Suddenly, a deafening gunshot rang out, and before Conan could react, he witnessed a shocking scene: Xing's entire left arm fell right in front of him! At the same time, Dan Heng's anxious cry came to his ears: "Beware!" Then, he felt like he was lifted up by a powerful force, and then he was thrown into the yard of a nearby family by March Seven. At the moment of being thrown out, Conan caught a glimpse of several shocking blood flowers blooming on March Seven's chest. Her eyes met Conan's, and she shouted: "Run, don't look back!"

Conan's body and mind had already fallen into extreme panic, but his instinct drove him to crawl desperately and run away. Every step seemed to be carrying a heavy burden, and his legs became heavier and weaker...


"Alas, why am I the first one to be solved! This girl is obviously very powerful!" Sanyueqi muttered in dissatisfaction, looking at the red-dressed girl with twin ponytails, plum blossom pupils, and two teardrop moles under her eyes.

"Oh, little pink hair, don't be anxious! We're all going to die sooner or later anyway, so why bother about who dies first?" Hanabi's frivolous voice drifted over slowly, and her eyes casually swept over the people beside her, and said with a smile: "Look, they are not talking."

"Oh, Xing, you should help me quickly!" Sanyueqi stared at Xing anxiously.

Xing put her hands on her waist, deliberately pretending to be angry, and echoed: "Yes, yes." This silly look made Sanyueqi hold back, and he complained, "Can you be more perfunctory?"

Kudo Yukiko interrupted them, "Is this enough?" He looked at the sleeping Conan and spoke hesitantly.

"Don't worry, he followed the script I wrote in his dream completely." Hanabi changed her tone, "By the way, are the subsequent props I want ready?"

"I'm ready, but what are you going to do?" Yukiko was still very panicked. After all, who would want to blow things up just for a play.

But she still asked curiously, "Since it can all be done in the illusion, why do we have to do it in reality?"

"Of course there is a risk of being seen in the illusion." Hanabi remained calm and lied without any hesitation. She couldn't say that it wouldn't be fun enough if it ended in the illusion.


Conan opened his eyes in a daze and saw himself falling in a dark warehouse. Conan shook his head.

I was on the road with Xing and the others, but they were attacked. Sister March threw me out. They are probably now...

"It's all my fault. I hurt them..." Conan regretted more and more. He punched the ground. The pain from his fist made Conan calm down a little. Indistinctly, Conan seemed to hear someone talking outside.

Female voice: We have to leave now. In order to deal with the noise made by those three guys, the higher-ups have noticed us.

Male voice: No hurry. They just dealt with the research institute. We have to deal with the detectives before we can leave.

Female voice: It's almost done. According to my investigation...

"Bang" A sudden gunshot sounded, and the woman fell to the ground before she finished speaking.

Male voice: You talk too much nonsense. We can't leave anyone alive in this matter.

Conan listened silently behind the wall, thinking to himself, "It seems that even Miss Ruan Mei has met with an accident." Then he groped in the dark in the warehouse to find tools that could be used to escape.

As he was touching, Conan saw with the help of the moonlight...


Conan looked up and looked along the ceiling. He saw a ventilation fan on the top of the warehouse, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Then, Conan began to act. He quickly moved all the items in the room under the ventilation fan and stepped on them carefully.

However, even if Conan jumped with all his strength, he still couldn't reach the ventilation fan. Just as Conan lowered his head and thought, his eyes accidentally fell on the pair of power-enhancing shoes on his feet.

So, Conan adjusted his posture slightly, then concentrated all his strength and jumped with all his strength. Sure enough, with the help of the power-enhancing shoes, he successfully reached the ventilation fan. Perhaps due to years of disrepair, the ventilation fan was very easy to dismantle.

Conan looked down at the height below, and his heart couldn't help but surge.

A sense of tension. However, when he thought that Xiaolan might still be alive, his inner courage was instantly aroused. He gritted his teeth and jumped down resolutely.

Yukiko, who was watching through the surveillance, panicked immediately, because in the scripts of Kudo Yusaku and Hanabi, Conan hid and waited until dawn when they found that he was gone and went out to look for him.

Although Director Hana was a little regretful at this time, "The bomb can't be used ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ", she was not panicked at all, and even smiled more, and said happily, "Use script No. 2. (^._.^)ノ"

The next morning, Maori Detective Agency...

Xiaolan was a little sad because Conan went home, and Xing asked Sonoko to pull her out to play. Maori Kogoro also happened to be out investigating a case because of a commission, so there was no one in Maori Detective Agency now.

It was already early in the morning when Conan woke up. He ran for a long time before finding the bus stop, but because it was early in the morning, there was no bus leaving from the station.

When Conan returned to Beika Town after dawn, he immediately ran back to the Maori Detective Agency, shouting as he ran: "Sister Xiaolan, I'm back!" However, no one responded.

Conan immediately ran to the second floor and found that the room was empty. He ran to the third floor again, but still didn't see anyone. Conan's heart sank. Could it be that they had really been taken away by the Black Organization!

Just when Conan was desperate, he suddenly felt a hard object against the back of his head. Conan was startled and realized that someone was pointing a gun at him.

A low and hoarse voice sounded: "You are really here, Kudo Shinichi." Conan's body stiffened, and he slowly turned around and looked at the man wearing a silver mask.

Conan's eyes were full of anger, and he asked loudly: "Who are you? What did you do to Xiaolan and the others? If you dare to hurt them, I will never let you go!"

"The laboratory is short of test subjects, so we sent them over." The masked man's face could not be seen at all under the mask, and his voice under the voice changer seemed emotionless. "If you go with us now, maybe you can see each other for the last time, hahaha..."

While the masked man was laughing, Conan had adjusted his shoes and was about to kick him away, but at this moment, a scream of "Ah!" came from outside the door, and then the door was pushed open...

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