"Isn't this the woman from before? But she seems to have come alone."

When her eyes followed Kishida's line of sight, Sonoko saw a woman with white, tight and smooth skin without a single flaw. From the side, her nose had a soft arc, which made her nose look rounder. However, it was not just the nose that was rounder.

But this tall, curvy woman was wearing a baseball cap. It was obvious that this was the woman who had a brief encounter with Kishida at the teppanyaki fried noodles stall.

"She's really beautiful~"

Amei looked at her a few more times and couldn't help but admire her.

Even though she was very confident in her appearance, she didn't dare to boast that she was better than the woman not far away.

Kishida didn't comment on this. Although this woman did give him a very amazing feeling at first glance, especially her voice was also the type that he liked as a voice control, but so what!

Be content and always happy!

This is one of Kishida's creeds in dealing with people.

There is a better one next to it, so there is no need to lose sight of the main point, and there is no need to eat what is in the pot and look at what is outside the pot.

Looking at Mingmei's flawless profile, Kishida gently embraced her slender waist and said with a smile:

"Let's go, if we delay any longer, we will be too late."


"Isn't there plenty of time?"

Feeling the subtle changes in Kishida's mood, Mingmei did not break free, but leaned on Kishida's side at a more comfortable angle, and then raised her chin slightly, and asked in a very comfortable and comfortable manner,

Of course, it may also be that there are almost all couples around, so it gave her some courage.

"I want to have a big meal tonight to celebrate your housewarming. However, I don't want to eat outside, I want to eat what you make yourself."

Kishida gently kneaded Mingmei's nose, and when her eyes were about to narrow in comfort, he explained warmly.


Amei whimpered barely audibly, then nodded in response, and then smiled at Kishida and asked:

"What do you want to eat? Well, I can just sell all the vegetables back at the mall~~"

"Well, let me think about it, deep-fried pork chops and the shrimp tempura from last time are very delicious, we can make more this time, and then make some other tempura, and tamagoyaki is also OK... By the way, Ai, what do you want to eat?"

Kishida pursed his lips, and walked inside with Akemi, thinking for a long time before he named the dishes one by one, but halfway through, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head and looked at Huihara and asked.

Obviously, Huiyuan must be present at Mingmei's housewarming dinner tonight...

"Well, I can do anything. But buy a bottle of blueberry jam later, there is no blueberry jam at home..."

Huiyuan glanced at Kishida, and was very satisfied that he had not forgotten her, but her tone was still a little cold. However, as she was talking, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have said something embarrassing, so she couldn't help but stop talking awkwardly.


Huiyuan pursed her lips, dodged her eyes, and instantly cast her gaze into the distance.

However, a big hand suddenly covered her little head.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, you can buy as many bottles of blueberry jam as you want. As you know, our kitchen is quite big, and it is more than enough to store a few bottles of blueberry jam~~"

Kishida smiled and touched Huiyuan's little head with his big hand.

"Pah!" ((//Д//)))

Grayhara gently slapped Kishida's mischievous hand away, her little face slightly red, her ice-blue eyes glared at him fiercely, and after a long while, she seemed to calm down, and then said unhappily:

"Why buy so much! The shelf life of blueberry jam is not long!"

"Just buy two bottles~~"

Amei answered with a smile, and the lovely smile on her face seemed to deepen a little.

Then, the three of them talked about tonight's dishes, and when Kishida praised Mingmei's cooking skills in a roundabout way, Mingmei's chuckles were heard from time to time........


Xiaolan and Sonoko, who fell behind the three of them, blinked and looked at each other, speechless.

"They seem to have really forgotten the two of us..."

After a long time, Xiaolan said helplessly to Sonoko with a few black lines on her forehead.

"I swear, next time they are together, I will never follow them!"

Sonoko's mouth twitched, and she said indignantly as she looked at the backs of Kishida, Akemi, and Huihara who walked away as if no one was around.

After all, we all came together! You guys are really hurtful!


"I think we should buy chocolate ingredients first. If you keep wasting money like this, cocoa butter and cocoa powder will be sold out~"

More than ten minutes later, when Akemi wanted to go to the vegetable area to pick vegetables, Sonoko, who had been waiting for the three for a long time, finally complained in a bad mood.

"Sorry, sorry, we can just buy some more vegetables!"

Akira scratched her cheek and said awkwardly.

"Uh, when you two go to buy, can't you buy some for us?"

