The two of them were so close that they were still talking.

Kudo Shinichi was puzzled as to why they were still arguing with each other one second and could make friends with a smile the next, but Xiaolan took the candy and stuffed one into her pocket.

Looking at the candy, she couldn't give it back to anyone else, so she had to accept it. She thanked Xing and stuffed the candy into her jacket pocket.

At this time, Officer Megure and his men passed by and greeted Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan, saying, "Brother Kudo and Xiaolan, if you have time, remember to come to the police station to make a statement.

"Okay, we got it. "Xiao Lan responded quickly.

Xing saw that the case was over, and it was time to go see if Lao Sanbo had gotten the money.

"Okay, Miss Xiao Lan and Mr. Kudo, I'll leave first. See you later." He said and gave Xiao Lan a wink, which made Xiao Lan blush.

After all, Xing's look is really attractive to all women. As long as he is serious, his expression is beautiful and cool, and few girls can resist it (not to mention men).

Kudo Shinichi was very upset. Good guy, you flirted with my woman in front of me, woman, you are playing with fire.

Don't think you're okay just because you're a woman.

After Xing walked away, Kudo Shinichi whispered to Xiao Lan: "You didn't say a few words, why do you feel that you have such a good relationship?"

"Ah," Xiao Lan came back to her senses after hearing this, and muttered softly, "Why do I feel that Xing is so handsome."

"Ah? "Kudo Shinichi was stunned when he heard this, [My house was robbed, and it was a woman who robbed it.]


After saying goodbye to the two, Xing looked at the task list...

Task (choose three) completed, task content:

1. Help the murderer in his dying struggle.

2. Ensure the murderer is arrested.

3. Connect with the protagonist.

Task score: ★★★

Task reward: 450 Star Dome (sent to the email, please check it)

Xing looked at this task and always felt that there was a feeling of making up the process according to the answer. What's going on?

Forget it. Seeing that the money has arrived in Xingqiong's account, I don't care about it anymore.

I took out my phone and sent a message to Sambo.

Galaxy Batman: "Did you succeed?"

Uncle Cold Legs: "Oh, my friend, don't you still believe me? With old Sambo here, how can I fail?"

Galaxy Batman: "Where are you? I'll go find you."

Uncle Cold Legs: "I'm in the bathroom next to Mo Tianlun."

Galaxy Batman: "Okay."

When Xing arrived at the bathroom, she didn't see anyone, so she sent another message to ask where he was.

Uncle Cold Legs: "Of course he's in the bathroom, come in quickly."

Galaxy Batman: "Men's bathroom?"

Xing wanted to curse. Can she go to the men's bathroom like this?

Uncle Cold Legs: "Of course not. I took into account that you might not want to go to the men's bathroom, so I took him to the women's bathroom."

O(≧∇≦)O, wow, no need to go to the men's bathroom.

(╯°□°), but who asked you to go into the women's restroom?

Xing went into the restroom with a dark face. Fortunately, everyone was attracted by the murder case on the roller coaster, so there were not many people in the restroom.

Xing asked where Sangbo was, knocked on the restroom door, and was pulled in by Sangbo.

"My friend, I sacrificed too much for this mission, so it's not too much to give me a little more compensation." Sangbo smiled and came over.

"Where is he?" Xing ignored Sangbo's words and asked directly.

"Ah, I didn't tie him up." Sangbo was stunned by this question.

"Then why did you ask me to go into the restroom?"

"Of course, I want to discuss with you how to distribute the money."

"Can't you tell me outside?"

Sangbo coughed and said, "Isn't this for confidentiality?"

Xing looked at him suspiciously, "Don't you want to see it?"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Sangbo directly denied three times.

"Forget it, I don't care about you, it's Sakura anyway."

Sangbo handed the box to Xing and was about to leave, but Xing stopped him, "Is all the money here?"

"Except for the money used for disguise, everything else is here."

Xing opened the box and took a look, then submitted the task.

All the money in the box disappeared.

Seeing that Xing had completed the task, Sangbo said, "Don't forget my kindness." Then he was about to run away, but just as he was about to open the door of the toilet, a cold female voice came from behind.

"The amount is wrong..."

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