Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 63: When I get angry, I can even electrocute myself! (Part 1)

"In that case, Kishida boy, why don't you tell me who the murderer is!?" After recovering from his shock, Maori Kogoro glared at Kishida who had stolen his limelight.

"Before talking about the murderer, I want to ask Officer Megure, have there been many residential arson cases in the past few days?" Kishida did not answer Maori Kogoro, but turned to look at Officer Megure and asked.

"Well, that's right! A total of five residential arson cases have occurred in the past few days! Well, this includes your villa, brother Kishida!" Officer Megure looked at Kishida with strange eyes.

Heh, you don't have to point out my villa! Of course I know that this includes my villa, otherwise why do you think I'm still here! ? Kishida rolled his eyes and complained in his heart.

"Well, it's because the villa was burned, so I have been paying attention to arson cases these two days, and found out..."

"Knock knock knock~" There was a slight knock on the door outside, interrupting Kishida's words, and then the door opened, and Officer Shiratori came back again.

"Officer Megure, I have investigated Mayor Okamoto's son, Okamoto Hirohei, and it is confirmed that he left Tokyo this morning and headed for Izu!" said Officer Shiratori, who was very efficient in investigating.

"So it has nothing to do with him! Brother Kishida, please continue to tell me what you found?" Officer Megure nodded and turned to Kishida again.

"Well, I found that the houses in this arson case have one thing in common!" Kishida cleared his throat.

"Common point!?"

"Yes, after careful investigation, I found that all the houses, including mine, were designed by the same person!" Kishida nodded and said nonsense. Although he did pay attention to the arson case in the past two days, he certainly didn't know that the designer of these houses was Moriya Teiji. Now he just knows the whole story through the original work, otherwise he would have started it long ago!

"From the same person!? By the way, whether it is the Kurokawa family, the Mizushima family, the Yasuda family, or the Akutsu family, they are all designed by the famous architect Professor Moriya." Officer Shiratori's eyes lit up and interjected. As a rich kid, he has a certain relationship with these people. Moreover, he has a strong interest in architecture and admires Teiji Moriya very much.

"Yes, including my villa, which was designed by him!" Kishida nodded.

"In that case, the murderer of the arson case may be someone who has a grudge with Teiji Moriya! But what does this have to do with the explosion this time!?" Officer Megure touched his chin and frowned in thought. Although he couldn't think of any connection between the two things, he was still very happy now, at least there are some clues to the arson case now...

"As far as I know, there is a bridge on the Toudou Loop Line designed by Teiji Moriya, so I suspect that this explosion is just a trick of the murderer. His real purpose is to blow up Teiji Moriya's work! Officer Megure, now we just need to send someone to search between the tracks at the bridge. If there is really a bomb, then these two things must be related! Too many coincidences are not coincidences!" Kishida guided step by step.

"Well, you are talking about the Sumida Canal Bridge! It was indeed designed by Professor Moritani. I remember that Professor Moritani won the Best Newcomer Award from the Japan Architecture Association for the design of this bridge!" Officer Shiratori nodded.

"I didn't expect you to know so much about architecture!" Officer Megure exclaimed.

"I have always had a strong interest in architecture!" Officer Shiratori replied with a faint smile, and his tone was a bit ostentatious. After saying that, he stood there motionless.

"Why don't you take people to search the Sumida Canal Bridge quickly!" Seeing him standing there motionless, Officer Megure shouted.

"Oh, I know, sorry! I'll go over right now!" Perhaps not understanding why Officer Megure's expression changed so quickly, Officer Shiratori quickly agreed and was about to run out again.

"Wait a minute, Officer Shiratori! Try to be quiet when you go to search, I'm afraid you will alarm the murderer!" Kishida ordered Officer Shiratori before he went out.

Officer Shiratori turned his head to Officer Megure after hearing this, and nodded after seeing Officer Megure nod, then turned around, opened the door and left.

"Brother Kishida, what do you mean by alarming the murderer? He is the one who challenged him!?" Officer Megure asked puzzledly at this time. He already had a strong trust in Kishida because of his performance just now! Well, at least this case is like this! There is no way, who told Brother Kishida that this guy has a tendency to violence!

"Officer Megure, how much gunpowder was stolen from the Oriental Gunpowder Depot?" Kishida asked back.

"A lot! Although I don't know how much gunpowder was used in the five bombs on the loop line, I think at least some of the stolen gunpowder is left!" Officer Megure thought for a while and speculated.

"Well, I think so too! So if I didn't make a mistake in my reasoning just now, the other party should take advantage of the police's attention being attracted to set up bombs in the building designed by Moriya Teiji!" Kishida nodded.

"What!? Oh, I understand. That's why you want to cause a commotion so that the murderer can let down his guard and think that we are busy and exhausted. Then you can take the opportunity to lead people to the building designed by Moriya Teiji to catch him!" Officer Megure exclaimed at first, then his eyes lit up and he said quickly.

"That's right, in this way, maybe we can catch him in the act!" Kishida nodded.

"But Kishida brother, do you know what other buildings Professor Moritani designed?" Conan, who had been listening to Kishida's reasoning quietly, suddenly asked.

"Well, if it's Tokyo, then the only one left is the Beika Municipal Building!" Kishida nodded.

"Wait, isn't this the building where Xiaolan is going to buy clothes and watch movies today?" Conan exclaimed.

"What!?" Maori Kogoro reacted after hearing Conan's words. When he thought that his baby daughter might be in danger, he turned anxiously to Officer Megure and said, "Officer Megure, there is no time to lose, let's hurry over!"

"Okay!" Officer Megure nodded seriously, then picked up his phone and called the headquarters. He also knew that with just a few of them, it would be very unlikely to find a suspicious person in the Beika Municipal Building.

"Then Dr. Agasa, I'll trouble you to take care of this kid!" Maori Kogoro pressed Conan, who wanted to follow him, with his hand, and turned to Dr. Agasa and said.

"Okay, I understand! Ai and I will take good care of Conan! You three, go quickly!" Dr. Agasa nodded.

Phew, it's finally done~~ Although the next action may be dangerous, I still hope that Moriya Teiji's morbid obsessive-compulsive disorder will really wait for his "favor" at the Beika Municipal Building as I expected!

Kishida exhaled, looking at the funnel that had completely drained the sand in the system interface, his expression was a little relieved. What is coming will come, instead of waiting anxiously, it is better to choose to face it with a smile. The best way to eliminate fear is to face it!

Well, at least now I still have props to rely on...

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