Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1053: - admonish

In the dark of night, Chiba was walking down the street with Shiho on her back.

Compared with Shiho a month ago, his body feels at least 10% lighter... This does not mean that the previous Shiho was not in good shape, it just means that the current Shiho is too thin.

In the past, Zhibao's weight was always controlled at 49.5kg on an empty stomach, but now, the weight of Zhibao, who is well-dressed and well-fed, seems to have just exceeded 46kg.

This month must have been difficult for her, right?

Thinking like this, his steps became heavier.

"I said," the drunk Shiho asked suddenly. "Have you carried a lot of girls on your back like this?"

"No." Facing Shiho who was already drunk, Chiba didn't hide it too much. "Accurately speaking... Maybe it's just me who reacts faster? I learned a little from my brother how to carry a girl before - you were the first to actually lie on my back."

It was indeed taught to him by the Champs-Élysées, and the first opposite **** he recited was indeed Shiho—it was nothing more than the art of language to make the other party think it was the first time.

"You're really good at carrying girls," Shiho put his chin on Chiba's head. "It's almost as stable as when my boyfriend was carrying me - but even he was wobbly when he carried me for the first time, scaring me enough!"

[That is natural. After all, it is the action stabilization system set by the auxiliary unit for me alone. How can I continue to be stable after I carry a person on my back? 】

"Hey," just as Chiba recalled the past and could not help but let out a sigh, Shiho put his mouth to Chiyu's ear and murmured softly. "You should also be able to see that my attitude towards you is very special, right?"

"..." Qianyu frowned slightly, but still responded with the gentlest possible tone. "Uh... I'm not sure. After all, I don't know what your attitude is towards other opposite sex."

"I'm just an ordinary girl, don't demonize me!" Chiho gently tapped on Chiba's shoulder, and Shiho said slowly. "If...if it's an ordinary boy I'm not interested in, how could I just let them take me back! I'll definitely call Sonoko and bring me back."

" your eyes, I'm a special guy who will interest you? How should do you understand what you call [special]?" Qianyu continued to hide some dissatisfaction , ask. "You just said that you like your boyfriend very much, and the two are already engaged. But now, you are talking to someone you just met for a few hours, saying that you think he is a special opposite sex... What do you mean by that?"

After Shibao was silent for a moment, he suddenly laughed.

" are the type of boy I like very, very much, I won't hide this - after all, it's a fact, otherwise I wouldn't be so comfortable talking to you in a drunken state for so long, because you The style is to make me feel very safe." There was a slight smile in her words. "But... this has nothing to do with whether I have any personal feelings for you, it's just because you are really similar to my boyfriend. What I like from beginning to end is just him, and Your words and deeds always make me feel very similar to him, that's why I am interested in Aiwu and Wudi to chat with you. Including my trust in you is also because I think that people who are very similar to him must be very gentle Man - you see, you have not lived up to my expectations, you are indeed a very reliable boy."

Qianyu was silent, at this moment, he even felt a little ashamed for his previous distrust of Shiho.

"But you don't have to be too unwilling... You are still a very masculine gentleman, and you have a good figure and a good voice. Judging from the judgment of the opposite sex, it is not a problem to score a pleasing 80 points. I have no problem with you. Love at first sight is just because you are too similar to him, so you are completely shrouded in his shadow." Shiho did not read the hidden emotions in Chiba's silence at all, and still said to himself. "You...really, very similar to my boyfriend, especially the voice...even to...I feel like talking to you when I'm talking to my boyfriend...sometimes , I will involuntarily regard you as him, and then tell you stories with my heart for him..."

Qianyu lowered her head slightly and said nothing—in fact, he didn't know what to say. Fortunately, it looks like this journey, which has been extremely difficult for him, is coming to an end soon.

The Okura Hotel where Shiho was staying was already not far ahead. As long as Chiba carried her on her back, the mission would be completed.

At this moment, however, Shiho made another request.

"It looks like we're going to say goodbye in two or three minutes..." She raised her head slightly and looked at the light shining from the hotel lobby in front of her. "Then, we may never see each other again - I'm leaving Japan soon after all.

"So, for the last part of the road, please walk slowly... For the sake of our chatting so well, or I make a request... I hope you can satisfy my request."

