PS: Thank you for reading the book for a while!

Kudo Yukiko returned to Japan this time, mainly because she was commissioned by herself, hoping to help investigate a matter.

Then, it happened to be a rare trip back, so naturally I wanted to come back to see my baby son Shinichi.

It's just that Yukiko Kudo now knows about Kudo Shinichi's smaller.

Because Dr. Asasa has already told everything to Yukiko Kudo.

After all, Shinichi has become Conan, and Yukiko Kudo naturally can't see Kudo Shinichi anymore.

And in order not to make Kudo Yukiko think that her son is missing, Dr. Asasa will tell her everything.

After all, Yukiko Kudo, who is the mother of Kudo Shinichi, has the right to know all this.

Dr. Asa originally thought that Yukiko Kudo would have a hard time accepting the news.

As a result, Kudo Yukiko learned that the seventeen-year-old Shinichi had actually become Conan, a seven-year-old child.

Not only did she not feel sad, but her eyes suddenly lit up.

It's like a child discovering a fun toy.

Ryuma invites Kudo to have dinner at her home, and Ariki readily accepts.

She also wanted to know more about her son's current situation.

So before dinner, Dr. Asa told Yukiko Kudo a lot of things about Conan.

At the same time, he also showed Conan's current photo to Yukiko Kudo.


At the Maori Detective Agency, when Conan returned, only Maori Kogoro was sleeping alone on his desk. There were several empty beer cans beside him.

After waiting for a long time and not seeing Xiaolan come back, Conan put the book in his hand over his face, and then lay down on the sofa to rest.

When Xiaolan came back from school, she smelled the smell of alcohol in the room.

"Really, I'm already drunk before I even eat!" Xiaolan said helplessly.

"Hmm, why is Conan sleeping here......" Xiaolan walked towards Conan, who was sleeping on the sofa.

Xiaolan squatted down next to the sofa, and then took the book that covered Conan's face, but accidentally dropped Conan's glasses.

"Really...... I always wear glasses when I sleep......" Xiaolan picked up the glasses that had fallen on the ground.

Suddenly, Xiaolan, who picked up Conan's glasses, suddenly found that Conan's face without glasses was unusually familiar. It's like seeing it a lot before.

However, just as Xiaolan was looking intently at Conan's face, who was not wearing glasses, Conan suddenly woke up.

"Ah~~ You're back...... Sister Lan......" Conan said with a yawn.

Then Conan, who was a little sober, suddenly found that the glasses on his face were actually held in Xiaolan's hand.

"Hurry up and give me back my glasses!" Conan said nervously.

"Conan, you seem to wear glasses at all times, and you rarely take them off even when you sleep!

"The ......"

Just as Conan was about to explain, there was a knock on the door of the office.

Then a middle-aged woman stood at the door of the Mori Jantan office.

"Sorry excuse me, but is this your Maori detective agency?"

Looking at the person standing at the door, Conan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

There shouldn't be any need to answer Xiaolan's question just now.

This is indeed the case.

The middle-aged woman who suddenly appeared at the door of the Maori Detective Agency was a client who needed to entrust Maori Kogoro to investigate the case.

Although it's a little late now, since it's the client, naturally you can't turn the other party away.

The client's name is Jiujiu Qihui, and she is the wife of the famous magician Jiujiu Yuanyasu.

The task she has to entrust is to help find the murderer of her husband.

Referring to the famous magician Ninety-Nine Yuankang, Xiaolan suddenly remembered the other party.

She had seen his magic show when she was a child, and it seems that they had taken pictures together.

Excited Xiaolan ran directly to the cabinet to look for the previous photo album.

In the end, Xiaolan did find a photo of her and Ninety-nine Yuankang.

It's just that there is another person in that photo, that is, Shinichi Kudo, who used to watch magic shows with her.

Of course, none of this is the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Xiaolan suddenly discovers that the faces of Kudo Shinichi when he was a child and Conan who took off his glasses are exactly the same.

Then, it occurred to me that the time when Conan appeared was exactly the time when Shinichi disappeared.

So Xiaolan's heart suddenly had a guess that she couldn't believe.

Could it be that Conan is actually Shinichi! It's just that his body has become smaller for some reason.

Suddenly, Xiaolan's eyes changed when she looked at Conan.

It's just that Xiaolan has no evidence to prove that Conan is Shinichi.

And it just so happens that Megumi Ninety-Nine hopes that Kogoro Mori can go to her house now to investigate the death of her husband.

Therefore, Xiaolan decided to secretly observe Conan in the dark.

If she finds out that Conan is really Shinichi, she won't forgive him.

Not long after Xiaolan and the others left the office with Ninety-Nine Seven Megue, Ryuma drove the car to the downstairs of the Maori Detective Agency with Yukiko Kudo.

"Sister Kiko, it seems that we are very unfortunate to be here, it seems that Uncle Maori and they are not at home right now!" said Ryuma, looking at the dark windows on the second and third floors.

"Really, I finally came back, Shinichi is not here!Sister, I still want to see Shinichi get smaller!"

"Since they're not at home, let's go back first. I'll call later, and if they come back, I'll send you Sister Yukiko over. Ryuma said.

"Then sister, thank you for your brother~~"

PS: Ask for flowers...... Ask for a subscription...... Ask for a 10-point evaluation......

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