After hanging up the phone, Conan did not notice the gangsters who were watching nearby.

However, Conan hasn't been looking for gangsters here in Greenland Park right now.

The gangsters said that at half past two, in the square in front of Rice Flower Station, there was another bomb about to explode.

And now, it's a quarter past two o'clock.

That is, he only had fifteen minutes to use to find that bomb.

So, Conan directly picked up the solar skateboard that was thrown aside and rushed out. Even when the Junior Detective Team called him from behind, he didn't pay any attention to it.

After galloping all the way, I finally came to the square in front of Mihua Station after five minutes.

However, Conan visited every tree in the square in front of the rice flower station, but found nothing that looked like a bomb.

Then, Conan ran to the second floor of a KFC on the edge of the square, trying to stand on a high place to find the gangsters and put a bomb in the square in front of the rice flower station.

However, even from a high place, Conan still didn't notice anything suspicious.

Suddenly, Conan saw an old woman take out a pet crate from under a bench, open the crate, and take out a white kitten from the crate.

Conan suddenly remembered the hint of the gangster before.

underneath the tree, and it will be taken away.

The bottom of the tree is the root, which is pronounced neko.

And the pronunciation of the cat is also neko.

And under the square bench there is a pet kennel with a kitten in it.

As long as you put the words 'Please take it in' on the kennel, you will definitely be taken away if you are found.

Thinking of this, Conan immediately picked up the solar skateboard next to him and ran downstairs.

When Conan ran out of KFC, he happened to see the old woman holding the kitten in one hand and the pet box in the other, ready to take a taxi to leave.

So Conan hurried over.

"Grandma, wait a minute!"

I must have heard Conan's voice, and the old woman really looked at him.

Taking advantage of this gap, Conan took advantage of the pet box in the old woman's hand.

"Lend me this to me!"

Conan opens the lid of the kennel and finds a countdown bomb installed in the kennel.

Then Conan didn't think about it, just hugged the pet box and jumped out on the skateboard.

The square in front of Mihua Station is crowded with people, and the bomb must not be allowed to explode here.

The closest vacant lot to the square in front of Yonhua Station is the vacant lot next to the Tsutsu River, which is separated by two blocks.

There were only three minutes left, but there was almost enough time.

Galloping all the way, when Conan came to the road on the bank of the Tsumatsu River, he rushed down from the road with a bomb.

However, at this time, there were only five seconds left in the countdown to the bomb.

When there were three seconds left, Conan threw the pet box in his arms towards the river.

However, the pet crate had just reached the sky above the river, and before it had yet to fall into the river, it exploded instantly.

The powerful blast blast blast blew out Conando, who had fallen to the ground.

After rolling seven or eight meters on the grass, Conan hit his head directly into the tree and passed out.


Rice Flower Municipal Building.

Long Ma, Yuanzi, and Xiaolan are still shopping in the mall.

The cashmere dolls they had won from the arcade had been put in the car, and now they were strolling around the clothing area.

"Xiaolan, what do you think of this dress?"

"Yes, go and try it!"

"Xiaolan, let's go together! You can also try this dress, so it doesn't look good!"


Sonoko and Xiaolan ran into the fitting room together, while Ryuma stood alone in the store waiting for them.

Suddenly a news item appeared on the TV in this store.

"Thirty minutes ago, there was a bomb explosion in a clearing next to the Tiwujin River. "

"Witnesses found an unconscious little boy at the scene of the explosion and has been taken by the police to the police hospital for careful care. "

The cause of the explosion is unknown, but according to the police investigation at the scene, it was found that the explosion occurred a plastic bomb made of nitrite ammonium. "

"The police suspect that the gangsters involved in the explosion are the same people who stole explosives from the Toyo powder magazine a few days ago. "

"At present, the police are actively investigating......"

When he heard the news on TV, the first thing that came to mind was Conan.

Because there are often little boys at the scene of various crimes, Ryoma really can't think of anyone else besides Conan.

However, even if that little boy is really Conan, it has nothing to do with Dragon Horse.

Now that he's dating, he doesn't have time to care about Conan's business.

And today is also the day of Xiaolan and Shinichi's date.

Conan didn't want to find a way to solve the dating matter, but ran to get involved in some bomb case, and it was deserved to be blown unconscious.

Since the case is more important to him than Xiaolan, then Xiaolan will leave it to him to take care of it today.

Dating two girls dressed as a couple at the same time is not something that happens very often.

Two or three minutes later, Yuan Zi and Xiaolan, who had changed into another set of identical clothes, walked out of the changing room.

The appearance of the two of them is simply amazing, and the dragon horse.

If two people wear a wig and put on a little makeup, maybe others will think that the two of them are twins.

Although it's fake, it's also pretty cool to date a pair of sisters and flowers at the same time.

Metropolitan Police Department: Midoridai Police Hospital.

Conan was lying in the hospital room.

Kogoro Maori and several imps from the Junior Detective Team accompany him in the ward.

Officer Twilight and the others stood outside the ward.

"Officer Twilight, the bombs on the remote-controlled plane that exploded before, as well as the bombs in the pet kennel, are all plastic bombs made of nitrite, ammonium. "

In other words, these bombs are likely to be the same gangsters who stole Toyo's powder magazine. "

"It's just that we don't have any clues about the gangsters at the moment...... Officer Shiratori said.

"Didn't Ayumi see the gangster, didn't the artist draw the gangster?" asked Officer Twilight.

"It's useless, it's obviously disguised, the beard, the hat, and the eyes completely hide the true appearance of the gangster. Officer Shiratori said.

"So, now it's just a matter of waiting for Conan to wake up and ask him for clues about the gangsters?"

"That's exactly what happened......"

"Conan, he's awake!!" suddenly Ayumi shouted from inside the ward.

PS: Ask for flowers...... Ask for a subscription...... Ask for a 10-point evaluation......

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