Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1035: ——The Death of Vodka

"Dear..." Just spit out one word, and Mrs. Lai, the companion, couldn't say anything - at this moment, his facial expression seemed to have been electrocuted, and he kept twitching.

"After telling you about this, we can say the rest of the conclusions, which are the results we later obtained in the comparison of the samples collected from all of you with the genetic samples found on the spot." Sigh With a sigh, Gregory leaned forward slightly and took the detonator on the side of the sidekick Lai Tai in his hand-the other party has now been completely disrupted by such news, and he has no energy to pay attention to this. "The evidence we found was a piece of manicure that Ms. Kamon Hatsune had installed just before her death. A part of the dander was hidden under the nails, and it... contained the same genes as yours—in other words, Miss Hatsune's own. Gene. I think this is probably caused by her scratching her body in pain after learning from the testing company that you are indeed siblings and cannot get married?"

After saying this, Gregory resumed his original sitting position and quietly watched the companion Lai Tai. "That's all I have to say - unfortunately, what you guessed before is all false, and what I just the truth that is too cruel to you."


After a long time, Laita's expression was twisted in confusion, and his trembling hands also re-zipped the clothes that he had unzipped before, and hid the bomb again. Then, he stood up.

"I understand, thank you very much for being able to tell me this." He stared at the ground, not even looking at Gregory. "Besides..."

He took out a wallet and a set of keys from his pocket.

"There is my bank card in the wallet, which contains the savings of me and Hatsune, and the password is 195704... You should also know that both my parents and Hatsune's parents have passed away, so the property of the two of us has no heirs. So...I hope you make good use of this wealth.

"And this string of the door key of the Yingmihua Building - we rent it at 628 over there, and I hope you can help us clean it up when you have time, so as not to affect the next batch of guests."

"..." Gregory looked at the keys and wallet, and at his companion Lai Tai, as if he wanted to say something. But in the end, he just nodded silently, and at the same time returned the detonator he had taken away to the companion Lai Tai. "I... Forget it, I have nothing to say because I can understand your thoughts too. If this is your decision... I respect it. Although, I need to remind you that you are only 37 years old and your life It's still a long time, so there's no need to do it. Also, even if you really want to do it, I hope you can convert these things directly into assets and donate them to needy children or underdeveloped countries instead of giving them to me. You know, I'm never short of money."

He took the detonator and turned off the power. The companion Lai Tai stood there for a while, before finally putting away the wallet and keys again. "I...I get it, thank you very much for providing such wise guidance in this situation."

Saying this, he took a half step back and bowed 90 degrees to Gregory, who was still sitting.

Gregory didn't say anything, didn't do anything, just watched the other party quietly leave without being noticed by almost anyone as he did when he came for ten minutes.

But... when he went out, he still had a face-to-face with other people who came.

Fujiwara, who walked into the office, didn't seem surprised that the companion Raita appeared here—perhaps he had been waiting outside for a long time.

"I see, that's why you took Chiba to their wedding," Fujiwara said as he handed a report to Gregory. "The log of the ward rounds at night shows that a patient's condition is not right. I feel that the prescription of the infusion should be changed."

"Yes, but I didn't expect that they didn't even tell me that such an important test was added-the guy without eyes has already been scolded by me." Gregory glanced at the report. "This prescription... So it is, you plan to use his side effects to make Off-Label?"

"Yes," Fujiwara nodded. "His physical condition can't take the popular first- and second-line drugs, so I feel this may be a little better."

"Well..." Gregory nodded thoughtfully. "Then let me ask you another question - if I took that kid for that purpose, what was the purpose of taking you there?"

Fujiwara obviously did not expect Gregory to ask such a question.

"It should be a novel reason, right?" After hesitating for a while, he spoke uncertainly. "At least...should be different from them."

"Well," Gregory nodded. "My reason is that it's time for you to meet someone."

Fujiwara was stunned.

"You know... I'm in my fifties. Considering my physical problems, I won't have a lot of time to stay on the front line at this level of work intensity." Saying this, Gregory drew his attention away from his eyes. Raise a lock of gray hair, and show the traces of time on your body to the young people in front of And your talent is the best among the children I know. So... I thought about it a while ago, and I think, it's you. "

Fujiwara opened his mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say.

"Come on," said this, Gregory stood up and walked past Fujiwara with a cane. "It's getting late, you can also go back to rest. When the child's work is done, it's time to arrange special reinforcement for you."


Meanwhile, some apartment complex in Tokyo.

"Big brother said he has authorized you," Vodka was driving the car on the road while making a call. "You go there and tell him directly that Gin has made an appointment for you [authorization to retrieve professional data]."

"Okay, that's fine, then I can wrap myself up tighter when I go," said the other side of the phone. "Also, please give my regards to the seniors on my behalf."

"You kid has been really smooth recently," Vodka joked with a smile. "Even the eldest brother is still pulling and pulling, but you are already rushing to get married, making us old men born in the 60s envy to death!"

Having said that, in front of the entrance of an underground parking garage, Vodka turned and prepared to park the car. However, just as he drove the car down the downhill...

"Bang!" Along with the dull gunshot, a blood dance burst out on the inside of the car's front windshield.

"Squeak—" The car he was driving accelerated suddenly, and finally hit the concrete load-bearing column not far from the end of the ramp. "boom!"

When another resident who happened to be parked in the garage heard the sound and ran over to check the situation, he saw only a headless body tied to the seat by a seat belt.

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