The old man was in a mess, but the old man was in a mess.

Gin was also puzzled. Normally, he was happier than anyone else when he heard that there was a rat in the organization, fearing that the rat would run away. But now, for some reason, he always wanted to get rid of the guy on the opposite side, otherwise it would be less interesting to catch the rats in the organization.

On the other side, Zhu Fujingguang's tire was blown out, and he had no choice but to hide inside the building, hoping to take advantage of the terrain to get rid of a few people while hiding, but just after getting rid of a few people here, more people came after him.

Soon, people gathered outside several roads around. Zhu Fujingguang had already disposed of the information card of the mobile phone in the car, and just now he had damaged all the hardware of the mobile phone that could be damaged, and then he added the skills of dismantling things that he learned from Matsuda Jinpei.

It can be said that his current mobile phone, let alone finding and restoring it, even if he took out all of it and took it to replace the basin, the other party would think that you wanted to get a basin for free.

Just when he was ready to fight to the death, there was a sound above his head, and then he was pulled into the ventilation duct above without paying attention.

Before he could see what the other party looked like, he heard a voice from below, "Where is he? Hurry up and find him, he must be nearby. If he runs away, we will really be finished." Then the four or five people and the dozen people who came later started searching nearby.

There is an old saying that the hide-and-seek catcher never looks up, so this position is really stable, there is no problem at all.

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at the golden-haired girl in front of him without leaving any trace. Her clothes were mainly white, with gold and blue patterns. Her expressionless face looked a little serious (Xing looked different from her original appearance because she had been disguised by Hua Huo).

Xing just breathed a sigh of relief and was about to pull Zhu Fu Jingguang out first. However, the ventilation duct was too old. They had only walked a few steps when the duct made a "shasha" sound.

Xing was inexplicably nervous when she heard this sound. She didn't know whether the people below had noticed the abnormal situation, so she decided to speed up. After all, the unknown is always the most frightening. But because she was eager to leave, she accidentally stepped too hard and broke the duct.

Before she could react, Xing felt that her body lost balance and her center of gravity was unstable. She was about to fall. At the moment of falling, she tried to pull Zhu Fu Jingguang, but because she was too flustered, she failed to hold him. Not only that, her arm was accidentally cut.

Xing fell heavily to the ground, but fortunately she didn't feel any particular pain. She rubbed her buttocks and found that except for a little tingling in her arm, there was nothing wrong with the rest of her body.

Xing looked up in confusion, and saw several men in black staring at her in disbelief, as if they had seen something incredible. And from time to time, there were bursts of wailing from her lower body, as if something was suffering.

She lowered her head and found that several men in black were actually pressed under her. This sudden change made her a little overwhelmed, but she soon realized that this was not the time to be in a daze.

When the other party was confused, Xing immediately stood up, bowed deeply to them, and quickly said, "I'm sorry." The words of apology came out of her mouth, and then she turned around and fled the scene without hesitation.

While the men in black on the opposite side had not yet fully reacted, Xing ran to the corner at an amazing speed and disappeared from their sight.

"Don't let her run away, she must be in the same group with that undercover!" A man in black finally came to his senses, and he shouted loudly, his voice full of anger and anxiety.

The rest of the people were awakened by his roar, and they all picked up their guns and followed Xing's footsteps closely. As they ran, they kept shouting, and threatening words filled the air, "Little ghost, you fucking stop right there! Don't fucking let me catch you! Otherwise I will ****" These fierce words echoed in the narrow corridor along with their footsteps, making people shudder.

Zhu Fujingguang lay on the pipe, looking at the girl who helped him below with a nervous and worried expression. He was full of anxiety.

He also wanted to help her, but the bullets in his pistol were used up, and the spare bullets were lost without a trace due to the explosion of the vehicle.

Then Zhu Fujingguang was ready to jump down to help, but

When he decided to act, the people below had already chased him out.

Just as Zhu Fu Jingguang was about to go downstairs to look for other people, a girl's voice came from below: "Hey, I have already let them slip away, you can come down." Hearing this, Zhu Fu Jingguang was so surprised that he almost fell down. He asked in disbelief: "How did you get rid of them!" You know, it has only been more than ten seconds since he left! This speed is beyond imagination.

"Ah?" Xing scratched his head and answered seriously, "Take the stairs." This simple answer made Zhu Fu Jingguang stunned, and he didn't know what to say for a while. In the end, Xing reacted, pulled Zhu Fu Jingguang up and ran downstairs.

Xing has a figure and appearance of a young man, and his short legs can't run fast at all. It's still a bit funny to pull Zhu Fu Jingguang, who is more than a head taller than him.

In this way, the two of them walked up the stairs and quickly reached the ground. Before they could stand firmly, a "whoosh" sound of breaking through the air came.

Zhu Fushi Jingguang's sixth sense pulled Xing, who was still walking forward stupidly, to hide in the next room.

There were two bullet holes where the two were standing.

"Tsk." Not far away, Chianti said disdainfully, but his movements remained unchanged. He joked to the man on the other side of the intercom, "I didn't expect you to miss the target."

The man wearing a knitted hat did not answer, and still just looked at the sniper scope expressionlessly.

Yes, this person is the organization's cadre "Rye Whiskey", FBI agent Shuichi Akai.

He heard that the organization had an undercover, and originally thought that the organization was acting to test him, and by the way, using "Scotland" to get rid of the organization's waste.

But he saw Gin in the action. If it was to test him, then Gin should be hiding in the dark, and after he was exposed, he should directly get rid of him. It is impossible to be exposed in the open at the beginning.

Originally, he was still a little uncertain, but just now Chianti saw two people, but he took the initiative to take care of Scotland.

There is no other way. If Scotland is not resolved, it is Chianti's problem and has nothing to do with me.

So when I was looking at the girl just now, I deliberately looked a little off...

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