"As for whether this was done by the Yakuza from Nishitama City, or whether it is related to the terrorist organization that blew up the Tokyo National Institute of Microbiology, the police are still investigating further..." However, , as soon as Mingmei turned on the TV, a deafening sound came from the TV whose volume had been adjusted very high.

This shocked Kishida and Dr. Agasa at the same time. They quickly turned their heads to look at the sofa, only to see Akemi hurriedly looking for the remote control.

Therefore, the three of them heard such a piece of news at the same time, which surprised the three of them. Dr. Kishida and Dr. Agasa put down their work and hurriedly walked to the TV. Minmei naturally forgot to look for it. The remote control thing.

"Whether it is Yakuza in this city or a terrorist organization, since the other party is so rampant and openly provoking the police..."

I saw another emergency news break on the Japanese TV station. The screen changed and jumped to a strong policeman. And the background behind him was the Tokiwa Group and the twin tower skyscraper that will open tomorrow!

And, not only that, Kishida and Akemi saw that in the background corner of the TV, the glass at the entrance of the Twin Towers skyscraper seemed to be shattered to the ground, and blood spattered to the ground, staining the ground red.

"What, what's going on? Why is there a shootout at the Twin Towers skyscraper?"

Dr. A Li opened his mouth, stunned.

"Could this be related to the death of Representative Omu?"

Akemi frowned and looked at Kishida and guessed.

"Probably not, but it's possible..."

Kishida shook his head thoughtfully and was about to explain.

"Sister, Doctor, Kishida...heh, what are you three doing? Why do you turn on the TV so loudly?"

However, before Kishida could even begin to speak, he was directly interrupted by Haibara who came up again because he was curious about the sudden noise here.

But when Kishida was called, she paused obviously and let out a soft chuckle.

(﹁﹁)~→? ?

In response, Kishida gave her a puzzled look in dissatisfaction.

"Give me a little more time, it's almost time."

Haiyuan, who understood his eyes, murmured softly, then looked at Mingmei and the doctor who looked strange, and looked at the TV thoughtfully. However, the emergency news break at this time had just passed, which made her just Can you continue to ask:

"So, what happened again?"

Minmei explained it to her softly.

As for Kishida, he has already fallen into deep thought. He is not at this moment, and he still has the intention to complain about Haibara's answer. It is exactly the same as the reply Mingmei gave him the last time he wanted to communicate with her.

After all, they are biological sisters. It is normal for them to have similarities.

Therefore, what Kishida was thinking about was whether this shootout was related to the people from the winery and the FBI.

You know, in the original novel, Gin and the others sent people to install bombs the night before the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers skyscraper!

Even if Haibara's accident didn't happen this time, based on the butterfly effect he created, Kishida felt that there was a high probability that the building would still be unscathed if Karaki Hara put it in the computer room where he secretly copied organizational data.

Did they do it?

Kishida felt a little itchy in his heart, thinking about whether to send a text message to ask him and the man he hated.

But after much deliberation, in the face of curiosity and disgust, he chose the latter.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible to ask Shuichi Akai!

Not even if it smells really good, not to mention just out of curiosity!

Kishida gritted his teeth slightly, and just made up his mind, he looked up and saw Akemi, Haibara, and the doctor, looking at him with either worry, concern, or exploration.

"What's wrong?"

Kishida scratched his head.

"Junior, have you forgotten that invitation?"

Mingmei pursed her lips and said helplessly.

"Oh, you mean the invitation letter from Mio Tokiwa!"

Kishida remembered that he had also received an invitation letter to the opening ceremony tomorrow.

It was the envelope that Haihara placed on the dining table, which invited Kishida to bring his girlfriend and friends to attend the opening ceremony tomorrow.

As Dr. Ali just informed, Kogoro Mouri has also received an invitation letter, which also includes the doctor, Conan, and Xiaolan.

"Junior, you said that if something like this happened, do we still have to go and accept the invitation tomorrow?"

Mingmei's eyes flickered, and she thought of something bad, and asked in a muffled voice.

"Haha, it depends on the situation! Moreover, if something like this happens, Mio Tokiwa may not cancel the opening ceremony!"

Kishida chuckled and explained.

"Yeah. Anyway, no matter what, I will stay with you all day tomorrow."

Mingmei nodded, then looked seriously and spoke in a very firm tone.

From the urgency tonight and the delicate situation of the past two days, do you see something is wrong?

Kishida looked at Akemi and understood what she was worried about, and also knew that she wanted to stay by his side and protect herself in her own way.

What else could he say to this...

Of course, he admired Akai Shuichi's fearlessness and lamented that his bravery should be due to his brainlessness. After abandoning the girl in front of him in exchange for it, he smiled happily and his eyes fell on the wrist that Mingmei had been wearing firmly. The plaque was placed on the place, and then he said yes: "Okay!"

Hearing this, Mingmei also chuckled.

In her opinion, danger is not terrible, what is terrible is that her man will only think that she is a burden to him, and then intend to take it all alone.

And it is obvious that Kishida really believes in her, and she can help him even a little.


A slight sound interrupted the gentle gaze between Kishida and Mingmei, and Kishida could only take out his mobile phone helplessly, and then his face became strange.

"What's wrong?"

Graybara asked first under the curiosity of Mingmei and others.

"The knitted hat gentleman suddenly sent me a text message."

Kishida raised his mobile phone, and then under the equally strange eyes of Graybara and Mingmei, and the puzzled expression of Dr. Agasa, he opened the text message.

[Your information is very useful, and I am more and more curious about you. This time, I owe you a favor. ]

A simple sentence made Kishida see that the mood of the guy opposite was probably very good.

Then, he was not very happy.

Then, he thought for a few seconds, and then he moved his fingers. Just as Akemi and Huiyuan came over, he sent the message.


Soon, the other party replied to the message.

Kishida saw it, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

The message read:

[Hehe, the harvest is not bad, but I just broke half of the arm of my "lover and best friend" in your mouth. Looking at his gloomy face, this trip is worth it. ]

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