Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Extra Chapter: Proposal Operation (Part 1)

On June 20, the weather was sunny and the temperature was pleasant.

The sun is very bright this morning, and the warm sunlight shines through the thin curtains.

Kishida lay on the bed with a sore back, glanced at the time, and closed his eyes again. While enjoying the sun bathing, he was thinking wildly in his mind.

The beauty next to him has long since disappeared. Needless to say, she must have gone to work at this time.

It was really hard for her. She was so crazy last night and played games with her so late. She came here this morning and her whole body was sore. Fortunately, she could get up early in the morning to make breakfast and then go to work.

This situation has been going on for several days, and Kishida didn't see even a trace of fatigue on Akemi's face. Instead, it became more and more radiant, and her skin was getting better and better moisturized.

I heard that Xiaolan and Yuanzi were already asking her if she had any tips on skin care, which made her blush.

Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me. Farming is a generalization of cattle and fields.

Thinking of this, a mean smile appeared on Kishida's lips, and he finally turned his thoughts around and thought about today's business arrangements.

For ordinary people, June 20th is just a very ordinary day, but for Kishida it is very important. Of course, this is not only because today is Akemi's birthday.

more importantly.

He has made up his mind to propose to Mingmei tonight!

He was no longer satisfied with always calling Mingmei "senior sister, senior sister", it was time to change the title.

And the title "wife" is very good...

After a difficult carp thrust, Kishida got up from the bed. His thighs were still weak, but there was nothing he could do. There were still many things to prepare for.

He planned a sea of ​​roses scene last Valentine's Day, and this time he will definitely need to prepare a more grandiose scene.

First of all, fireworks definitely need to be prepared.

Regarding this, Kishida had asked Dr. Agasa to make special fireworks a few days ago. Xiao Ai had secretly gone over to "inspect the goods" last night. Dr. Agasa had lived up to his trust and successfully completed the task.

No wonder Kishida suspected that Dr. Agasa was unreliable. With the help of him and Conan, the old man had a more prosperous time than he did. I heard from Xiao Ai that this old man is currently dating Kinoshita Fusae, that super beauty, and the president of a famous fashion brand company is about to get her certificate.

As for the wedding, the two probably don't want to hold it because they think they are too old and are afraid that it would be too embarrassing to hold a wedding.

However, Kishida plans to get married when the time comes, and he has to force Dr. Agasa to join him. With Dr. Agasa, maybe the wedding scene can be bigger.

And with the green leaves of this old man as a foil, we can make ourselves and Mingmei look more handsome and talented, ahem! (●′ω`●)

Well, the premise of all this is that tonight’s proposal battle can be successful!

Kishida hammered his waist and walked towards the bathroom. The faint fragrance wafting from the kitchen made him salivate.

Even though I was very confident in my answer tonight, I knew that even if I did nothing, just holding a toothpick in my mouth carelessly and proposing to that woman in a sultry tone, she would only bite him, and then she would be so moved with tears that she agreed on the spot. .

But if Kishida really did that, he wouldn't be who he is.

After all, for every girl, a proposal of marriage only comes once in her life... well, it doesn't seem to be just once, but Kishida is sure that this is definitely the only time in her life for Akemi, so how romantic is it? Just come and do it.

All the "actors" Kishida have already been invited, and they must be on standby now.

I thought that no one would miss the mark, because after hearing my plan, the group of people were even more excited than me, and they gave me suggestions one by one.

Even the Youth Suicide Squad wanted to take part in it and volunteered to take on a task.

With Conan and Haiyuan watching, there wouldn't be anything wrong.

So Kishida no longer needs to worry about setting off fireworks.

Of course, if something unexpected happens, Kishida will let them understand why the flowers are so red!

But speaking of red flowers, I don’t know if the wound on Conan’s butt is scarred.

Thinking of this, Kishida couldn't help but feel funny and emotional.

I express my gratitude for the accuracy of my [Yang Eye·Blessings and Misfortune] in discerning people's fortunes.

He still remembered Conan's bloody disaster and Xiaolan's good luck when he went to the Twin Towers skyscraper.

Because after that case.

Currently, Conan is still temporarily living in Dr. Ali's house.

the reason is simple.

