Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 61: Stop the murderer at the crime scene!

"By the way, why didn't Miss Xiaolan come?" After Officer Shiratori left, the ward fell silent for a short time. Seeing that no one was willing to speak, Kishida asked knowingly.

Conan became alert immediately after hearing this. Why did this guy ask Xiaolan for no reason? Did he really want to take advantage of Xiaolan?

"Boy, what do you want to do? Are you trying to take advantage of my daughter? I warn you, Xiaolan is only in high school!" Maori Kogoro also looked at Kishida suspiciously.

? ? ? As for that? I just asked casually! Do I look like a playboy? Besides, what's wrong with high school students falling in love? Is it rare?

"You misunderstood, Uncle Maori! It's just that I saw that Conan was injured and Miss Xiaolan didn't come, so I was a little curious!" Kishida rolled his eyes and explained.

"Is that so? But it doesn't matter! Because tomorrow is May 4th, Shinichi's birthday, so Xiaolan has something more important to do today. She plans to ask Shinichi to go to the Beika Municipal Building to watch a movie~" Conan said with a beaming face and a smug tone. It is probably to declare his sovereignty to Kishida, and then get carried away.

"Yeah, is that so~" Kishida raised his eyebrows and said without comment. The more arrogant you smile now, the more panic you will get later!

But if I remember correctly, today should be May 3rd! So why is the time normal on your birthday! ? It's worthy of being the protagonist!

"Well, I think it's almost time for us to go home, right?" At this time, Mitsuhiko on the side saw that Conan had fully recovered his spirits, and turned to Ayumi and Genta.

"That's right, Conan is much better now!" Genta nodded and agreed.

"Conan, if you have any troubles, I will come right away!" Ayumi held Conan's hand and said gently.

"Tsk, Conan is so nice!"

"We both want to be hospitalized now!" Mitsuhiko and Genta said sourly.

"Tsk, I didn't expect you to be so popular, Conan~ But, are you so precocious as elementary school students now? This is not good! It turns out that there are too few homeworks, which gives you time to do these things!" Kishida sighed.

"But if you don't find a girlfriend as soon as possible, you may be like Kishida brother, who still has no girlfriend!" Although Kishida's words made Ayumi and the other two blush, Mitsuhiko still stiffened his neck and refuted. After hearing this, Genta and Ayumi nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

"..." Kishida was stunned. He didn't expect that Mitsuhiko, a little kid, could say such sharp words.

"Puff, wow hahaha~~" Several adults present laughed out loud, especially Conan, who laughed so happily. Even Huiyuan lowered her head, her shoulders twitching.

"Although what you said makes sense, I don't know how you know that I don't have a girlfriend now, but there is one thing I need to refute. Because I am handsome, I am still very popular with girls, thank you!" Kishida said unhappily after a pause.

Originally, because he knew that a bomb was installed on the train track, Kishida wanted to let these kids wait before leaving. Now think about it, forget it, anyway, nothing will really happen, just let them experience the game of life and death time limit!

"Then we will go back first!" Ayumi and others waved and said as they closed the door.

The ward fell silent again, and several people were patiently waiting for the murderer to call again.

"Dinglingling~Dinglingling~" Not long after waiting, Conan's mobile phone on the bedside table vibrated.

"Wait, Conan, pay attention, if it is the criminal, give the phone to me!" Conan was about to reach out to answer the call, but Maori Kogoro spoke first.

"Moshimoshi, who is this?" Conan nodded, indicating that he understood, and then answered the phone.

"I didn't expect you to find the bomb, you deserve a reward! But now you can step down, call Kudo out!" A low voice converted by a voice changer came from the phone. Conan knew it was the murderer calling, and handed the phone to Maori Kogoro obediently.

"That's right, now is the time for adults!" Maori Kogoro pressed the hands-free button, threw the phone on the bed, put his hands in his pockets, and said coldly.

"Who are you? Where is Kudo Shinichi?"

"Kudo is not here, I am enough to deal with you! Listen, I am the famous detective Maori Kogoro!"

"Oh, that's fine! But I will only say it once, listen carefully, I have installed five bombs on the Toudou Loop Line, and the bombs will explode if the train running on it is less than 60 kilometers per hour after 4 o'clock this afternoon!"

"What!?" Officer Megure and others exclaimed, and hurriedly looked at their watches, which showed: 3:45!

"In addition, if you don't dismantle it before the sun sets, the bomb will also explode! This time I will only give you a hint, I installed the five bombs at XX of X on the Toudou Loop Line, and each X represents a word! Okay, it's all up to you, Detective Maori!" The murderer finished a long string of words and hung up the phone without waiting for a few people to respond.

"I think he just wants to scare people! How can there be bombs on the loop line!" Maori Kogoro deduced after listening to the "beep" sound coming from the phone.

"No, I'm afraid he's serious! In short, I have to contact the headquarters immediately!" Officer Megure said, and made a phone call with a serious expression.

"I see, I understand!" When Officer Megure finished making all the calls, the time had quietly come to 4:03.

"Don't worry, so far, there has been no train detonated!" After hanging up the phone, Officer Megure said to the people in the ward.

"I know, Officer Megure, the XX of X that the criminal just mentioned refers to under the seat or on the grid, and he installed the bomb there!" Maori Kogoro speculated.

"According to what you said, it makes sense under the car body!" Officer Megure continued Maori Kogoro's speculation.

"Uh, yes!" Maori Kogoro nodded frustratedly.

"Then it makes sense between the rails!!" Kishida, who had been silent, suddenly laughed and said.

Things have developed to this point, and it's time to take action!

According to Kishida's speculation, Moriya Teiji stole the gunpowder from the Oriental Gunpowder Depot late last night. So no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to assemble the gunpowder into bombs and place all the places he wants to explode in less than a day with only one person!

So the murderer's announcement to challenge Conan is not only to retaliate against Shinichi and the relationship between him and the building that covered the explosion, but also to attract the attention of the police so that he can make time to secretly arrange the next location!

In this case, if Kishida's idea is correct, then the Beika Municipal Building is a good place to block people! Of course, it doesn't matter if he guessed wrong...

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