"Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Ruyue Fengshui, please come here."

Sawaguchi Chi Nami walked over with an embarrassed look on her face, lowered her eyebrows, and looked at Kisaragi Fengshui very timidly.

Obviously, this old-fashioned old man often scolded her, and he probably made her so autistic that everyone who came here looked frightened, and did not even notice the cold atmosphere of the scene.


Kisaragi, who was watching the confrontation between Kishida and the sturdy man with great interest, snorted coldly, turned around with a cane and walked towards the single room next to the ceremonial stage.


Seeing this, Sawaguchi Chi Nami breathed a long sigh of relief.

It's rare for Mr. Ruyue Fengshui to be so cooperative...

She felt happy in her heart, lowered her head like a little daughter-in-law from an island nation who was submissive to her husband, then turned around and followed Ruyue Fengshui.

"Eh!? Mr. Kishida Manabu..., Mr. Hiroshi Fujimoto, what are you doing?"

However, just as her head turned around, the dazed Sawaguchi Chinami noticed Kishida and the sturdy man, but the expressions on their faces became even more confused.

Are they looking to fight? Has Junior Kishida offended someone again?

Looking back and forth at Kishida and Fujimoto Hiroshi, Sawaguchi Chi Nami muttered in her heart.

"Hiroshi Fujimoto, right? Do you know him?"

Kishida slapped Fujimoto Hiroshi's fist away, resisted the urge to discharge directly, murmured in a low voice, turned to look at Sawaguchi Chinami and asked.

"Of course, Mr. Hiroshi Fujimoto is the reporter specially invited by the chairman for this opening ceremony!"

Sawaguchi Chi Nami nodded and replied matter-of-factly.

"He?! Reporter? Are you kidding? Which TV station is this from? Isn't there a requirement to recruit people with academic qualifications?"

An exclamation came out, Kishida looked at Fujimoto Hiroshi strangely, then turned his head to confirm.

In fact, not only Kishida, but everyone present looked at him more or less strangely.

From what he said just now, he doesn’t look like a knowledgeable person!

Apart from anything else, any student who has gone to high school in the island country must have studied "The Analects" to some extent, and no matter how bad it is, he should have heard it!

"What's wrong? Doesn't it look like that? Boss, I'm a reporter from Japan TV Station!"

Seeing this, Fujimoto Hiroshi curled his lips, took out his press card from his pocket, waved it in front of several people, and said with a very unhappy expression.

"The press card can also be forged, right?"

At this moment, the ordinary middle-aged man who had not participated in the game finally couldn't help but interrupt.

However, he seemed to be afraid of Fujimoto Hiroshi's physique, and his tone of voice seemed weak.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Hiroshi Fujimoto's eyes widened and he looked at the ordinary middle-aged man fiercely, causing him to subconsciously take a small step back.

"Calm down, calm down. Although I don't know what misunderstanding you have, Mr. Fujimoto Hiroshi must be a reporter from Nichimoto TV. I am sure of this. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Ishimoto Junpei for confirmation. He is a reporter from Nichimoto TV. photographer."

Sawaguchi Chi Nami wiped the non-existent cold sweat on her head, and while explaining, she pointed to a crew-cut man in the banquet hall who was running around taking pictures with a camera in every corner.

"Ishimoto Junpei, I think I've heard of this name before. Oh, by the way, he seemed to be a partner with your father before. Did I remember correctly? Miss Chinami..."

The ordinary middle-aged man suddenly frowned, looked at Sawaguchi Chi Nami and said thoughtfully.

"Yes, Mr. Fujioka"

Sawaguchi Chi Nami nodded, her eyes dimmed, and then she forced a smile and said:

"So, Mr. Ishimoto Junpei..."

"Secretary Sawaguchi!"

Just when Sawaguchi knew what Nami wanted to say, Kisaragi Hosui, who was walking slowly in front, suddenly turned around and urged impatiently.

"Oh, okay, here we come!"

Sawaguchi Chi Nami was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly, gave several people an apologetic look, and trotted over to Ruyue Fengshui in a panic. In the process, he accidentally bumped into two guests, causing a small commotion.


Listening to Sawaguchi Chi Nami's panicked apology coming from the front, Kishida chuckled a few times, then took Akemi's little hand and walked towards Xiaolan.