Kishida asked curiously.

"No! When giving chocolates to the boy you like on Valentine's Day, the girl must do it herself when choosing the chocolate ingredients! Only in this way can the gods feel the girl's heart and bless her and the boy to be together forever in the future. ....."

Akemi shook her head and explained matter-of-factly under Kishida's confused gaze.

Kishida:? ? ?

However, as Akemi explained, Kishida became more confused.

There is also such a saying in island countries! ?

Then why have you never heard of it? !

"Senior, do you still believe in gods? Well, even if there are gods in this world, I just need to feel your thoughts. Besides, I don't need anything to interfere with whether we can be together for a long time!"

Under the expressions of Xiaolan and Sonoko suppressing laughter, Kishida didn't know that Mingmei was teasing him, so he glared at her helplessly and said angrily.


"Hehehe~~ It's true that I want to make chocolates, but I haven't said that I want to give them to you, my junior~~"

Seeing this, Mingmei pouted and joked deliberately.


"Hey~~Then I'll go ask other girls for chocolates!"

Kishida spread his hands, looking helpless.

"...I will make a lot of chocolates for you tomorrow, don't get anyone else's for me!!"

Hearing this, Mingmei's mouth immediately bulged, and she was the first to be defeated.

"Haha~ How many times! Just admit it, senior sister, stop insisting, you are no match for me~~"

Kishida pinched Akemi's delicate cheeks with his fingers and said very coquettishly. ( ̄▽ ̄)/

"Pah! Go buy groceries for me~"

Akemi slapped Kishida's hand away and mumbled angrily.

After saying that, without waiting for Kishida to respond, he took Haibara, Xiaolan and Sonoko to buy "chocolate ingredients".

Really, if you want to avoid me and buy gifts yourself, just say so~~

Kishida looked at Minmei's back, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

His ears are very sensitive, so even though the voices of Mingmei and Sonoko chatting in the back seat were very low, they still fell on his ears almost word for word...

In fact, Kishida was not at all curious about what gift Akemi would buy him.

Well, because no matter what kind of gift it is, I will definitely like it~~

Oh, I forgot, as long as you don’t give yourself a colored hat...

While teasing himself, Kishida pulled a shopping cart containing a large amount of meat and hurried toward the vegetable section with brisk steps.


"Well, let me see what vegetables are suitable for tempura... uh, forget about broccoli, um, cabbage and carrots are just fine! Huh?"

In the vegetable section, Kishida casually picked up a cabbage and two carrots and put them behind the shopping cart. Suddenly, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the vegetables not far ahead.

"It's asparagus!"

Kishida's eyes lit up and he walked faster towards the asparagus in front, because he saw that there were only a few asparagus left there, and during the few steps he walked, the old woman in front took two more, and The lady next to her also seemed to be interested in asparagus, and she had already looked at it several times...

"Tap tap tap!"

Kishida couldn't help but quicken his pace again, staring at the asparagus area.

Well, there are two left, just enough for one to make tempura and one to make cold asparagus!

"Tap tap tap!"

The sound of rapid footsteps sounded rhythmically. When Kishida was about to reach the asparagus area, a woman suddenly "jumped out" from the shelf on the right side in front of him.

Um! ?

Kishida was startled, but luckily he reacted quickly enough and stopped in time to avoid being hit by her.

Fortunately, after what happened with Sonoko and Hikaru Homoto, Kishida has been able to slightly control his tendency to act involuntarily in emergencies.

Of course, the most important thing was the sudden appearance of this woman, whom he still recognized. Well, she still had the familiar peaked cap on her head...

"Feel sorry!"

A cold voice came from the woman's mouth. Her voice was still as pleasant as before, but her attitude was a bit bad at first. It seemed that she got better because she knew she was in the wrong.

However, her attitude only improved for a moment. As the woman raised her head, her slender eyebrows quickly rose a few points in Kishida's eyes.

"Is it you!? Are you following me!?"

Looking at the man who was almost hit by her, Qiuting Reiko frowned, then she didn't know what she thought of, and subconsciously asked.

Kishida: ヾ(o °ω° O )ノ? ? ?

Kishida tilted his head, a black question mark face.

PS: Well, the answer is Qiuting Reiko! Hey, when Lazy Fish read the score of "Thriller", he thought she was so beautiful~ Of course, this book must have a single heroine, Mingmei~~

In addition, as usual, please beg for recommendation votes and monthly passes~

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