Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1023: - going ashore

"You...why are you here?" Shiho was shocked and angry when he met Chiba at a slightly lower height. "You... it's dangerous here, how did you come here?"

"What's the point of my life without you?" Grabbing Shiho's hand, Chiba pulled her and ran up the mountain next to her. "and……

Shiho felt that Chiba was holding his hand very hard, as if to make her understand her will.

"Don't worry, although I made a promise to protect you with my life, we won't die this time!"

Qianyu's voice was extraordinarily confident.

"'s too late?" Shiho slightly estimated the running speed of the two of them and the approaching speed of Hongfeng. "If this continues, we will be washed away!"

"We may be washed up by the flood," Qianyu also understood this, but he seemed to have another support. "But don't worry, you won't be able to wash away! If you really have to worry about something... Don't be too stubborn in the lower plate, or you might really be washed and fractured."

"What are you going to do?" Shiho asked a little suspiciously.

"Of course I'm going to hold you tight!" Qianyu's answer seemed to be somewhat unanswerable, but perhaps she just felt that this matter was more important than the answer. "Remember, I'll ask you to hold me in a moment—that's when you're going to hold me from the front, understand? That kind of clinging from armpit to neck, understand? ?"

"Oh..." Shibao quickly agreed.

Without taking a few more steps, Qianyu suddenly gave this order. "Come on, hold me tight!"

Shiho glanced at Hong Feng, who was less than 50 meters away from them, and obediently hung himself on Qianyu's mountain according to Qianyu's request. At the same time, Chiba suddenly hugged her and fell straight to the ground—of course, he used his arms to protect Shiho well from the shock.

Just when he made this move, Shiho seemed to have discovered the reason why Chiba came here.

The traceless umbrella in Qianyu's hand... was at an angle that could not be opened halfway, and it seemed to be fixed by a tenacious thin thread.

[It seems so... Chiba's umbrella, it seems that there is a flexible rope pulled out from the tail of the umbrella? Could it be that this is his confidence? 】

This is natural. Of course, Qianyu will not rush here unprepared to die - although there is only a drone with a small lift, some things can still be done temporarily, such as the rope at the end of the seamless umbrella. The section with the hook is tied to the thick trunk.

Between the electric light and flint, the flood peak has come.

"Crack!" The waves hit the extremely sharp tip of the umbrella, and they were induced to the sides just by applying a small amount of momentum to the umbrella surface. But even just like this, the end of the seamless umbrella rib, which has reached a considerable strength, is bent. Along the periphery of the somewhat deformed canopy, turbulent currents with a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour raged past Chiba and Shiho who were hugging each other tightly.

If you let it loose a little bit, if you touch it, it will probably break a bone, right?

But at least for now, they can hold on.

Unlike the non-marking umbrella used by the child's body before, this umbrella is enlarged by one size, and the built-in rope is also widened. Although the carrying capacity can only increase by the square, even if the umbrella surface is subjected to the impact of turbulent waves, it is still more than enough to carry the weight of two adults.

Of course, Chiba's plan would not be to tie it here and stick to it until the flood discharge from the reservoir is completed: since the rope was tied to a tree outside the river, Shiho and Chiba, who were hiding behind the umbrella, would accompany the torrent. Washed and taken to the side of the tree (because the rope is fixed, the length is not enough, so Chiba can only make an arc movement with the length of the rope as the radius)

In addition, he could also speed up the adjustment of the direction of himself and Shiho in the water by pulling the end of the rope attached to the tail of the umbrella with the hand freed from Shiho, and adjusting the handle of the umbrella with force. (Because the impact force of the water flow tends to make the umbrella body return to the positive relationship, such an adjustment angle will be limited to a relatively small degree due to insufficient strength, but it also has considerable significance under high-speed running water)

They are lucky. Although their location is also in the impact area of ​​the torrent, they are not directly behind the buildings in the village - this means that the broken building materials will not be smashed by the torrent. them. And because the area where the flood flows was only opened up a few years ago, there are not even thicker trees, and even the occasional gravel and branches can't damage the umbrella surface of the seamless umbrella at all.

In this way, in the torrent, the traceless umbrella is like a swaying leaf, but it is like a boat that can always ensure safety, pulling the two of them to the direction of the higher shore.

The moment she stepped on the ground, Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately inserted the tip of her umbrella and her feet into the higher soil, carefully adjusting her body posture so that Shiho could go ashore. It will not be washed down again by the still turbulent current.

The drones that have been monitoring water conditions at high altitudes have also descended, and their center of gravity is stabilized by pulling ropes.

In the end, the two of them stood on completely safe ground - although the ground here is not as solid as the concrete road, and it is a bit too soft for ordinary people, it is already the best gift for them after the rest of their lives. We survived? "Looking at the nearby river, Shiho asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Chiba closed the claws at the end of the unmarked umbrella rope, allowing the rope to start retracting on its own, grabbed Shiho's hand, and ran to a safer place. "We survived! So we need to live a little safer!"


Through the breach at one-third of the height, the dam was blasted with a rather large breach, and the contained reservoir water poured out at an alarming rate. As the price of such explosive power, after only ten minutes, the water flow was almost depleted due to the excessively violent flood discharge, the intensity decreased rapidly, and it became a stream in the narrow normal river again.

After the water became more stable, Chiba and Shiho returned to the river that nearly killed them.

"Here..." Shibao looked at the other side of the river with a complicated expression. "Is this the village?"

Almost all of the buildings have been wiped off the ground - even the reinforced concrete walls, the parts on the ground have been cut in half, leaving only a stubble to tell them that there used to be many, many above-ground buildings.

"Uh..." Qian Yu narrowed her eyes slightly with a serious expression. "Unfortunately, yes... The location of the village is unfortunate from the perspective of flood resistance... To be honest, I don't appreciate the way the village is designed right behind where the river turns sharply."

Under such a design, once the flood rushes out of the narrowest river, it will inevitably rush out from it and then pour into the village... And when the amount of water is as huge as it is now, it will cause flooding. devastating effect.

Qianyu sighed and shook her head gently.

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