3, 2, 1!

strangeness! ?

I counted silently for three seconds, thinking that the man named Fujimoto Hiroshi would stop me, but unexpectedly, he didn't follow me at all.

Kishida couldn't help but be curious and looked back at him.

"whispering sound!"

Fujimoto Hiroshi grinned, showing his sharp teeth, looked at Kishida, and then smiled disdainfully.

It only takes a little time to catch the small prey that has fallen into the hunting range of the strong hunter's traps!

He can still afford to wait for this little time!

"Oh, it's troublesome!"

Kishida muttered in a low voice, took his mobile phone to edit a text message, and then sent the photos taken with his glasses to Takagi.

The photos taken by his glasses will be automatically transferred to his mobile phone. This small function couldn't be simpler for Dr. Ali.

"A lot of people are coming from the other side?"

Minmei lowered her voice and asked worriedly.

My junior did not choose to take action directly just now, which means that in addition to the few present just now, there must be accomplices of these people!

After all, excluding Narrow Eyes and the others, if the two of them launch a surprise attack, it shouldn't be difficult to take them down...

"I don't know, but what is certain is that the photographer named Junpei Ishimoto must be one of theirs!"

Kishida shook his head, and then said firmly.

He has a good memory, so when he saw Ishimoto Junpei, he remembered that this guy was among the group of reporters and photographers after he injured Nishitani Kasumi last time. Moreover, Kishida later heard from Takagi that Kasumi Nishitani was a reporter from Nippon TV.

Coupled with the little knowledge he had about red Siamese cats in his previous life, it was easy to deduce that the photographer named Junpei Ishimoto should be the photographer who appeared in the theatrical version of "Sky Shipwreck" .

As for Kasumi Nishitani, she must be the cute-looking reporter who was considered a "pig teammate" at first, but later turned into an enemy.

"That's it..."

Mingmei nodded clearly. She would never doubt Kishida's positive judgment.

"Well, apart from these two people, the middle-aged man named Fujioka just now and the female staff member who came to collect my watch are all suspicious, and 80% of them are also from them. I think this group of staff members on the field now Among them, there may be some of their people..."

Kishida blinked and suddenly felt that many people at the banquet were quite suspicious.

"If so many people come, what do they want to do?"

Mingmei's eyes narrowed, and then she immediately relaxed and returned to her calm look, but she was still very surprised inside.

She originally thought that there were only two or three people from the red Siamese cat who came here for the purpose of carrying out hateful revenge on her junior classmate, but now it seems that they have other purposes?

"What else can I do? I just want to kill a pig~"

Passing the guests on his left shoulder, Kishida smoothed Akemi's hair with one hand and whispered in her ear.

"This..." Mingmei was stunned.

"Anyway, we have done everything we need to do, and for things like risking our lives, we only need to protect the people we care about! As for other people..."

Kishida pursed his lips and said no more in the middle of his words.

He had already called the police and done everything he could easily do, so if a few important guests were still injured or something, it had nothing to do with him.

As for wanting Kishida to sacrifice his life to save these strange islanders who have nothing to do with him...

Hahaha~~ He is not Conan, nor is he the savior, and he has no good impression of this island at all. Without memory, it is even more impossible to have any sense of belonging!

Anyway, if something goes wrong, just let the person in charge of the incident show off his traditional skills, bow, show his craftsmanship, and be forgiven. This is something that the islanders have plenty of experience with.

"Oh, that's right!"

Mingmei blinked and thought thoughtfully for a while, then a look of surprise appeared on her face and she softly agreed.

"You accepted it so easily?"

Looking at Akemi, who was half leaning on his right shoulder even when walking, Kishida asked curiously.

"There is nothing to accept or not. Compared with others, I definitely don't want to see you get hurt for others! Well, although saying this may make you feel that I am selfish. However, I still hope that you will only be our Miyano family The guardian knight, hehe~~”(/▽\)

As soon as she finished speaking, Mingmei smiled sweetly, with a little bit of embarrassment on her face. Then she seemed to think of something again, and then added with a smile:

"Besides, there is another person here, maybe we can drag him down!"

"Well, did you see it?" Kishida was surprised.

