Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 424: Xiao Ai is beaten by mixed doubles (Part 1)


Wrapped in a bath towel, watching Akemi smiling and holding the ginger soup, blocking his way, Kishida took the ginger soup helplessly, but did not put it directly into his mouth.

"I can't help it. Who told me to listen to Xiao Ai and tell me that you catch a cold so easily, junior! Moreover, it rained so much just now."

Mingmei stared at her blue eyes with no intention of leaving. She seemed to have made up her mind to watch Kishida drink the soup before leaving.


In response to this, Kishida could only feel sad, and planned to give the ginger soup in one go.

Who told him to take a slight taste before taking a shower?

The taste, the sourness, is really unacceptable...

"Is it really that bad to drink?"

Seeing this, Mingmei blinked and said somewhat incomprehensibly.

"If you don't believe it, senior sister, try it yourself."

Hearing this, Kishida rolled his eyes, handed the half-empty bowl of ginger soup to Akemi's rosy mouth.


Mingmei was not polite, and naturally she would not dislike the fact that Kishida had already drank half of the ginger soup. She opened her mouth slightly, but did not lower her head or take the bowl. She just blinked cutely at Kishida, and then raised her head slightly. A white chin appeared.

Kishida naturally understood, tilted the bowl towards Akemi's mouth, and fed her at her request.


However, no matter how gentle Kishida's movements were, he subconsciously controlled the intensity and poured a little ginger soup into Mingmei's mouth, it was still accompanied by a violent cough, and turbid liquid still flowed from the corner of Mingmei's mouth.

"How's it going? I wasn't exaggerating at all, was I?"

Kishida looked at her funny, gently wiped the liquid around her mouth with his fingers, and teased.

"It's so spicy and tastes bad!"

Mingmei looked shocked, slightly sticking out her pink tongue and fanning her airway with her hands.

She is not a woman who can eat spicy food.

"So, how much ginger did you use to make the soup?"

Kishida pinched her nose and asked curiously.

"Well, I probably used most of the ginger at home..." (*/ω\*)

Mingmei scratched her pretty face with her slender fingers, raised her eyes and glanced at Kishida, then immediately moved to another place in embarrassment.

"Uh!" (,, #Д)

Kishida was instantly frightened.

If I remember correctly, I directly purchased more than two kilograms of ginger last time. Even if I used a little, there would be at least two kilograms left. Most of this ginger was used to cook such a bowl of ginger soup...

No wonder!

"...My dear senior sister, how afraid are you of me catching a cold? You gave me so many doses all at once. Do you want to kill your man directly? ? And as a chef, don’t you imagine how much better the taste would be with so much ginger?”

Kishida's eyelids trembled, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked at the embarrassed Akemi, dumbfounded.

"Ha, haha~ Actually, I just wanted to cook a few slices, but Xiao Ai told me that I can add more of this stuff, and the more it is, the easier it is to keep warm, and it can better prevent colds. In terms of medicine, She knows more than I do, so I just listen to her.”

Mingmei laughed dryly and betrayed her sister without hesitation.

"Xiao Ai? Please, I just offended her in the cinema. How could she be so kind? You don't need to think about it. She is taking advantage of me not being on guard against you. She wants to use your hands, senior sister, to deliberately 'Poison' me!"

Kishida was stunned for a moment, then immediately responded and said fiercely.

"Yeah, yell! Damn it, that girl went too far!"

Mingmei was convinced by Kishida, her pretty face puffed up, and she gritted her teeth.

"Hmph, let's go find this girl to settle the score! Let her understand the price of teasing my sister and brother-in-law!"

Kishida hummed.

"Yeah, let's go and settle the score with her!"

Minmei also waved her fist and echoed.

The two of them walked to the living room aggressively.


The bowl still filled with half a bowl of ginger soup was placed forcefully on the dining table in front of Haiyuan.

This girl has been waiting for Kishida to take a bath and then have a meal.

"What do you want to do?"

Looking up at the two angry and angry family members, Haiyuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and asked knowingly.

"If you drink it now, maybe we can forgive you!"

Kishida stared at her with an aggressive tone.

"Sorry, I don't eat dolphin food."

Haiyuan shook his head and refused naturally.

"Pah! Are you calling me a dolphin?"

"Pah! You said the food I cooked was for the dolphins?"

Both hands hit Haiyuan's dining table at the same time, and a trace of liquid seemed to splash out of the ginger soup bowl.

"More than that, senior! If I were a dolphin, then you would be the woman who found a dolphin as her boyfriend! Think about it again, what kind of woman would like and accept a dolphin! That's for sure She is a woman that no man wants! This girl has gone too far this time!”

Kishida knew that his "anger" was completely ineffective against Haibara. However, the one who could cause "attack damage" to Haibara was Akemi, whose eyebrows were raised. Although she seemed angry, she was more obviously in agreement with him. , so he immediately added fuel to the fire.


Did I mean that?

Graybara was stunned. Just when she was about to explain, she found that her sister's eyes were already locked on her face, and her long eyelashes were still trembling.



"I... agree... to your... conditions. Let go~~"

A minute later, Graybara, who was hugged by Akemi with her arms, hid her face in her chest, and was rubbed on the head crazily, said weakly.

She felt that she was about to suffocate...

However, Akemi continued to rub her head mercilessly as if she didn't hear anything.

And Kishida, who was standing aside, had already been stunned, and seemed to have a trace of crystal saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth. (ˉ﹃ˉ)

This is really, so, so envious!!!

Damn it, let go of Graybara, let me be the object of punishment instead!

Kishida rubbed his hands and looked at the two sisters playing with envy.

"Let me go, sister. If you don't eat again, the food will be completely cold..."

After another minute, Huiyuan begged pitifully.


After stroking Huiyuan again, Mingmei snorted lightly and chose to let this "naughty" sister go.

She secretly "dealt with" the junior, and she might have pretended not to see it, but now she dared to use me to deal with the junior!

Humph, if I don't teach her a lesson, she will rebel in the future! (`ω′)

Mingmei pouted, put her hands on her hips, looked at Huiyuan and said angrily:

"I will punish you to clean up all the dishes by yourself after dinner!"

This is the condition just agreed.

"..... I know!"

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