"Huh?" Chiba, who had reorganized her mood, turned her head slightly and made a questioning voice. "What? I can do it if I can."

"Don't worry, I just want you to say a few words..." Shiho's mood was slightly lowered. " should have noticed, I didn't tell you what happened after our engagement...because it wasn't a good thing.

"Simply put, he had an accident and passed away... Otherwise, I wouldn't be alone at such a time, traveling with a sweet little couple in despair.

"But...I really can't accept...even though we probably only lasted a year or so, I really love him, and he's totally become the most important part of my life. And now, he's just It's gone. I...I know it sounds childish, but can you please satisfy my willful little request?"

Chiba felt a slight tug on the fabric on her chest that was being pressed by Shiho's hands, which was probably a subconscious action made by Shiho when he was emotionally agitated.

"You... just pretend to be my boyfriend's voice in the most gentle way, and say goodbye to me to never see you again, okay?" Hesitating, hesitating, but in the end, Shiho made such a request. "I know it's a shame for a boy to pretend to be another boy's shadow. But...I just want to...make a small request, don't be angry if you don't want to do it... "

"It doesn't matter," Qianyu sighed softly, but then suddenly used a completely different tone. "Shiho, can you hear me?"

"!" Shiho's eyes seemed to suddenly light up. "It seems... it really seems like..."

"Shibao, can you hear me?" Qianyu called softly again.

"Chiba..." Hearing the remarkably similar voice, tears welled up in Shiho's eyes. "Is it you? Is it you!?"

"I'm sorry to say goodbye to you in that way..." Qianyu also put her true emotions into it, and her voice became more and more gentle. "It's still a pity... I wanted to be with you for a long time, but now... I only have so little time left to say goodbye to you."

Shiho listened to the voice of the boy behind his back, biting his lip with his teeth, controlling his unusually excited emotions. And her hands also wrapped her arms around him, as if the other person was really the person she thought about day and night.

"I'm still a little unwilling, my life journey has come to an end. However, Shiho..." Looking at the approaching hotel entrance, Chiba organized the language and wanted to take advantage of this last chance. "Baby, I'm sorry, you still have a long way to go, but... it looks like I'm going to be absent. You... must protect yourself, okay? Be sure to protect yourself... so I'm relieved..."

But after he finished saying those words, there was no movement from Shiho behind him.

"Miss Shiho?" Qian Yu felt something was wrong. "We're downstairs at the Okura Hotel."

"Ah...then..." Shiho finally spoke, but his voice trembled like never before. "Then send me in... Also, your voice doesn't resemble his at all."

"Ah?" Qianyu was stunned for a moment - although this was indeed a bit of a bad time, the classic joke from The Straits Times flashed in his mind for the first time: Chaplin won the first place in the Chaplin gait imitation contest. twenty.

But the next moment, those thoughts were all gone, because behind him, Shiho had already started sobbing.

"Really, your voice is nothing like!"

Qianyu just stood there, letting the girl behind her cry.

"You..." The cry showed no signs of abating, but Shiho continued to speak intermittently. "Go on, don't you mean you'll be at the hotel soon?"

"We're already at the door, but..." Chiba turned her head slightly and looked at Shiho. "Is it really okay for you to cry like this?"

"Don't worry about me... just leave me in the lobby..." Shiho was still crying, but her words were decisive. "I'm sorry...for causing you trouble, just put me down and leave...Thank you for fulfilling so many willful requests of mine...I can't continue to trouble you."

Chiyu also took a deep breath and sorted out her mood.

"Okay, then... it's time for me to say a few words of goodbye," Chiyu said as she walked towards the hotel's revolving door under the strange gaze of the service staff in the lobby, using her tone as brisk as possible. "I'm really happy to meet you, but life is in a hurry, maybe we can only be each other forever..."

Before he could finish speaking, something terrible happened suddenly—the ground shook slightly.

"..." Qian Yu frowned slightly, and while lowering her body weight, she instructed Shibao in a deep voice. "Be careful not to fall, there is an earthquake."

Japan is a country of earthquakes, and countless earthquakes occur every year. But if he remembers correctly, this is the second felt earthquake today - Kobe is not an area where earthquakes are common, and even one felt earthquake a year may not be seen.

It can't be a coincidence, can it?

On January 17, 1995, at 5:46:52 in the morning, this moment will eventually be remembered by history.

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