"Ah~sneeze! Ah~sneeze!"

That bastard, Xiao Biao Sha, scolded me behind my back again!

The prop's ability happened to be turned off, and the "stone" had just fallen when Kishida's nose suddenly felt itchy, and then he sneezed twice uncontrollably, and even Mouri Kogoro in front of him suffered.

Because the sputtering liquid sprayed directly onto Mouri Kogoro's face. Fortunately, Mouri Kogoro reacted quickly and quickly covered his face with his sleeves to avoid being sprayed by the sprayed snot. superior.

"Asshole, you kid doesn't know how to turn away when you sneeze!!" (#σ`?д?#)σ?

Mouri Kogoro had a dark face, a "#" popped out of his forehead, and the "scissors" that fell from his fist pointed at Kishida angrily, looking at his clothes stained with snot, and said angrily.

His attention was so completely absorbed that he didn't notice Kishida's fist clenched in front of his chest.

"Haha, sorry sorry!"

Even with Kishida's usual shamelessness, he couldn't bear the embarrassing scene in front of him, so he could only laugh a few times and apologize repeatedly.

Comparatively, if someone sneezes in his face, that person's life will be difficult for the next ten days.

Of course, the exception is Akemi. To her, Kishida will repay water with water!

Well, water in every sense of the word...

"Hmph! You...huh!?" (??????)

Mouri Kogoro snorted arrogantly. He was about to say something more, but his eyes finally fell on Kishida's fist. With a sound of surprise, the words were swallowed back from his throat, and his whole person gradually fell into petrification.

Mingmei put her little hand back down helplessly after covering her face.

But I don't know if it was because she had covered it for too long, but her delicate face was now a little hot.

Especially when she felt Hitomi Hirokawa's strange, vague gaze...

What does she mean? ridicule! ? Displeased! ? Why are you unhappy?

Mingmei, who was embarrassed, was puzzled. When she was secretly trying to figure out the meaning of Hitomi Hirokawa's eyes, she noticed another line of sight coming towards her.

It was the one who looked very familiar to her and she had a vague suspicion in her heart. However, because his eyes were not opened at all, Mingmei could not see the slightest bit of this man's thoughts.

Of course, this may also be because Mingmei vaguely guessed who this person was, so she didn't bother to guess what he was thinking at the moment!

"Humph, like father, like son! No education at all!"

Suddenly, Ruyue Fengshui, who had a solemn face and a very old-fashioned manner, snorted. He seemed to have recalled some bad memories, and his tone was very unhappy.

One glory and one shame. As Kishida's girlfriend, Akemi feels ashamed that her man will "embarrass" her in public, but naturally she doesn't want others to say anything bad about her boyfriend.

Well, even just a little bit!

"Kishida-kun just sneezed and almost splashed someone. This little thing can be elevated to education. Well, I heard people say that painting itself is based on a certain kind of logic. Well, your perceptual logic Thinking, no wonder he became a famous painter!”

Mingmei lost her embarrassment in an instant, and her face stopped getting hot. She raised her eyebrows slightly, with the same gentle smile on her face as before, and looked at Ruyue Fengshui with a smile and said "compliment".

As Haiyuan's older sister, Mingmei has a sinister streak. Even though she is gentle, after being familiar with her sister's poisonous tongue, she naturally learned the set of sarcastic words of "overt praise and covert derogation".

"You!" Ruyue Feng's water and air condensed.

He has lived for so long, so he can naturally understand the irony hidden in Mingmei's words.

The most obvious thing is to laugh at him because he was offended by Kishida's father, so he also thinks that Kishida is not a good person, and he hates Kishida regardless of right and wrong.

This kind of logical thinking is not just perceptual logic that is easily dominated by one's own emotions.

On a deeper level, generally observing things must be from the outside to the inside, and from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge.

Well, Mingmei also scolded Ruyue Fengshui for being irrational in disguise!

But no, if the junior student’s reasoning is correct and the reason for Mr. Kozuki Hosui’s murder was really just because Mount Fuji was blocked by the Twin Towers skyscrapers, then he is definitely a person who is only emotional and irrational. Murderer!

There's nothing wrong with liking to paint Mount Fuji. Mingmei can understand that his lifelong dream has been destroyed, and Mingmei will be angry and want revenge. However, there are obviously many ways to solve the problem, and he just chose this bloody way to get involved in this matter. Everyone was killed!

Apart from anything else, if you want to paint Mount Fuji and see Mount Fuji, you can move to this building and paint!

In your capacity, and as Miss Tokiwa's teacher, I think she wouldn't mind making room for you as a studio!

No matter what, killing is always wrong and the worst choice.

What's more, not everyone who participated in the construction deserved to die...

Facing Ruyue Fengshui's glare, Mingmei's blue eyes showed no signs of wavering. She faced him expressionlessly for a while, and then she saw her red lips kiss him, and her tone was cold and very contemptuous:

"People like you have no right to criticize him!"

The words were so decisive that Ruyue Fengshui was a little stunned for a moment.

If I had known that he was the only one who would scold people, no one else would dare to talk to him like this, with obvious contempt in his eyes...

And she was a girl who looked quite gentle.

The scene suddenly became cold. Mingmei, who had been keeping an eye on everything, noticed that the guys around her looked at her with even more strange eyes.

Especially Hirokawa Hitomi and the squinty-eyed guy, who seemed to be very surprised that Mingmei would scold people.

Now, Mingmei was more certain about who the squinty-eyed guy was.


"Heh~ Old people who don't die are thieves..."

Just as Kisaragi Minemi reacted from the shock and was about to speak, a cold and tender female voice suddenly came from the side, interrupting him directly.

He looked down and saw that Huiyuan's mouth was slightly raised, looking at him with a smile.


Based on the influence of the Analects in the island country, Kisaragi Minemi, who had the honor of reading the Analects, was speechless for a moment.

He didn't expect that a child would use the Analects to scold him.

"What do you mean? You're not telling the old man to die, are you? Hahaha~"

Seeing this, the burly man looked at Huiyuan with interest and asked with a smile.

But the obscure surprise in his eyes made people feel that he was not interested in Huiyuan's words, but in her.

It was like a hunter who found his prey and instantly developed a little interest in hunting. It was also like a pedestrian who accidentally saw a beautiful wild flower on the road and couldn't help wanting to pick it or step on it to death!

Everyone has a desire to destroy beautiful things, but ordinary people can restrain themselves, while perverts are even worse...

Huiyuan frowned subconsciously and took a step back.

"It means that if you are old and still set a bad example for others but don't die, you are a thief who harms others. This saying comes from the Analects of Confucius. Of course, for a guy like you who is simple-minded and strong-limbed, it doesn't matter whether you have heard of the Analects of Confucius~"

Just when Mingmei was shocked and wanted to take a step forward to block the burly man's angry gaze and look at Huiyuan, Kishida's slightly low and suppressed voice suddenly sounded.

When the few people looked back, they found that while they were talking, Kishida, who had come down at some point, was facing the burly man with an expressionless face...

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