"Forget it, I'll leave you a piece of Mikihouse brand children's clothing, you can choose one! Of course, it's impossible to buy all of them!" Kishida finally sighed and said.

"Then let's have this one!" Huiyuan Ai didn't hesitate to choose a small red skirt, and she took the bag back to the place where she just bought the clothes, ready to return them.

"Sorry, my sister is too willful, I'm sorry to make you laugh!" Kishida said to the cashier, and then in the cashier's surprised and contemptuous eyes, he took out a thick wallet, counted some banknotes with a face value of 10,000, and handed them to the cashier.

"........" The cashier took the banknotes speechlessly, I must be blind to believe your nonsense just now!

"Okay, now you can go directly to my villa!" Kishida said to Huiyuan Ai after getting off the elevator and coming to the underground parking lot.

"Villa!?" Huiyuan Ai frowned slightly.

"Well, your sister is hiding in my place to recover from her injuries!" Kishida explained.

"Recovering from the injury? Is my sister injured? Is it serious?!" Haibara Ai's face was immediately filled with tension, no longer as indifferent and calm as before.

"It's okay, I'll be fine in a day or two. After all, it's not a serious injury!" Kishida replied.

"Huh~" Haibara Ai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you!" After the two were silent for a while, Haibara Ai suddenly whispered.

"Huh!?" Kishida looked down at her in surprise.

"Thank you for saving my sister. I now believe that my sister is really alive!" Even though it was a word of thanks, Haibara Ai's tone still made people feel cold.

"You don't need to thank me. I said I just don't like to owe favors! And even if I really want to thank you, the tone should be more sincere, right!?" Kishida smiled on his face, but said so.

"......." Haibara Ai was silent and did not answer.

"By the way, do you have money or something? Is it a secret account or something?" At this time, Kishida suddenly thought of something and asked Haibara. But he didn't hold much hope.

"No, I'm penniless now, and I'm lucky to have escaped from the organization!" Sure enough, Huiyuan Ai rolled her eyes and replied.

"Is that so? If your sister doesn't have money either, it will be troublesome!" Kishida replied, touching his chin.

"What's wrong?" Huiyuan Ai frowned in confusion. She felt that she frowned more often than usual when she was with this man.

"Think about it, if your sister doesn't have money either, how will she live in a few days? She doesn't even have a place to live now!" Kishida explained.

Huiyuan Ai was stunned and looked at him blankly.

"You don't think I will support your sister for nothing? How is this possible! When your sister's injury is healed, I won't let her hide in my villa. If this happens to implicate me in the future, I will cry to death. I'm just an ordinary person and can't get involved in your affairs." Kishida looked at her and said unhappily.

"...I understand!" Huiyuan Ai nodded. She was already very grateful that the other party could save her sister, so why would she ask for more!

"It's good that you understand! After all, my money is not blown~" Kishida nodded, looking relieved. This money is really the bonus he got from "working hard" to catch robbers and drug dealers. It's really not blown! As for the inherited money, he completely forgot~

"If that's the case, why did you spend more money to buy Mikihouse clothes just now!?" Huiyuan Ai also asked unhappily. She knew the price of Mikihouse series clothes. Since this person seemed to care about money, why did he spend more money?

"Oh, that! That's my last blessing to you sisters. After all, I quite approve of Mikihouse's brand concept!" Kishida replied with a smile.

"Blessing? Mikihouse's brand concept!?" Huiyuan Ai murmured in a low voice.

"Yeah!" Kishida shrugged.

"I remember that Mikihouse's brand concept seems to be..." Huiyuan Ai thought about it in her mind.

"Thank you!" After remembering what Mikihouse's brand concept is, Huiyuan Ai said to Kishida with a complicated expression. "May the children and their families be full of smiles every day"? She muttered silently in her heart, and once again felt that this person was not as annoying as he seemed on the surface!

"Well, this 'thank you' sounds more sincere, it seems that you are not so rude!? I will accept it with reluctance!" Kishida commented with a relieved tone.

Sure enough, this person is still as annoying as he looks on the surface!

The first time she met Huiyuan Ai, who was more poisonous than her, the veins on her forehead jumped, and she repeatedly told herself in her heart to be calm and not angry! Don't be angry! After all, this person saved her sister, don't be angry with him!

"Looking at the way you talk, I think you can't find a girlfriend at your age!" Huiyuan Ai said sarcastically, with a very affirmative tone.

Sure enough, they are sisters. They always say that I don't have a girlfriend when they sarcastically say that? Is this interesting? Do I care?

"Tsk, sorry, I..." Kishida just lowered his head and said to Huiyuan Ai, but before he finished speaking, his brows slightly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Huibara Ai asked in a low voice, feeling that something was wrong with him.

"Someone is following us!" Kishida whispered to Huihara Ai, then calmly continued to walk to the place where he parked his car. When he reached the corner of a parking lot, while the person behind him had not caught up, Kishida pulled Huihara Ai and hid behind a large truck, and then waited quietly.

Sure enough, less than a minute later, a short-haired, beautiful head slowly appeared at the corner. She turned her eyes and carefully checked the front.

"Gone!? Forget it, there is no one here anyway!" The person was startled, and then walked out openly. She said to the parking lot full of vehicles but empty without any concealment, "I didn't expect you to find me. Come out, so I can let you die more happily!"

Kishida and Huihara, who were hiding behind the car, looked at each other. What was going on?

"Come to kill you!?" Because Kishida was squatting and hiding, Huihara Ai whispered in his ear.

"It's possible!" Kishida was not sure. He checked his interface in the morning. It's not the time for the funnel to run out of time today.

"You don't know her!?" Huiyuan Ai asked in surprise.

"I don't know her!" Kishida took a sneak peek at the woman who was checking the cars one by one and shook his head. Well, she was wearing an OL outfit, and the white shirt inside was pulled so low. I should have never seen such a big one. Kishida judged that it was the original owner who caused the pot again?

"Then why did she kill you?" Huiyuan Ai saw Kishida so calm and thought that he didn't care about the murder, so she didn't get too nervous. After all, in her opinion, no matter how terrible the person in front of her was, he was the one who could save her sister from the organization.

"I don't know, I'm used to it!" Kishida said melancholy.

? ? ? Huiyuan Ai was at a loss.

"Oh, forget it, I'll know after I kill her!" Kishida decided.

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