More than twenty minutes later, Ryoma, Miwako Sato, and others were rescued from the elevator.

After the five people trapped in the elevator were rescued, news media immediately came up to surround the five people.

"According to the news, a bomb was planted on the top of the elevator, is this true?"

"It was revealed that it was not the explosives disposal team that defused the bomb on the top of the elevator, so who of you defused it?"

"Officer Sato, did you defuse the bomb?"

"Officer Sato, as the police officer in charge of forcible crimes, how did you feel when you defused the bomb?"

A bunch of reporters surrounded the crowd, and all kinds of questions kept being raised.

However, it may be because he knows that Miwako Sato is a relationship with the criminal police, so the main questions are basically aimed at Miwako Sato.

Miwako Sato was about to answer, but Ryoma stepped forward first.

"A bomb was planted on the top of the elevator, but it wasn't Officer Sato who defused it, it was me. "

Many people don't know the identity of the dragon horse, but some reporters do.

"You're the youngest lawyer in Japan, Mr. Ryuma Akasa, right?"

"How did you, as a lawyer, think of defusing a bomb, aren't you afraid of detonating it if you miss?" asked a reporter as he put the microphone in front of Ryuma.

"Huh...... A lawyer who doesn't want to defuse a bomb is not a good racer. Ryuma said with a smile.

"Uh......" The reporter was dumbfounded by Long Ma's words.

What is this, Ryoma's answer has nothing to do with what he asked, okay?

"Okay guys, we, the police, have to go back and take notes, so I won't continue to answer your questions now!" Miwako Sato said to the reporters who surrounded several people.

After finishing speaking, he pulled the dragon horse and squeezed out of the reporter's encirclement.

When Ryuma was pulled out of the crowd by Miwako Sato, he suddenly felt a malicious gaze in the crowd focused on him.

But when he looked back, he didn't find the owner of that gaze.

Miwako Sato pulled Ryuma into her red Mazda and immediately started the car and left.

"Ryuma, where should we go now?" asked Officer Sato as soon as he started the car.

Now that the bomb on Tokyo Tower has been defused, I think the bomber must have left here. "

Next, he should observe the situation at Didan High School near Didan High School. "

"If the police hadn't found another bomb at Didan High School, the gangster would have let the bomb explode at 3 p.m. "

"And if he had found out that the police already knew that another bomb was in Didan High School, I think he would have detonated it when the police arrived. "

"But I actually defused the bomb, so I don't have to worry about it exploding. "

"So our task now is to find the bomber and arrest him. Ryuma said.

"But with just the two of us, even if we get to Teidan High School, we won't be able to find the bomber!" Miwako Sato said.

"There are so many places around Didan High School that you can see Didan High School, and the two of us can't find him in four hours with just the two of us!"

"When I defused the bomb, I didn't destroy the mobile phone that was installed on the bomb and had both remote detonation and listening functions. "

"So, we can map the signal from that phone and find where the bomber is right now. Ryoma explained.

"I see!" Miwako Sato only now understood Ryuma's intentions.

"However, if we want to track the location of the signal receiver, we will have to go to the General Administration and go to the Equipment Division to apply for a signal tracker!"

At this time, the car happened to pass through an intersection.

So Officer Sato suddenly slammed the steering wheel, shifted gears, clicked the brakes, and stepped on the accelerator.

After a while, the car directly came to a flick and drifted, and then drove in the direction of the Metropolitan Police Department.

And Officer Twilight, who had just arrived at Tokyo Tower, was looking for Miwako Sato everywhere.

After hearing from other police officers at the scene that Miwako Sato had returned to the Metropolitan Police Department with Ryoma, he arranged for the on-site police officers to deal with the scene and then returned to the Metropolitan Police Department.

It's just that what he doesn't know is that what Miwako Sato and Ryoma are really going to is not the Metropolitan Police Department, but to arrest the gangsters.

When Miwako Sato arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department in a car, she left Ryoma in the car and ran into the Metropolitan Police Department by herself.

Miwako Sato ran into the Metropolitan Police Department less than five minutes before she ran out of the Metropolitan Police Department with a suitcase.

He threw the suitcase directly to the dragon horse sitting in the passenger seat, then ran into the cab to start the car and quickly left the place.

"Officer Sato, I didn't expect you to be able to apply for the signal tracker so quickly!" said Ryoma in surprise.

"Is it fast? That's how fast I usually apply for equipment. Officer Sato said casually.

Hearing Miwako Sato say this, Ryuma remembered that Miwako Sato was the most popular beautiful police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Naturally, colleagues from other departments will definitely take care of her as much as they can.

Sure enough, good looks are popular everywhere.

PS: Ask for flowers...... Ask for a subscription...... Ask for a 10-point evaluation......

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