Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1050: - execution

"Oh?" The young man seemed to be interested. "Any clues? If I know something, I will try my best to help track it down."

"At present, we have found an informant who used to belong to the National Police Agency and is now under the control of the FBI," Champs-Elysees seemed to describe casually. "He should be around 26 years and 8 months old. According to the last physical examination, he should be around 176 cm and weigh around 69 kg."

The young man's original relaxed expression suddenly tightened, and the smile on his face became a little reluctant.

He, Kazami Yuya's frontline guard, was born in April 1968 (26 years and 8 months), and the last physical examination result was 176 in height and 69 kg in weight.

"What's the matter?" The Champs-Elysees' tone seemed very concerned. "Are you feeling unwell?"

"Ah... No," the young man quickly concealed his nervousness. "That... Maybe it's because I've been too tired from work recently. To be honest, after finishing this ticket, I want to take a good rest for a month. Anyway... I have a million this time, and it's okay to indulge a little."

"Oh, is it?" Champs-Elysees asked with a chuckle. "I thought it was you who found some suspicious person who met this condition."

Saying so, the Champs-Elysees casually glanced at the bartender.

"Pop—" A small glass of cocktail was handed to the young man—the color of this glass looked completely different from the one in front of the Champs-Elysees.

"Ah, what I said is that I want the same cocktail as him..." The young man quickly explained.

"Yeah," the bartender's tone was cold. "This is the same wine.

"Come on, sir, drink this glass of wine quickly."

【This wine...】

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the young man's back.

"That..." He forced a smile and stood up from his seat. "Well, I'd better stop drinking... I seem to have taken cephalosporins today. According to the doctor's orders, I can't drink..."

"Oh, is that so?" Champs-Elysees took another sip of the wine from his glass. "'re going to say goodbye like this, and then go back and help us search for clues about the identity of the ghost?"

"Yes, yes!" the young man hurriedly agreed. "I'll take a break for a day or two... No, I'll help you track it down as soon as I go back! Just wait for my good news!"

Having said that, he stood up from the chair staggeringly, facing the bartender and the Champs-Elysees who were staring at him curiously, and walked back step by step towards the door of the bar.

"Sir, the way you walk seems interesting," said Champs-Elysees with one hand on the bar, supporting his face, with great interest. "Can't you just go out normally?"

"Okay...Okay..." The young man stammered and nodded, but didn't dare to turn around. Only after rubbing against the door like this, did he hurriedly open the door and flee in a hurry.

"Humph!" With a light snort, the Champs-Elysees put down the wine glass. "Are you ready?"

"Ready," the bartender nodded respectfully. "As long as you give an order, the gas here will explode and send the undead prosecutor upstairs to the underworld. But that guy just now..."

"Don't worry," Hoshino Kaede shook his head gently. "He can't run."

As Hoshino Kaede said, the young man couldn't run - but he didn't realize it yet.

It was Kazami Yuya, a burly man who was wearing a pair of sunglasses, who blocked his way.

"Police Department? Why are you here??" the young man shouted, only to realize that something was wrong. "You... didn't they all say you were dead?"

"It seems that you still know me," [Kazuya Yuya] didn't answer his question, just nodded and said with satisfaction.

Before the young man could realize what was going on, he felt a pain in his heart, and then he felt that all the strength in his body had been drawn from his body. When he looked down, Kazami Yuya's hand was deeply inserted into his body - what kind of speed and strength is this? No, that's not the point, the point is why the police department...

When he raised his head again and wanted to take a last look at the superior he once trusted most, he found that he took off his sunglasses with the other hand.

In what should have been the eyes, there were only two glass eyeballs flashing with red lasers.

At this time, the two eyeballs also rolled.

"Hello, Mr. XYZ," the electronic sound came out of [Kazama Yuya]'s throat. "It's nice to meet you this way—although, maybe you don't want to know me this way."

Closing the fingers that were inserted into the heart from the ribs, the robot looked blankly at the blood gushing out from around the wrist where it was submerged into the opponent's body, and waved its hand carelessly.

Accompanied by this seemingly weak action, the corpse weighing nearly 70 kilograms flew out like a small stone and smashed heavily on the wall next to the nearest trash can, making a loud noise~www ~ bang! "

Cleanup is complete.

"To be honest," Hoshino Kaede's emotional voice sounded from the darkness. "Every time I look at you, I feel like this is a miracle that doesn't belong in this world."

"Thinking? Maybe," the electronic voice responded. " be honest, that's the limit of this technology. I can go further in design, but that's not what the current material structure can do - I need lighter and better Materials to push the weight and maneuverability of this guy a step further. But let's be honest... if I go over there, what's going to happen to this thing? You can obviously see that this thing can't go through security. "

"Remove the core components and destroy the others?" Hoshino Kaede suggested. "Or... if you have time, you can continue to use this thing to help us clean up in Japan - rest assured, it will only target the enemies of the organization, not civilians."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you if you need it." The robot nodded. "This thing... To be honest, the technical content is not in the machine, but in myself."

Just as they were talking here, footsteps suddenly came from the other end of the alley where they were.

"!?" Hoshino Kaede was startled, and quickly grabbed the pistol hidden in his clothes, and looked in the direction of the sound with the robot.

"Wait..." The robot's response was sharp. "This guy...isn't he drunk?"

Although Hoshino Kaede couldn't see clearly, Qianyu could see the opposite scene through the robot's night vision module - it was a young woman with a good figure, who was swaying with a handbag painted by Fusa. Come this way.

Wait a minute...who is this?

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