The old man was lying on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

Conan opened his eyes suddenly, and his sleepiness disappeared instantly. The story about Keiji Aso's piano told by his secretary immediately came to his mind, and he couldn't help but have an ominous premonition: Is there really something wrong with the piano?

Conan was so anxious that he didn't even have time to put on his slippers, so he ran out barefoot. When he came to the door of the room where the piano was stored, he found that everyone was standing in a circle with a solemn look on their faces, and it seemed that no one dared to step into this room easily.

Conan pushed the crowd away without hesitation, walked straight to the door, and stretched out his hand to open the door. However, at the moment when the door slowly opened, the scene inside the room stunned everyone outside the door.

At this moment, what came into view was the heart-pounding scene of Hideo Kawashima: he lay quietly on the piano, his body was wet and full of water marks, and a long water mark was left on the floor, extending to the outside of the door, as if it was the trajectory of his life passing away.

Maori Kogoro was anxious and hurried forward to carefully check Kawashima Hideo's pulse. However, it was heartbreaking that he only felt a dead silence. With endless regret and pity, Maori Kogoro announced heavily: "He is dead..."

This sentence exploded in the ears of the people outside the door like thunder. They were terrified and fell into chaos in an instant. Some people screamed, some were at a loss, and some were pale and stood there. The whole scene became chaotic, and people's panic spread rapidly like a plague.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Officer Megure knew that he could no longer hide his identity. He quickly took out his police officer certificate, held it high, and showed his identity to everyone. At the same time, he decisively issued orders, commanding his police officers to take action and control all the people around.

When Kuroiwa Tatsuji and his men saw so many police officers suddenly appear, they couldn't help but panic. They knew that the drug trafficking activities they were engaged in were extremely dangerous. If the police found any evidence, the consequences would be disastrous. At this moment, their faces turned pale, and fine beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads. Tension and fear enveloped each of them.

Officer Megure looked at everyone, "Excuse me, is there anyone here who is a forensic doctor or doctor?"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but whisper to Officer Megure, "Officer Megure, don't you have a forensic doctor?"

Officer Megure also whispered to Mouri Kogoro's ear, "There's no way, after all, the main task this time is drug control, so there is no forensic doctor."

Everyone's eyes looked at Asai Narimi, after all, they only knew that there was only one doctor on the island.

But Asai Narimi looked at the pharmacist nervously and asked her, "Miss pharmacist, are you going?"

The pharmacist shook her head and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested in people who are already dead." After all, it is impossible to turn others into immortals, nor to create demonic soldiers and abundant spirit beasts.

Asai Narimi breathed a sigh of relief and began the autopsy, "Mr. Kawashima should have died 30 minutes to an hour ago, and the cause of death was probably drowning."

Inspector Megure frowned at the scene in front of him. There were too few clues, and too many suspects. In addition, it was already late at night, so it was impossible to continue the investigation. After thinking for a while, he decided to let everyone go back and wait for news, and he would leave some people to protect the scene and wait for the arrival of the forensic department and the forensic doctor tomorrow.

In the silent darkness, the scene was tightly surrounded by cordons, like an isolated island. Officer Megure stood there, staring at everything around him, thinking about the various possibilities of the case. He knew that this would be a long and difficult night, but he had to stick to it and not miss any clues.

As time passed, the night deepened, and the moonlight sprinkled on the ground, reflecting a cold light. However, for Officer Megure, the moonlight at this moment did not bring the slightest warmth, but added a bit of solemnity and solemnity. He knew that every minute that passed might allow the murderer to escape the law, so he dared not relax at all.

In this quiet night, Officer Megure silently guarded the scene, looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow, looking forward to finding more clues and uncovering the truth behind this mystery.

The next day...

That is, when Director Jinchuan called

On the day of the deal, Director Jinchuan was arrested, and there were so many policemen guarding here, the deal was probably over.

In the morning, the forensic department and the forensic doctor came here. The forensic department first collected evidence at the scene, but the results were not ideal, and there were very few clues.

When the forensic doctor next to him first arrived on the island, he first performed a simple autopsy on the body, and the result was not much different from the result given by Asai Narimi.

But when they heard that there was a person called Pharmacist on the island, they were all excited, because Pharmacist was a person who only existed in their textbooks. This is the ancestor of medicine, who has no rivals in every field of medicine. He must worship him, just in case he can achieve something in the field of forensics in the future.

But Pharmacist hadn't gotten up yet, and Officer Megure next to him urged him to go back to dissect the body and examine the body. A few smart people wanted to stay in case there were more cases.

But the others, in the spirit of "if you can't get it, others can't get it either", all returned to Tokyo together, and left a message before leaving, "If you have any questions, just find Miss Pharmacist. We may make mistakes, but Miss Pharmacist will never make mistakes."


All suspects were questioned in turn in the morning, and the five people from outside the island started playing cards after breakfast at nine o'clock.

After lunch at noon, everyone didn't want to play cards anymore, so they went to other places on the island together, because Dr. Cheng Shi told them that there was a place with a beautiful night view.

Walking and chatting along the way, time passed quickly, and before they knew it, night had fallen. After watching the night view, the few people arrived in front of the community center.

Not long after entering the community center, a melodious piano sound came into everyone's ears - it was the extremely familiar piano piece "Moonlight"!

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