When Ryuma found the bomb in his iron pass in the sports warehouse, Xiao Ai was shocked.

The bomber actually planted the bomb in Teidan High School, and how did Ryuma know where the bomb was planted.

Moreover, after coming to Teidan High School, Ryuma went straight to this sports warehouse.

How the hell did the dragon horse know that the bomb was inside these barrels in the warehouse?

Xiao Wai couldn't understand.

After restoring the five large iron buckets in the sports warehouse, Ryuma left the school.

Rhoma didn't want to tell the police about the bomb for the time being, because he had to defuse it himself just in case.

If the police had been notified, the bomb disposal would have been a no-brainer.

Therefore, Longma had to find someone who knew how to defuse the bomb, or the electrical circuit, and analyze how to defuse the bomb safely.

And at home, there happens to be such a person.

That's Dr. Asasa.

I don't know if Dr. Asasa understands bombs, but when it comes to circuits, Dr. Asasa is definitely an expert.

So, the dragon horse is now going to drive home.

On the way home, Xiao Ai's doubts not only did not disappear, but because he had been unable to figure out how to determine the location of the bomber who planted the bomb, his curiosity became more and more intense.

So, Xiao Ai asked again.

"Ryuma, how did you deduce that the bomber was going to plant the bomb in another place, which was Edan High School, and that it must have been inside the drums in the sports warehouse?"

Long Ma turned his head to look at Xiao Ai beside him, and found that her expression was unusually serious at the moment.

And Long Ma read from Xiao Ai's eyes that if he didn't solve Xiao Ai's doubt, it was estimated that Xiao Ai would ignore him again in the future.

But it is impossible for the dragon horse to really tell Xiao Ai about the system.

[It seems...... The time has come to test the ability to make up stories......] Ryuma thought to himself.

"If I say I'm guessing, do you believe it?" asked Ryuma, looking at the road ahead.

But Xiao Wai just looked at the dragon horse so quietly.

The expression seemed to say: You make it up, keep making it up!

Long Ma glanced at the obvious disbelief on Xiao Wai's face, and suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart.

It is impossible to tell the truth, and you can't say nothing, so you can only continue to make it up.

"Actually, I really guessed. Two days ago, when I was at school, Yuan Zi complained to me that there were a few more big iron buckets in the school's sports warehouse, which caused her to waste a lot of energy when she held the tennis net. "

"Although I didn't feel anything a few days ago, I now know that the gangsters planted a bomb in a certain school, and I immediately remember what the garden said before. Ryuma said.

"Moreover, Yuanzi, Xiaolan, and so many classmates in the class will be at school tomorrow, so I naturally have to confirm whether the bomb was really installed in Didan High School. "

"If the bombs were really at Didan High School, then we would have managed to find two bombs. "

"If there are no bombs at Didan High School, then I can confirm that Yuan Zi and Xiaolan are not in danger!

Xiao Ai seemed to be a little skeptical of Long Ma's words, but she believed it a little.

Because of the reason that the dragon horse said, there is nothing to find fault with.

"But since you've found the bombs that the bombers have planted in two places, why haven't you informed Officer Twilight?, are you really going to defuse the bombs yourself?" asked the little mournful.

"That's right!" the dragon horse nodded.

"Since the bomber wants to take revenge on the police, he will definitely pay attention to whether anyone from the police appears near the bomb!"

"And once the police are found near the bomb, I think the bomber will take the initiative to create obstacles for the police to prevent the police from defusing the bomb. "

"So, instead of notifying the police, I'd better defuse the bomb and then tell the police to catch the gangsters!" said Ryuma.

"But you don't know how to defuse a bomb!" said Xiao Ai.

"I really don't know. But I think Uncle Asa will know!" Ryoma said with a smile.

On the way back, Ryuma encountered several police cars that were speeding by.

Because of the bomber's relationship, all the police forces in Tokyo took action.

Seven years ago, the police failed to catch the bomb robbers at the time.

Three years ago, the fleeing bomb robbers retaliated against the police by planting bombs on the Ferris wheel and the Rice Flower Central Hospital.

The police bomb disposal personnel chose to sacrifice themselves in order to get information about another bomb.

Now, the bomber of the year has once again provoked the police, and the police will never allow such gangsters to go unpunished.

Therefore, the police will use all their strength against the bomber.

Officer Takagi was driving on a road where there were not many vehicles.

Although there is not much information about the bombers, it is still necessary to search and investigate, and once a suspicious person is found on the road, he will immediately come forward to inquire about the investigation.

In particular, the gangster's code clearly states two times, that is, 12 o'clock at noon and 3 o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow.

This means that there will be bombs exploding at these two times.

So until then, all the police can't afford to let up.

After all, it was only a dozen hours before the bomber said it was.

Officer Takagi was not alone in his police car.

Conan, who disappeared from the restaurant before, was also in Officer Takagi's car at this time.

I saw Conan holding a small notebook in one hand, and a pen in the other hand to write something on the small notebook from time to time.

"I see!!" Conan suddenly shouted.

Officer Takagi, who was driving, was startled by Conan's sudden shout, and the car that was driving normally suddenly drove crookedly for a long distance.

Fortunately, it's not early, and there are not many cars on the road.

If it were rush hour, Officer Takagi would have crashed into other vehicles.

"Conan!!What are you shouting all of a sudden!!!" Officer Takagi reproached.

"I know where the gangsters planted the bomb!!" Conan explained.

"What? where ?!!," Officer Takagi quickly asked.

"At Minami Kakudo Station!!"

"Why is it at Minami Kamudo Station?" asked Takagi, though puzzled.

"Because ......"

Conan's explanation is similar to Xiao Ai's reasoning before, and anyway, he affirms that the gangsters planted the bomb on the tram leading to Chuo Ward at Minami Kakudo Station.

Officer Takagi also felt that Conan's reasoning was very reasonable, so he immediately reported the situation to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After receiving this news, Officer Takagi immediately arranged for someone to go to Minami Kakudo Station!

PS: Ask for flowers...... Ask for a subscription...... Ask for a 10-point evaluation......

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