The police said that the murderer was a murderer.

Although Kudo Shinichi didn't understand what the last sentence meant, he still slowed down his tone and said, "Why are you speaking for the murderer?"

"Ah?" Xing scratched his head in confusion and said, "Shouldn't he be called a suspect now?"

"I now have sufficient evidence to prove that Miss Xiaotong is the murderer."

"Just based on those inferences?" "That's right," Kudo Shinichi said confidently, "Except for Xiaotong who practiced gymnastics on this roller coaster, no one else has the ability to do it."

"Ah?" Xing was confused and pointed at Kudo Shinichi and said, "If I remember correctly, you practiced football, right? "

Kudo was embarrassed and explained: "This, this, yes, this is just my hobby, I have not received any systematic training, yes, that's it."

"Then, the girl who came with you seems to be the champion of the karate competition. And you are sitting in front of the victim, it would be easier to do it." Xing couldn't help but draw karate moves with his hand.

Kudo was a little confused, but he continued: "Xiaolan and I have no motive to commit the crime."

Xing seemed to have thought of something and continued: "What if it was the last two people? "

Suddenly being mentioned, Gin and Vodka could not help but get nervous. Gin calmly held the Beretta in his windbreaker, while Vodka was ready to contact Chianti and Cohen to be ready to kill everyone present if anything unexpected happened.

Shinichi looked at them calmly, and it had to be said that these two people were indeed very suspicious.

Xing continued to add: "Look, if these two people are members of a criminal gang, they come here to trade with others..."

Gin was about to lose his temper, thinking that this woman was exposing his past. When he was about to shoot her, he heard Xing continue.

"Then Tongxin had a sudden idea and wanted to take a roller coaster ride, but suddenly found that the person sitting in front of him was his younger brother. In order to prevent his usual solemn image from being destroyed, as the eldest brother, he could only shut up his younger brother completely, and then designed a cruel murder. "Xing couldn't help but be impressed by his own intelligence and nodded.

The people around him were listening attentively, and then they heard such a bloody plot, and they were all stunned.

Vodka looked at Gin and said, "Brother..."

"Shut up."


Kudo Shinichi was also completely speechless. What the hell was going on.

Xing was very satisfied with his explanation, "How about it, it's very exciting, right?" Xing looked at Kudo Shinichi with his eyes.

Kudo Shinichi said with a black face, "This motive is too ridiculous."

"Ah~ I think it's quite logical." Xing said disappointedly.

Gin said coldly on the side, "I don't know him. "But he did not deny Xing's previous words.

Then he thought that since it was not him and Vodka who were sitting at the back, it could not be this detective kid who did it.

As for the murderer identified by Kudo Shinichi, he was not considered at all.

In a roller coaster with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, anyone who dared to release the safety bar should be called a ruthless person.

It took Gin a few seconds to get out, find a good position, and then put the rope around the necks of the people in the back two rows without being noticed by the people around. Gin thought he could not do it.

In summary, the heart kept touching your belly.

The murderer is Kudo Shinichi.

But Gin thought about it more deeply. Kudo Shinichi often helped the police solve cases. It is impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake without any technical content.

Could it really be...

an accident?

Because there was an error during the roller coaster, the man's head was cut off by something like a steel cable.

As for why the others were fine.

Nonsense, this is all an accident, because the result is uncontrollable.

Well, the result must be like this.

Just when Gin was proud of his reasoning, a sudden male voice interrupted his thinking and gave him a blow.


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