"Huh? So junior brother, you recognize it too..." Mingmei was also surprised.

Although the conversation was a little incomprehensible, they had a tacit understanding and knew that each other was talking about the squinty-eyed person, Akai Shuichi.

"Well, of course, my sixth sense is very strong. Oh, by the way, how did you recognize him?"

Kishida clicked his chin and looked askance at Akemi.

"...Here we go again! Looking for a fight!"!!(?''??)?

Without thinking, Mingmei immediately understood Kishida's little thoughts and was ready to fight.

"Haha, just kidding, just kidding!"

This junior fellow is really annoying!

Every little thing can be deliberately put on the line...

Glancing at Kishida who had a slight smile in his eyes, Akemi couldn't help but murmured.

"I said you two..."

Haiyuan half-covered his forehead and had no choice but to remind him again.


"I know~"

Kishida and Akemi both lowered their heads, looked at Haibara and smiled at the same time.

"..." Haiyuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, not intending to continue "meddling in other people's business"!

Having said that, when did this happen, these two guys are getting better and better...

Alas, maybe falling in love really lowers your IQ!

Haiyuan touched his little head and thought to himself.

Just inadvertently, she saw the guests around her. When she saw her sister and brother-in-law, their eyes showed some envy, some memories, some confusion, or some emotion.

Without exception, out of good manners, these guests did not come forward to disturb them. In their eyes, these were just couples who were still in love, just asking for your favor.

So the two of them gritted their teeth and whispered. Even if they couldn't understand it, these people just showed contempt, thinking that they were talking about sweet words, and they didn't think of anything else at all.

It turns out it can still be like this...

Haiyuan thought thoughtfully.

But Kishida and Akemi, who didn't know what she was thinking, just laughed and chatted about business in a low voice, and walked slowly towards Xiaolan.

"Why hasn't the other party taken action yet!"

"Maybe the time hasn't come yet!"

Combining the text message sent by Takagi and the clues from his past life, Kishida guessed.

These guys may be waiting until the "virus" starts to attack and cause panic among the guests before they choose to take action...

After all, with the "virus" as a bargaining chip, controlling these guests and asking them to cooperate obediently will definitely make things smoother!

Moreover, this will definitely make the police use their weapons!

In this way, it will be more convenient for them to implement their actions, evacuation and other plans!

Therefore, it must be important to convince guests that there is really a virus, and that they should be waiting for an "infected person" to appear.

And they dared to show up here without anti-virus equipment, so they leaked the "virus" in the toilet.

This all proves that this "virus" is definitely still the same as the original and is fake!

While sharing their guesses with Mingmei and discussing their next countermeasures with her, the two of them walked up to Xiaolan and others.

"Say, why do I suddenly feel the breath of spring! Tsk tsk!"

As soon as they arrived, Yuanzi started teasing the two of them, not caring at all about her image as a lady on important occasions.

"Oh? It turns out that the two of us make you feel full of spring!"

Kishida pouted, and after replying to Sonoko, he turned his head to Mouri Kogoro.

The background behind Mouri Kogoro is still gray...

"Don't be sad, Uncle Maori. If you continue to be sad, I'm afraid your Tokiwa-senpai will be gone!"

Kishida's eyes flickered, he patted Mouri Kogoro's shoulder with his big hand, and said meaningfully.


Mouri Kogoro's head instantly rose.

"I think that guy should take action!"

Looking into the eyes of the serious Mouri Kogoro, Kishida said calmly.

"I see."

Mouri Kogoro nodded, his tone did not fluctuate much, and then he walked straight to the private room of the reception desk, followed by Conan, the little tail.

Not long after, the lights in the banquet hall suddenly turned on, and the moonlight filled the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The light in the banquet hall was soft and quiet.

Now that the murderer who is committing the crime has been caught, the police who were blocked outside the building have an excuse. The terrorists who are still waiting for the opportunity to take action will choose to stop helplessly or directly attack first.

In this regard, Kishida has already prepared an emergency plan.

No matter what, he was confident that he could protect himself and the two lovely women he was willing to risk his life to protect.

It’s just that he didn’t know that not far from Nishitama City, there were a few crazy guys who had already arrived in front of a crazy-armed helicopter...

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