After the counterfeit money was made, the money was stolen.

After Conan arrived at Dadujian, he thought that he should find a remote warehouse to make counterfeit money, so he chose to ask the real estate agency for information. As a result, he did not get any useful information. Instead, he turned around and saw three little ones stuck on the glass at the door and four people watching the show.

"Why are you here!" Conan asked in surprise as he looked at the three little ones.

"It was Huiyuan who told us. She said that you must want to get rid of us and then investigate secretly by yourself, so we chased you." Mitsuhiko pointed to Huiyuan Ai who was flipping through a real estate magazine and answered.

Then, after hearing about someone who looked like Natsume Soseki, the real estate agent uncle took a few people to the bookstore. As expected, the three children and Conan were all kicked out, while Hui Yuan was flipping through the geometry book without any concern.

With the help of the agent uncle, Conan locked onto the newspaper office next to the police station, so several people ran to the police station to report the case.

"What I'm going to say next is very scary, you must not panic." Conan ran over breathlessly and said to the two policemen on duty.

Police: "Little brother, we are the police, we won't panic, you say."

Conan: "There is a group of men in black who kidnapped Junye's brother in the newspaper office on the third floor of that building."

Police: "Who is the man in black?"

Conan: "It's not just one person, it's a criminal gang that kidnapped his brother! Have you seen the movie? It's the kind of dangerous organization that ignores the law and life!"

Police: "I understand, go on."

Conan: "That organization not only kidnapped his brother, but also developed a very dangerous drug that can kill people invisibly. That kind of..."

Policeman A couldn't help laughing, but his good expression management made him hold it back, but Conan still looked at him speechlessly, Policeman A: "I remembered something happy."

Conan: "What happy thing?"

Policeman A: "I got two golds in ten consecutive draws in the novice pool of the absolute zone."

Policeman B laughed again, Conan looked at Policeman B, "What are you laughing at?"

Policeman B: "I drew Ailen 2+1 at 30."

Conan: "How come you are so lucky?"

Policeman B: "Right... No, I asked someone else to draw for me..." He couldn't help laughing again while talking.

Conan: "I have drawn 75 times from Airenchi and it has not come out yet (this is true)... No, this is not the point, I am talking about the Black Organization!"

Police: "By the way, does the Black Organization you just mentioned really wear black clothes?"

Conan: "How should I put it? All the people I met were wearing black clothes, but not all of them were wearing black clothes..."

Policeman A couldn't help laughing again. Conan: "You are too much. I have tolerated you for a long time."

Policeman A: "My two golds are big thunder."

Conan: "You are obviously laughing at me. You never stopped."

Policeman A: "Little boy , we have received strict training, no matter how funny it is, we will not laugh unless we can't help it. "

Policeman B: "Why don't you go back first and investigate tomorrow."

Conan: "Okay, hurry up, those black-clad men are very dangerous, and they have guns, you should bring more people."

When Conan walked out of the police station, he heard a loud laugh behind him. When Conan looked back, he saw two policemen looking at him seriously, "Little friend, do you have anything to add?"

Conan turned back doubtfully, heard laughter behind him again, turned his head again but still found nothing.

Conan walked out of the police station helplessly, "No, they don't believe us at all."

"We saw it too." The three little ones said in unison.

While several people were not paying attention, Conan quickly walked to the side, took out his mobile phone and called Officer Megure to explain the situation here, but Officer Megure told him that the police force was already rushing here again.

Conan was a little confused. Who else knew the situation here and called the police, and what did it mean to send a large force? (In fact, Conan will know what this means soon.)

At the same time, the other children have already rushed into the newspaper office impatiently.

"Genta, is it really okay for us to run in like this?" Ayumi asked worriedly.

"Don't talk too much. If we can't find evidence, the police will definitely not believe us." Genta said impatiently.

At this time, several of them have arrived inside the newspaper office.

"Wow, this is the newspaper office!" Mitsuhiko looked around excitedly.

Suddenly, a door slowly opened, and a group of men in black came out, led by the woman in black. She held a pistol in her hand, with the muzzle pointed at the children.

"You little devils, how dare you break in here!" The woman in black said viciously.

At this time, Yan Qing held the "Sword of Wisdom" in his hand and said happily, "Let's stop the test here, Wanjian - Tianlai -" As the sword in his hand was swung, the woman in black had not reacted yet, and only half of the gun was left in her hand.

A few minutes later, Conan anesthetized the strong man outside and opened the door anxiously. As a result, he saw that the men in black were tied up and squatted in the corner, trembling all over, with panic on their faces.

This kid is too unhuman. Not only does he carry such a dangerous weapon with him, but he is also just a child. He can cut off the pistol with one sword. What kind of family can teach such a dangerous child!

Not long after, the police arrived one after another, and surrounded the entire newspaper office in an instant. There were also several helicopters hovering on the roof. Five or six sniper rifles were set up within 100 meters, aiming directly at the newspaper office.

The kidnappers upstairs were all confused. No, they just kidnapped a person and made some counterfeit money. Is it necessary to make such a big fuss?

All this was because Yan Qing sent a message to Jing Yuan at the time, and Jing Yuan felt that Yan Qing could solve it himself, and it was too troublesome to go there in person, so he said to his subordinates: "The children at home may be in danger, find a few people to go over there to check."

However, after being passed down layer by layer, the news changed. When it was finally passed down, it had evolved into "The son of the deputy director of the police was kidnapped, and the robbers were about to kill him. The deputy director was very frightened and panicked, and asked everyone to go out fully armed, and any resistance from the other party would be shot directly on the spot."

As a result, the police immediately took the most severe measures to deal with this crisis.

Time passed quietly, and Yan Qing didn't even realize that he had saved the lives of the kidnappers. The farce ended with the misunderstanding being resolved, and the kidnappers luckily escaped. As the incident was resolved, the police began to gradually withdraw from the scene. However, the guy who distorted the facts and lied about military intelligence was warned and criticized.

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