Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1009: --test

"What the hell?" Qian Yu held a hot dog in her mouth, her face full of confusion.

"That Sugiyama, he's dead!" Shiho stood behind the crowd, looking at the other teachers who were examining Sugiyama-sensei's body, his face was ugly.

As far as Sugiyama-sensei was killed, Shiho still likes to hear about it - although in principle it would not be a pleasant thing for someone to die, but if someone really wants to be killed, it will definitely be this kind of person. Dying is more satisfying.

However, the problem is that when people are killed, there must be a murderer—who is this murderer, and is he with them now? What does he want to do next?

"Are you safe now?" Qianyu immediately became a little nervous. "What's going on with Mouri and Suzuki, do you three stay in your room first? Or, I'll just pull Kudo and the others over and take you back..."

"It's dangerous outside, in every sense," Shiho frowned. "Forget about the blizzard... Have you ever thought about how you would deal with a possible attack if the murderer was out there? Plus, we're the ones who came here by accident. If it was murder, it wouldn't make sense to kill us. Join the other party's murder plan. So...don't worry, I don't think we should have too serious a problem."

"..." Qianyu's eyes focused on the snow scene outside the window. "I see, then... if you encounter any potential loss of control, please contact me immediately."

"You speak like a 911 policeman." Shibao curled his lips nonchalantly. "Okay, I don't want to continue talking with you about this issue for the time being, your wording is too inauspicious, and your nerves are too sensitive - rest assured, we will be fine, there is no need to expand this matter ."

Saying so, Shibao hung up the phone, and her face immediately became serious.

What a joke...Traveling a few kilometers here in this's too dangerous in every sense. Anyway, there is a high probability that this matter will not be able to find them, and it is impossible to make Qianyu take such a risk.

At this moment, the person who checked Sugiyama-sensei's condition in front noticed something unusual about him.

"He... I don't know how he died," the male teacher who looked at the body shook his head. "A pseudonym [ミ] (mi) was written with lipstick on my hand, I don't know what it means."

"Let me take a look," Shiho stepped forward with a sigh. "If there are no professionals among you, it would be better for me to be responsible for the forensic analysis."

Her confidence in her gestures made everyone involuntarily make way for her, and Shiho was able to come to the corpse because of this.

There were a lot of semi-melted snow blocks around the corpse, which may have been attached to the body of the other party's corpse before it fell into the warm room. Judging from this, the opponent stayed within a range that could be covered by snow for a certain period of time.

The corpse is almost completely stiff... Under the ice and snow, it can be ruled out that the opponent's corpse has accelerated due to the recent intense exercise, so the opponent's death time is at least an hour or more, and it is definitely not a recent death.

The thin rope strangulation marks a few millimeters across the neck and the Yoshikawa line... There is no doubt that this is the ironclad proof that the opponent suffered a fatal strangulation.

After combining these conclusions, there will be a conclusion - Sugiyama was strangled, and after his body was stiff, [someone] deliberately placed it in front of the door, and rang the doorbell to facilitate the people in the room. Immediately find the body... no, to be precise, it should be convenient for the person in the room to find the body at the time he wants.

What's the point of doing this?

Shiho's expression suddenly stiffened as she thought of a possibility.

If it is said that this is to create an alibi for someone in the room [he has nothing to do with the case]...

Coupled with the fact that everyone in the room was behind him at the moment, Shiho suddenly felt a chill behind him.

No... Calm down, before that, there should be another situation that should be considered first.

Shiho stood up and walked towards the door. After hesitating for a while, he slowly opened the door while hiding behind the door.

The cold wind from outside the door rushed into the room instantly.

"Classmate, what are you doing?" Akiko Yonehara was taken aback and hurriedly covered the cold wind blowing on her cheeks with her hands - and the others did the same.

It seems that there should be no danger outside.

After calming down a bit, Shiho stuck his head out from behind the door and looked at the snow outside.

The snow outside is very clean, and there are no traces of outsiders.

So how did this person appear here?

Closing the door again, closing the door lock and anti-lock bolt, Zhibao turned around and glanced at the two male teachers standing in the Since this body was not brought from outside, it must be Someone in the room hid the body in advance and placed it at the door when no one else was paying attention. (Of course, some mechanism or the like may be used to cause the corpse to trigger the doorbell just now.)

And during this time, the body was rigid—meaning the person needed to have the ability to smuggle an adult male who had been frozen in this pose to the door without attracting anyone's attention.

Skills aside, in terms of strength, it's almost impossible for a woman to carry a corpse that weighs more than 65 kilograms to that place - what's more, at the stage of strangulation, Shiho is not optimistic about a woman Can kill a man if the opponent has the ability to resist (the existence of the Yoshikawa line is proof).

That is to say, although the possibility of women committing crimes cannot be ruled out in principle, enough attention must be paid to the two male teachers.

However, such a consideration is actually problematic - if Shiho's previous observations are correct, the two men's rooms are on the second floor, which means that it is difficult for them to be undiscovered by others. Bodies within their control (such as their own rooms) are transported to the door.

Could it be that there are some more complicated institutions that can help them do this?

Finally, Shiho stood up.

"That... To be honest, the body looks like it may have been strangled, but I don't know who the murderer is yet." Her words made everyone more nervous, and even some more clever people have begun to use He glanced in the direction of the other person seemingly inadvertently.

"So, we may use some more secure methods to ensure everyone's safety."

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