After Conan was hit in the shoulder by a Chianti bullet that bounced off Kishida's [Guardian Ring], he lost too much blood and needed a blood transfusion, which exposed his blood type. Ai Haihara guided Xiaolan intentionally or unintentionally, causing a chain reaction. Therefore, his true identity has been revealed. Xiaolan saw through it.

Well, see through but don’t tell!

But after Conan's shoulder injury healed, his butt was smashed by Xiaolan out of inexplicable embarrassment, and the fact that Conan temporarily stayed at Dr. Ali's house can prove everything.

Of course, the development of things is still good. At least the two of them no longer have to perform the painful drama of "I stay by your side, but you can't know and suffer" for more than 20 years.

Because now the plot has become "Conan", or "Beautiful High School Girl and Shota Elementary School Student", "The Love and Hate I Have to Talk About with My Senior", or "My Husband is an Elementary School Student", Or a series of stories such as "Miss Xiaolan, please wait for me to grow up"...?(ˊ????ˋ)

Anyway, Kishida and Haibara are having a lot of fun "chasing dramas" now, and they even discuss each other from time to time, so that now Haibara is even less interested in researching antidotes.

After briefly washing up and dressing up carefully, Kishida had breakfast and rushed to the final venue tonight.

This time he needed to take charge himself.

As for the location, it’s actually the same place, a movie theater.

As for whether it is illegal to set off fireworks in the city during non-celebration periods, Kishida said that this trivial matter was not a problem at all, thanks to the upper-class people of the archipelago who saved the Twin Towers skyscraper, and the thanks from the Joban Group afterwards. , he is really considered a high-class person now.

At least there is really no shortage of money! And money can really solve most of the world's problems...

For example.

By spending money to invite the most popular idol singer, Okino Yoko, to come to the cinema to sing a few songs to serve as the background music for this proposal.

Of course, I was able to successfully contact Okino Yoko and pay her to act as a speaker, thanks to the help of Uncle Mouri.

However, Okino Yoko is present this time, and Xiaolan wants to take this opportunity to propose marriage to stir up love and awaken the love between Mouri Kogoro and Fei Eri. This hope is probably going to go to waste again.

Haha, tsundere versus tsundere, it is destined to continue to consume.

"My wife is better than me. She doesn't cause trouble, doesn't act like a monster, is gentle and virtuous, and her cooking skills are top-notch. The most important thing is that she likes me, and she always shows it openly and openly."

On the way, while thinking about things, Kishida curled up the corner of his mouth, but suddenly curled it up again, and muttered worriedly:

"I don't know what's going on at the dessert shop now. I hope nothing happens to those women like Nishitani Saki..."


"Saki, why are you sneaking around? Doesn't the guest want cheesecake?"

On the other side, in the busy dessert shop, Mingmei stared at Saki Nishitani suspiciously.

"Well, haha~ I accidentally made a mistake. Oh, it's a waste of materials again. Sister Qianami, please don't tell the president, or he will deduct my bonus again."

An embarrassed smile appeared on Nishitani Saki's face, and he spoke as he looked around.

"...Something's wrong. Are you hiding something from me?"

Mingmei looked her up and down, and the more she looked at her, the more she felt something was wrong.

After this period of training, Nishitani Saki is no longer the confused boy he was before, and his skills have become much more refined. How could he still do such a stupid thing as turning cheesecake into blueberry cake?

If she really wants to open a branch of the dessert shop next year as her junior wants, how can she trust her to be the store manager?

Wait, blueberry cake!

This can't be it.

Did Xiao Ai secretly order it?

"How can I~" Nishitani Saki raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling.


You almost have the words "You're hiding something from me" written all over your face~

Mingmei curled her lips, grabbed Shaji's face with her long hands, pulled hard, and threatened:

"Humph~ Sha Ji, if you don't tell the truth, I will deduct all your bonus this month~ Don't forget, I am a store..."

"As for the president's wife, I know."

Before Akemi's "store manager" could say anything, Saki Nishitani had already teased.

After speaking, he even stuck out his tongue.

Mingmei: (o?ω?o)

"What nonsense are you talking about~~ What about the president's wife? I'm not counting it now! If you say that again, I'll be angry!"

After being stunned for a moment, Mingmei blushed and pinched Saki's face hard. o(*≧▽≦)ツ~┴┴


Tsk, Sister Qianami, you clearly have happiness written all over your face! Besides, as long as we get through tonight, we can forget it, right?

