer..."

The elevator slowly landed in the exhibition hall on the first floor of Building A. Kishida walked out of the elevator. Recalling the scene when he accidentally saw Gin trying to look up, he couldn't help but pat his heart, which was beating faster, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Almost! If I hadn't been more cautious and stepped back after taking a few photos quickly and continuously, hiding my figure from the angle, I might have been discovered by Gin, the "factory cleaning master".

Sure enough, to deal with these non-human beings, you shouldn't go on the field yourself, but choose to send Pikachu, oh, it should be said that "Silver Bullet" is also a non-human existence.

Kishida, who selectively forgot that he was also non-human to some extent, couldn't help but draw a beautiful arc at the corner of his mouth.

The photo was finally in hand. Next, he just needed to send it out as "evidence" and use Hara Jiaming and the organization's intelligence information in his hands as bait. Kishida didn't believe that Akai Shuichi wouldn't be tempted!

Even if this might be a trap, Akai Shuichi would definitely come here to investigate silently. There was no other reason, it was simply because of this proud guy's hatred for the winery and his trust in himself...

Moreover, he had a way to make Akai Shuichi trust his text messages more.

However, this depended on his own skills and the help of Dr. Agasa. The tracking program in the mobile phones of the young devils in the Suicide Group was pretty good.

Well, Kishida planned to get Akai Shuichi's curiosity by sending a text message with the photo first, and then continue to send a text introduction about Hara Jiaming with the tracking program, and implant it into his mobile phone in a hidden way to implant a Trojan virus, so as to obtain the location of Akai Shuichi's safe house.

As for why the tracking program was not implanted when the photo was sent, it was because Kishida was afraid that Shuichi Akai would check and process his phone when he received such a photo with unknown intentions.

I think that guy should be cautious, because few people know his number.

And it is normal for the other party to check after seeing a strange text message suddenly sent to him.

Just like when ordinary people receive those obscure and exciting photos, they will probably scan them to check if there are any viruses or something...

Then, generally speaking, after checking and finding that there is nothing strange on the phone, most people will let down their guard.

Finally, when the second text message is obviously sent from the same number, they will click to watch it without hesitation.

And the content of the second text message will attract most of Shuichi Akai's attention, and this time is enough for Kishida to implant the "virus" to obtain his location.

And a mysterious person who knows your location sends you the winery information you want. First of all, it can be basically ruled out that the guys in the winery directed and acted by themselves, and wanted to wait for him to come to the door after cleaning.

Then, could this person also be an enemy of the brewery, and this person also knows his existence and mobile phone number...

Kishida can imagine that with Shuichi Akai's intelligence, it is difficult not to suspect him through deduction.

Then, his goal has been achieved!

He is the boyfriend of the senior sister, and is naturally the enemy of the organization.

Shuichi Akai will not think that he and the organization have joined forces to harm him, and he probably understands that he is using the trick of "driving the wolf to swallow the tiger".

Well, to put it bluntly, it is a dog-eat-dog situation.

But he is unlikely to give up this piece of fat meat, so he can only pinch his nose and go on the court...

As for why Kishida spent so much effort and did not directly admit that it was he who sent the text message...

Haha, suspicion is just suspicion after all. Kishida will not be stupid enough to do something that hits himself.

And doing so is likely to make Shuichi Akai even more disgusted!

With his pride, he would definitely feel uncomfortable if he found out that he was being "openly" calculated with "mutual consent"~~

Of course, the most important thing to be vigilant now is to prevent being bitten by the wolf and then being dragged into the water when driving away the wolf!

Haha! The things to be done are decided. Everything is under control........

Kishida, who was casually watching in the exhibition hall, stroked his chin with one hand and thought, and quietly clenched his fist with the other hand.

"Well, it's almost time, we should be able to go up."

After a few minutes, Kishida looked at his watch and muttered.

He has always been a person who follows his heart. He has been keeping track of time since just now. He didn't come down and took the elevator immediately. This is very abrupt. He didn't rush out of the building like Conan in the original.

There is no need for this. Kishida doesn't want to be the first one to stand out! And in the situation where Gin raised his head just now, this is simply betting on his own life, and the option with a high probability of death is still a bet...


The elevator door opened again. The good thing about the VIP elevator is that it has been staying on the first floor since just now.

"Tap tap tap! Wait a minute!"

Just when Kishida wanted to step into the elevator, a familiar sexy voice came from behind.

"Huh, wait for me, Xiaoyuichi, huh~~"

Kishida looked back and saw that a beautiful red landscape was running over breathlessly.

Judging from the direction, she should have run from the passage connecting Building B, which means...

"Did you really send that disgusting fat pig to the hotel in person?"

Kishida pressed the elevator door with one hand, narrowed his eyes, and asked expressionlessly.

"It's all your fault, Xiao Yuichi. The hotel hasn't opened yet, and I didn't want to do it in the first place."

Tokiwa Mio glanced at him, said angrily, and then followed him into the elevator.

"It's just that you took the initiative to make the decision for me. I didn't plan to ask you for help. Besides, even if I wasn't there, would you refuse the request of that dead fat pig?"

After pressing the button for the 75th floor of the elevator, Kishida looked at her playfully, as if mocking her.

"At least there is still some room. You can politely refuse to have dinner with him tomorrow night..."

Tokiwa Mio's smile faded, and she said unhappily.

"Heh~ You sound like you have a way to refuse! But from your tone, you seem to have no problem with me saying that it's a dead fat pig?"

"It was originally a disgusting dead fat pig, but even if it is a dead fat pig, once his hoof holds power, his hoof can trample many people to death at will..." Tokiwa Mio said in a faint tone.

"But that will definitely not include me!" Kishida chuckled, his tone seemed disdainful and full of confidence.

Compared with Gin and others, this dead fat pig is nothing!

Kishida complained in his heart, but he didn't know that as the elevator rose, his and Tokiwa Mio's figures had fallen into the eyes of a guy holding a telescope in the distance.

"Brother, no one has run out of the building door from just now to now, and the elevator has only just risen again. Inside is the president of this company, and a kid who appeared in the news this morning. Nothing is wrong..."

In a hidden corner in the distance, Vodka observed the surroundings of the skyscraper with a telescope. It took a long time before he put down the telescope and turned to Gin in the Porsche and said.

"........Go back, Vodka."

Gin, who was about to fall asleep with his eyes closed in the car, opened his eyes after a long time and said coldly.

He didn't know whether the mouse was too smart or he was too cautious and sensitive. His intuition was wrong. Anyway, there was no need to stay here.

Of course, there was no need to tell Vodka about this, as it would hinder his image of being omnipotent in his heart, which was indispensable for being a big brother........

PS: I really can't do it anymore. My brain is dizzy.....

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