In front of the residence of Emperor Moriya, after hearing the voice coming from Officer Twilight's phone, Mori Kogoro and Conan were shocked.

Xiaolan said today that she was going to watch a movie with Kudo Shinichi at Rice Flower Cinema City.

And the Rice Flower Movie City is in the Rice Flower Municipal Building.

Now, there is an explosion in the Rice Flower Municipal Building, so doesn't it mean that Xiaolan is likely to be involved in the bomb explosion.

"Officer Twilight! What floor is the explosion at the Rice Flower Municipal Building?!" Mori Kogoro asked quickly.

Mori Kogoro only played, and the explosion occurred on the sixth floor and above.

In this way, Xiaolan, who is in the cinema city on the fifth floor, has a chance to escape.

"Takagi, what floor is the explosion?" Officer Twilight hurriedly asked.

"According to eyewitnesses, it was an explosion on the fifth floor of the Rice Flower Municipal Building!" said Officer Takagi on the phone.

"What !!"

Kogoro and Conan both of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Why is it so coincidental!

Xiaolan happened to be in the movie city on the fifth floor, and the explosion happened to be the movie city on the fifth floor.

"Brother Maori, what's wrong with you!" Officer Twilight quickly asked.

Even if there was an explosion at the Rice Flower Municipal Building, Mori Kogoro would not have had such a big reaction.

"Xiaolan, Xiaolan is in the Rice Flower Cinema City!" said Maori Kogoro excitedly.

"What?!" Officer Twilight was surprised.

"Officer Twilight! We seem to have overlooked something! From the beginning, the gangster called Kudo Shinichi and seemed to want to have a fight with Kudo Shinichi!" Officer Shiratori said.

"It's just that later, because of a certain relationship, Kudo Shinichi didn't appear, and the object of the competition was changed from Kudo Shinichi to Mr. Maori!"

"Judging from the location where the bomb was installed and the building that was burned down in the previous arson case, it seems that the purpose of the gangsters was indeed to destroy the building designed by Professor Moriya!"

"However, now it seems that the gangsters have something to do with Kudo Shinichi!

"Since we can't find Professor Moriya now, can we contact Kudo Shinichi and ask him if he has any enemies!"

Conan's eyes almost erupted with rage, and he also sensed that the gangsters seemed to be targeting him this time.

However, he still doesn't know who the identity of the gangster is.

There are many prisoners who have been arrested for solving cases, and how do he know which prisoner or which prisoner's relatives and friends have hatred for him.

Jingle bell ~~~ Jingle bell ~~~

The phone in Conan's pocket rang suddenly.

Conan took out his phone and found Shinichi Kudo's phone.

So I immediately got on the phone.

"Hey, who are you?!"

"Huh...... I think you should know by now that there was an explosion at the Rice Flower Municipal Building!"

Hearing the voice of the gangster, disguised by a voice changer, Conan immediately pressed the speakerphone.

"I don't care where Shinichi Kudo is hiding. But you'd better tell him and tell him to hurry to the Rice Flower Municipal Building!"

"Now, I've just blown up all the exits and emergency exits from Rice Flower Cinema. "

"The real excitement is yet to come! If Shinichi Kudo doesn't find a way quickly, your girlfriend will be blown to pieces!"

"Tell Kudo Shinichi that I set a three-minute time for him, so tell him to taste it!"

After saying that, the gangster hung up the phone.

"Officer Twilight, take me to the Rice Flower Municipal Building!" shouted Mori Kogoro.

"Brother Maori, don't worry! The explosives disposal team should be gone by now! Xiaolan, she's going to be fine!"

Officer Twilight opened the car door as he spoke, and the group quickly got into the car.

In the car, Conan had been frowning tightly.

He couldn't figure it out, how did the gangsters know that Xiaolan was very important to him?

Also, how did the gangsters know that Xiaolan would go to Rice Flower Cinema City today?

You know, today is not a special holiday.

The reason why Xiaolan asked him to go to Rice Flower Cinema to watch a movie was just because tomorrow was his birthday, and Xiaolan wanted to deliver the gift to him as soon as possible.

This matter, out of the garden, Ryoma and Maori Kogoro A few people knew, Xiaolan didn't tell anyone else.

Suddenly, Conan thought of someone.

That's Teiji Moriya!

Yesterday, when I was invited to attend an afternoon tea party at Teiji Moriya's house, Xiaolan and Conan visited Teiji Moriya's collection room.

The collection room is filled with all the buildings that Teiji Moriya designed during his lifetime.

The Rice Flower Municipal Building is one of them.

And when Xiaolan saw the Rice Flower Municipal Building, she once told Teiji Moriya that she was going to watch a movie with Kudo Shinichi at Rice Flower Cinema City on Saturday night.

In other words, Teiji Moriya knew that this Xiaolan would appear in the Rice Flower Municipal Building today.

Yesterday Teiji Moriya once said that he had a lot of dissatisfaction with the buildings he designed before the age of thirty.

And the buildings that were burned down in the serial arson cases some time ago, the Sumida Canal Bridge, which was almost destroyed by a bomb today, and the Rice Flower Municipal Building, which just exploded.

All of these buildings were designed by Emperor Moriya before he was thirty years old.

A coincidence may be said to be a coincidence, but when countless coincidences come together, it is definitely not a coincidence.

Teiji Moriya is the one who stole explosives from the Toyo powder magazine and caused the bombing attack today!

After the thought popped into Conan's mind, it never lingered.

"Officer Twilight, I know who the bomber is this time!"

PS: Ask for flowers...... Ask for a subscription...... Ask for a 10-point evaluation......

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