A few minutes later, in the luxurious suite on the top floor of Hangri International Hotel, I remembered soothing and melodious music.

The garden was walled against the walls by dragons and horses.

The dragon horse looked at the garden close at hand affectionately, but the garden did not dare to look directly at the dragon horse's gaze.

"We ...... Isn't it a little too fast......" whispered to the garden leaning against the wall.

"Yes!" Hearing the garden's words, the dragon horse raised his eyebrows and chuckled.


"Poof, okay, I'm not kidding you, come and see if I like it for you!"

Looking at the garden, who was too shy to say anything, Ryuma laughed, gently took the garden's hand, and walked to the living room in the suite.

"What's here?" said the garden, looking at the luxuriously decorated living room.

The dragon horse didn't speak, just snapped and turned off the light in the living room.

At the moment when the customer went dark, the garden closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he found that the living room, which should have been dark, had become a sea of stars, and the twinkling stars made people confused.

"Isn't it pretty!" asked Ryoma.

"Hmm!" the garden nodded.

"You can see the sunrise in the morning, but now there are no stars outside, so I can only make up for it here!" Carrying her from behind the garden, the dragon horse said softly.

"I love it, thank you Ryoma!" Not only thanks to this starry sky, but also thanks to Ryoma's intentions.

"Garden, you never have to say thank you to me, I want to do it for you!"

Listening to the dragon horse's words, the garden nodded.


"Dragonpony, are we going to be here to see the stars for the night?"

Before I knew it, I had been looking at the stars for an hour, and the garden looked back at the time and asked.

"Ah, I almost forgot that we were going to see the sunrise, are you ready to sleep in the mountains?" asked the gentle dragon horse when he came back to his senses.

"Of course, as long as you're with the dragon horse!" Sonoko nodded.

"Let's go!" said the dragon, holding the garden's hand, and smiled.

on the road

"Where are we going to watch the sunrise?" asked Yuanzi, sitting in the co-pilot.

So far, the dragon horses haven't said where they're going to see the sunrise.

"We went to Tidehead to watch the sunrise. Ryuma said.

"Hey, if we go there, we might as well go and eat tuna after the sunrise, it's abundant there."

There are also hot springs, Kishirahama Hot Springs and Minami Kikatsuura Hot Springs are quite famous hot spring resorts, and after watching the sunrise, we can also go to the hot spring to relax, what do you think, Ryuma!"

As soon as I heard that the place I was going to was Tide Point, I was familiar with the garden over there, and I talked about it, changing my previous shyness.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Ryuma smiled and nodded.

As soon as I saw the dragon horse smiling, I was shy again.

After driving for two hours, the two finally arrived at the headland.

"Wow, you've got a tent on the horse!" said excitedly, who was taken to the garden by the tent.

"Yes, you can't really let the eldest lady of the Suzuki family sleep in the wild!" Ryuma smiled and pinched Joan's nose in the garden.

If you don't get everything ready when you come out to play, what do you use to chase people, don't let girls feel at ease, which girl will pay attention to you!

"Shall we sleep in a tent then?" asked the garden in a whisper.

"Hmm, do you want me to sleep outside?" said Ryuma with a look of surprise on his face as he heard the garden's words.

"No, it's not!"

After listening to the words of the dragon horse, the garden had an expression on his face, I don't have you, don't think about it, I want to explain but I don't know how to speak, and for a while, my facial features that were very embarrassed wrinkled together.

"It's like a bun, okay, I know, sunrise in a few hours, we'll have to get up when we lie down, I'm not going to do anything." "

The dragon horse patted the garden on the head and dragged her into the tent.

Because they were about to see the sunrise, the tents were not closed, but were left open, so that they could see as soon as the sun rose.

By the way, the dragon horse will also bring the camera set up and turn it on.

It's rare to see a sunrise, of course, it has to be recorded, and he and the garden can watch it again and again in the future!

Leaning on the side of the dragon horse and looking at the black sky in the distance, a trace of warmth rose in the garden's heart, and at this moment, she felt extremely satisfied and happy.

In this happiness, the garden gently closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the sleeping garden, the dragon horse chuckled, kissed the garden's hair gently, and closed his eyes to rest.

"The garden is up, and the sun is rising!"

When the sound of the dragon horse sounded in his ears again, the garden opened his eyes.

She felt like she had just fallen asleep when she was woken up and sleepy.

However, after seeing the slowly rising sunrise in the distant sky, the sleepiness has long been forgotten by the garden, and only looks at the rising sunrise.

Looking at the expression of the garden, you can know that you can take the garden to see the sunrise value.

As soon as the sun rose, Ryoma went with the garden to eat tuna, and went to the hot springs, playing all the things the garden wanted to play, and also bought what she wanted to buy but didn't have time to buy.

Because someone accompanied him to eat and play, the smile on the garden's face did not fall all day.

After returning to the hotel again, Sonoko didn't feel nervous at all.

"Na Dragon Horse!"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Shall we sleep under the quilt tonight?"

"Of course... Nope!"

"Then, turn off the lights!"


Pull the lamp, river crab~

PS: Ask for flowers...... Ask for a subscription...... Ask for a 10-point evaluation......

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