Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 38 A large wave of backstabs is coming

"Let me see, in addition to food and clothes, there are cosmetics, plaster and specific medicinal materials. What else do I need to buy?" Standing in front of the shelf in the department store, Kishida took the notes written by Miyano Akemi last night, and compared them one by one.

Of course, cosmetics are definitely not bought for makeup. Miyano Akemi is not so willful and hypocritical that she needs to use such things at this time.

The main reason is that Miyano Akemi told Kishida that she knows a little bit of disguise. Her boyfriend taught her some knowledge in this area before, but she felt that she didn't need this knowledge at that time, so she didn't study it seriously. As a result, she needs to disguise herself now, but she is not proficient in it. Therefore, she asked Kishida to buy materials for disguise, and she can think about it again in the villa these days.

Kishida expressed his contempt on the spot. This is the regret of not having enough knowledge when you need it! Such a good skill is not studied well! This should be learned from Kudo Shinichi. No matter what messy skills, he learned them in that magical place in Hawaii. So much so that he could shoot, defuse bombs, fly planes and yachts at the age of 17.

Thinking of this, Kishida agreed to Akemi Miyano's request on the condition that "you must teach me well after you learn it!"

"Well, now except for the medicinal materials that need to be bought at the pharmacy, the others should be almost the same." Kishida thought as he looked at the shopping list in his hand. As for Akemi Miyano's clothes, he had asked the saleswoman in the store to choose them for him. Akemi Miyano also wrote down the size and style on another note. He just had to give the note to the salesperson and wait for a while.

"Hello, sir, this is what you want to buy!" At this time, the salesperson who Kishida had just asked came over with a bag and handed it to Kishida.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!" Kishida took it and took out a few small-denomination banknotes as a tip.

"Thank you, this is what I should do!" The salesperson blushed and took the tip.

What a handsome and elegant man, well, of course, the most important thing is that he is rich! Unfortunately, he should have a girlfriend with a good figure! Looking at Kishida putting his thick wallet back into his pocket and turning to walk to the cashier, the salesperson thought like a fangirl.

"Sir, I'm sorry, your 1,000 yuan bill is a fake one!" At this time, the fangirl salesperson heard the voice of a colleague at the cashier, and the person she was talking to was the handsome man she thought was rich just now!

No way? A fake rich man? Wait, the tip is not fake, right? The salesperson quickly picked up the money he had just received and checked it carefully...

"Fake money!?" Kishida asked back with a confused look on his face.

"Yes, sir, your 1,000 yuan bill does not have a watermark, but the other 10,000 yuan bills are real. I think you may have accidentally received fake money!" The cashier carefully checked the money handed over by Kishida and said.

However, since Kishida's other 1,000 yuan bills were fake except for this 1,000 yuan bill, the other large denomination bills were all real, so the cashier did not think that Kishida deliberately used fake money.

"Sorry, let me check it first!" Kishida frowned, took the money back, looked at it carefully, and found that it was really fake! He quickly picked up his wallet, took out all the 1,000-yuan banknotes in it, and checked them. Fortunately, no more counterfeit money was found.

"Oh, sorry, I'm bothering you." Kishida took out a real banknote and handed it to the cashier again.

"It's okay, you didn't mean it, but we suggest you call the police." The cashier smiled.

"Well, I will!" Kishida nodded, and recalled carefully in his mind where he received the banknote! He planned to call Officer Megure when he thought of it. Although 1,000 yen is just a small amount of money for him, it's damned that he was cheated by someone with counterfeit money!


"I know you want to retaliate against him, but we can't find any good opportunities now!" Just as Kishida was shopping in the department store, Kuroiwa Reiko on Tsukikage Island said helplessly to the other end of the phone with her mobile phone.

"No, I just have a solution, but I don't have enough money! I need you to pay part of it!" A female voice gnashed her teeth from the other end of the phone.

"Money? Do you need a lot of money?" Heiyan Lingzi said in embarrassment. Now her family has fallen into poverty and she can't afford too much money.

"No, I know her, and she promised me that she would give me a corresponding discount!" the other end replied.

"Her? Discount? Do you want to hire someone to kill someone!?" Heiyan Lingzi exclaimed.

"Yes, she is a killer! I accidentally saw her performing a mission once, and she was very skilled! Fortunately, she thought I was not a threat to her at the time, and there was no benefit in killing me, so she didn't kill me. On the contrary, she gave me a note, saying that she wanted to expand her customers. Unexpectedly, I really used it..." The other end of the phone said self-deprecatingly.

".......How much money do you need!?" Heiyan Lingzi was silent for a while, and finally gritted her teeth.

The person on the other end of the phone saw that Heiyan Lingzi agreed, smiled, and reported a number.

"Okay, I can afford the money! But if this fails, don't expose me!" Kuroiwa Reiko finally nodded. But at the end, her tone was a little timid.

"Don't worry, you won't be implicated!" The other end smiled and comforted, but in his heart, no matter what the success or failure, the police will suspect you first! Who told you to be so arrogant and say that you would not let him go!


"Yes, Officer Megure, if I remember correctly, the banknotes were found in that convenience store. It was already evening when I went to buy drinks. You can start from that store, so please, Officer Megure." Kishida hung up the phone.

But he didn't have much hope. Even Officer Megure said that they had received similar reports recently, but the police had no clues at present.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong!" Kishida rang the doorbell of the villa, and after a while, he knocked on the door three times and then knocked twice, and then he took out the key to open the door. This was an agreement between him and Mingmei. She should not show up at any other noise, even if someone pretended to be him and opened the door directly.

With a click, the door opened, and Kishida also saw Akemi Miyano behind the door. She was now wearing the clothes left by the original owner, which looked out of place.

"The things you want, senior sister!" Kishida handed over the things in his hand.

"Thank you for your help!"

"It's okay, how do you feel now?" Kishida asked.

"Well, much better!" Akemi nodded with a smile.

"That's good, in that case I'll go back first!" Kishida nodded. Since she is much better, she doesn't have to help cook by herself.

"So urgent?" Akemi Miyano frowned.

"Well, I have an appointment with someone!" Kishida nodded.

"Oh~ a woman!?" Akemi Miyano raised her eyebrows and teased.

"An old scientist." Kishida replied, and then waved his hand, closed the door of the villa, and left without looking back. He is getting better and better with Dr. Agasa now, and this time he also plans to go to him to discuss some interesting inventions together.

Miyano Akemi rolled her eyes helplessly in the villa, and had to pick up the things that Kishida left by the door and walked into the kitchen.

"Huh? It's raining?" Miyano Akemi, who had just entered the kitchen, looked through the window and saw a drizzle in the courtyard...

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