Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1040: - alienation

"Stop, stop, stop," Kazami Yu couldn't accept these confusing statements. "You can't call me here to make me join you, right? In that case, I might as well fight with you here, or commit suicide to thank you for letting go of my mother."

"No, this is just a reason to let you surrender peacefully," Qianyu spread her hands. "If we want to play hard, you are already dead, and your companions will be wiped out under our blow. The reason why we keep you alive is to talk to you, not to the organization. You're right. It really doesn't work, just treat yourself as soldiers in the world war and have been captured by us—in this battle against us, you've already done your best... There's no need to hold on any longer. Everyone has lost their bottom line.”

"..." Feng Jianyu was also silent.

He, like Reil Kuriya, once swore that he would use his life to defend the well-being of the Japanese people, and use his blood to fight against the lawless and evil forces to the end.

However, when you have been spared by the other party from a mortal situation, should you keep your promise? After all, if it wasn't for their mercy, they would have really died. And now, at least he still has a chance to go back to accompany his mother...

Finally, he spoke. "Understood, I, Kazami Yuya, will not act in the future - at the same time, I will also contact my companions to discuss whether to -"

His head suddenly twisted in Chiyu's direction at a strange angle. After more than half a second, two sniper shots were heard almost simultaneously in Chiyu's ears.


If I describe it from the perspective of God, it can only be said that Kazami Yu also thought that the FBI members who came with him could only understand English, which is really too much. Although the FBI member he knew who came here really didn't know Japanese, it wasn't just the FBI who came here. Naturally, there were people who could understand Japanese.


A few hours ago, somewhere.

"As the evidence I showed you just now shows, the organization had an interaction with Mr. Kazami, and the organization did not kill anyone." Wearing a kimono and covering the part below the bridge of the nose with a folding fan, Hideyoshi Hideyoshi confronted him. The Japanese inch-headed young man and the slightly haggard American blond and thin young man spoke. "Although it may be difficult for you to say this, I think you may need the risk of Mr. Kazami Kazami and all the forces he can control against the water."

"..." The inch-headed young man glanced at the blond youth with some worry. "Hunter, what should I do?"

"..." Hunter pondered with a gloomy expression on his face - although this may sound a bit bizarre, the wisdom of the Mr. Yuchai in front of him has been witnessed many times, and there is no doubt about it.

In other words, Kazami may indeed be unable to trust them anymore.

"Since you asked me and Yoshino to come here," Hunter finally said. "It means you already have a solution, right?"

"Before, you said that Kazami-san wants you to find a way to snipe Chikusa in Asakusa Town, right?" Hideyoshi Hideyoshi looked at Hunter and confirmed this.


Hideyoshi Hideyoshi closed his eyes and hesitated for a few seconds.

"I have some impression of the terrain over there." He picked up a map from his side and began to make a sketch. "Let me briefly tell you the addresses of a few places you're going to."

"Although there are only two of you, I need you to arrange three sniper positions - two are for the two of you, and the third position needs to be reserved for a cannon fodder."

[The first location is reserved for Mr. Yoshino, on the roof at the end of the street where the Chikusa shop is located, about 270 meters away from Chikusa. "The tip of the pencil tapped in one place. "It's directly above a pachinko shop, if you want to go there." Because the storefront is public, the corridor will not be blocked even at night, and you can walk up directly. All you have to do is shoot when you see fit. 】

In Yoshino's scope, Kazami Yu also fell.

In principle, he should snipe Chiba first, but because he heard from the headset that Kazami Yuya seemed to be ready to betray them, he changed his target in a fit of rage.

Pulling the bolt, pulled out the shell, aimed again at Chiba, who was standing in the same place and did not respond to evacuate, and fired again.

"Crack!" With the muffled sound of metal colliding with metal, Qianyu's eyebrows were precisely hit by a 9-meter armor-piercing bullet, and she fell on her back.

[The second position, on the roof of the building opposite Qiancao, this position can directly snipe at the door of Qiancao's store at close range, without much marksmanship, we call it position B. This position is reserved for the cannon fodder whose to take out the one remaining target after you shoot. 】

At this position, a sniper was taken aback.

He is Kazami Yuya's subordinate, and he was arranged here to provide security for Kazami during this operation. And now, Feng Jianyu was also shot dead in front of him.

During a meeting with the enemy, his superior was assassinated—who could have done this? Of course, it's the gang of renegade guys in the organization!

"In that case," gritted his teeth, the sniper aimed his gun at Qianyu. "You too die!"

This is the moment when Qianyu heard two sniper shots—but the second shot did not come from this, but from the small building behind him.

With this gunshot, the sniper died suddenly.

[But please note that although the B point can directly attack Qiancao, it is not suitable for you to use it, because it is too dangerous-there is a tall building behind her, if the other party counteracts, it is very likely It is monitored through the window upstairs. If this happens, the person at point B will really become a cannon fodder. 】

A window in the small building.

"Huh," Fujiwara breathed a sigh of relief, put down the sniper rifle, and relieved his extremely stiff shoulders - although the sniper rifle itself is not heavy, he has long been used to such a feeling, but now he is still very tired ,because……

Just when he relaxed a little, he suddenly felt as if his face had been hit by a heavy hammer.

This was a more precise sniping, coming from a distance that Fujiwara had never been able to reach before.

[As for why I prepared a cannon fodder here at the risk of being sniped, it is to provide space for you, Mr. Hunter. I have prepared point C for you, and this point is on the 350-meter-high first observation deck of the Suzuki Tower, the landmark of Asakusa Town, which was completed with the Pearl Tree airship a few months ago - as long as the day before Go up at night and hide until around 11 o'clock, no one will find you again. 】

[The distance from this point is very delicate. It is about 750 meters away from point B, and 750 meters away from the small building where the other party is most likely to have people. Rest assured, the total distance is 750 meters, not the horizontal distance of 750 meters, which is within your range. If B is attacked and you find him in the small building, just shoot him - you can do it, right? 】

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