『Lake of Sorrow Resort? Where is that?'

Rabbit Chuan was calling Matsuda Jinpei, it was obvious that this was another person who didn't know where the Lake of Sorrow was, but after explaining it so many times, Rabbit Chuan didn't bother to explain.

"It's a resort in Nagano Prefecture!" Rabbit Chuan replied, "How?" Officer Matsuda, do you want to go, 5 days and 4 nights free trip! "

'No, no, where did I get such a long vacation!'" Matsuda Jinpei complained that this imp was not deliberately angry with him.

Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "Isn't Officer Matsuda a public official?" According to the regulations, holidays should also be holidays, isn't it?

Matsuda Jinpei sighed and said, "That's what I said, but when did I take a vacation on time!" Which time is either a shift transfer, or a day off, or overtime pay."

Although this overtime pay is quite a lot.

"Officer Matsuda, aren't you no longer in the search section, and the special search side is also so busy?" Rabbit Chuan suddenly thought of something, "Could it be that the Toyo Powder Depot was stolen?"

""Hey, hey, you little devil don't want a crow mouth, we've been really busy lately, especially the search class, it's even busier, fortunately I transferred away, otherwise I couldn't even adjust the rest of the busy."

No, no, no, the Shinigami Golden Week is going to Izu Island for a vacation, and even a search lesson can be a normal holiday.

Rabbit Chuan asked without dying: "Can't you just rest for a day?" "

Huh? Didn't you say 5 days and 4 nights trip?'

Rabbit Chuan said reasonably: "Yes, but you can send me to my destination and come back to work yourself!"

Matsuda complained, "You little devil is using me as a driver!"

"No, no, no, I've always regarded you as a very useful police officer."

"Forget it, is that resort you just said in Nagano Prefecture?"

"yes! What's wrong?

Matsuda Jinpei thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll introduce you to someone, let him accompany you!"


"Don't worry, it's someone you know."

Well...... Rabbit River seemed to know who Matsuda Jinpei was talking about.

On the day of departure, Rabbikawa met the man at Shinkansen Tokyo Station.

The man was dressed in casual clothes, carrying a shoulder bag, neat hair, a clean face without stubble, and the most iconic blue phoenix eyes covered by rimless glasses, looking harmless to humans and animals, looking like a college student on a trip.

This image is almost like the distillery's Scotch whisky, although 99% of the credit goes to the rimless glasses.

"I have taken great care of you on this trip, Officer Zhufu."

"No, it should be me who takes your care."

Zhufu Jingguang walked behind Rabbit Chuan, held the armrest of Rabbit Chuan's wheelchair with both hands, bent over and bowed, and said in Rabbit Chuan's ear: "Thank you for saving your life."

Rabbit Chuan turned his head sideways to face the beautiful phoenix eyes, and said, "May your eyes always be clear and bright, shining with the light of justice." "

Huh? Thank you..." Although

Zhufu Jingguang didn't know why Rabbit Chuan said this, he suddenly felt as if a layer of fog had dispersed in front of him, and the sky became bluer.

"What a nice day today!"

"Yes, the wind is fair." Good weather for killing and setting fires!

Taking the shinkansen from Tokyo to Nagano Prefecture takes around two hours to drive.

"It's really troublesome for you, Mr. Keiguang, let you come here in Tokyo to pick me up."

Because Zhufu Jingguang said that calling Officer Zhufu felt like calling him brother, so it was good to call him by name.

"It's okay, I can meet old friends when I come to Tokyo anyway."

Zhufu Jingguang put Rabbit Chuan on the seat and sat down, and then put Rabbit Chuan's wheelchair in the designated position next to it and fixed it.

Originally, Matsuda Jinpei called Zhufu Keimitsu to pick up Rabbit River and get off the bus at Nagano Station, but when Zhufu Keiguang heard that Rabbit River was alone from Tokyo to get here, he immediately decided to come to Tokyo first and then go to Nagano Prefecture with Rabbit.

Is Matsuda Jinpei so big now? How can you let a child ride alone in the car?

Kenji Hagiwara, who is guarding Rabbit River, said that he has something to say, look here, look here, here is an ah!

Zhufu Jingguang glanced at him, well, there is a ghost.

Kenji Hagiwara cracked, Jing Guang is broken, this friend can't deal with it!

Rabbitagawa and Zhufu Keimitsu disembark from Nagano Station on the shinkansen and take a train within Nagano Prefecture to Nagato Station, the meeting point for the Lake of Sorrows Resort Inspector Tour.

As soon as he walked out of the station, Rabbit River carefully observed the surrounding environment, and the natural atmosphere far away from the people came to his face, and there was no one in sight.

Tuchuan looked at Zhufu Jingguang and asked, "Mr. Jingguang, do you bring a portable phone?" "

A portable phone is a mobile phone that is a little more advanced than Big Brother, which can make and receive emails.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Zhufu Jingguang asked softly.

Then he heard Rabbit Chuan say, "Mr. Keiguang's brother is a police officer from Nagano Prefecture, right?" Do you want to call the police first? "

Oh, call the police... Well? Isn't it safe to report?

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