Nishitani Saki muttered something in his heart, but on the surface he made a begging gesture.

"Okay, let's stop making trouble. Let's get back to business, what is your blueberry cake for? Did Xiao Ai ask you to make it again?"

Mingmei took back her hand and her tone became more serious.

Because now she is being pampered by her brother-in-law, Xiao Ai has gone too far these days, going so far as not to have sex for three days!

I wonder if eating too many desserts is bad for your body?

"Ah? Ah, yes, yes! It was Xiao Ai who asked me to do it. Oh, I still want you to see it, Sister Qianami."╮(﹀_﹀")╭

Nishitani Saki was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and nodded repeatedly, then he looked helpless after being seen through.

"...When you say that, I think it's not the case." Akemi narrowed her eyes slightly, and it was obvious that Nishitani Saki's exaggerated acting skills had the opposite effect.


"I heard that junior intends to open another branch next year. As for the choice of store manager, Sha Ji, I was very optimistic about you~"

Mingmei said with a slight smile on her face, with bad intentions.



"Oh, okay, I'll do it! You are indeed the same. It's not that you don't come into the same family, even the way of 'threatening' me is exactly the same." Sighing, Nishitani Saki gave up the struggle.

"You? Oh, I understand. So this is what my junior asked you to make? Is it a birthday cake for me?"

Her head turned, Mingmei suddenly understood, and asked a little embarrassedly.

She is certainly not a fool, so of course she remembers that today is her birthday. I also believe that Kishida will definitely remember this day and try to surprise himself.

However, now that I think about it, I have seen through this surprise in advance, junior~~ (★>U<★)

"Well, that's right. In fact, this is the birthday cake that the president secretly asked me to make! You two are really trying to embarrass me just for a birthday cake!" Nishitani Saki nodded and said helplessly. .

"Hehe~~I'll return the favor..." (???????)

Akemi smiled sweetly and wanted to say something. Tatsuno Toshiko in the store happened to walk into the kitchen and urged helplessly:

"Sister Qianami, have you prepared the big birthday cake that the guests want to pack? The guests outside are waiting impatiently!"

"Huh? Oh, the cake is almost ready, please wait a moment."

Mingmei came back to her senses and said a little embarrassed.

Yesterday, I received an order and the person asked her to make this cake. She said that her girlfriend had eaten here once and liked her desserts, so she specially asked her to make it.

Haha, it’s a bit funny to say that Mingmei thought at first that the person behind this guest might be her own junior!

As a result, now it seems that she was wrong, and Saki Nishitani’s blueberry cake is the one...

Yes, Xiao Ai also likes the blueberry cake. Moreover, who’s boyfriend would ask his girlfriend to make a cake for him on her birthday? It’s so weird.

Thinking about it, Mingmei turned around and started busy again.

Seeing this, Tatsuno Toshiko snickered secretly, and his eyes met with Nishitani Saki's indistinctly. At the same time, he could see the smug smiles in each other's eyes.


Mingmei's movements suddenly paused. She withdrew her eyes from the corner of her eyes to observe the two of them, turned around again, smiled and said:

"This cake I made is my birthday cake today, right?"


At this time, Nishitani Saki's expression really changed.

That’s it, next year’s branch manager position is up for grabs! ! (′???)σ

"...Sister Qianami, is this how you see it?"

Tatsuno Toshiko didn't think too much about it. If she saw through it, she would see through it. Anyway, she was just a temporary worker. Moreover, as long as the president's true purpose is not exposed, then they can still be saved. Now she is curious about how Mingmei sensed something was wrong.

"Because like asking my girlfriend to make a birthday cake for me, such a weird thing is indeed something that my family can do." Mingmei replied with a smile.

"Ah, is it that simple?" Nishitani Saki was dumbfounded.

"if not?"

"But, wasn't that what the president said in the store yesterday?" Tatsuno Toshiko shook his head.

"Oh? What did my junior say?" Mingmei was curious.

"Because even if it's her birthday, I just want to eat the cake she made." Nishitani Saki curled his lips.

"Hiccup~~President, that's what you said..." Toshiko Tatsuno burped and added.

"That's it..." (*?︶?*). .:*?

Hearing this, Mingmei smiled and narrowed her eyes...

PS: There is one more chapter, and this book is complete...

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