Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1071: - a future that doesn't exist


"It's strange." This is Chiyu's opinion of herself after changing into new clothes. "There's nothing wrong with it, but it just feels weird."

Although his jackets and trousers were all water-resistant, and he chose high-top marching boots, there was still a lot of rainwater seeping in from the hood, and even his shorts were soaked. So he finally took a shower at Ying's strong request, who noticed the wet shirt on his upper body.

"Since Qianyu asked Ying to take a bath for this reason, then it would be reasonable for Ying to ask Qianyu for the same reason?" This was her reason.

After taking a bath, Qianyu didn't have any suitable clothes to replace - his plan when he went out did not include spending the night outside.

So Ying provided him with her own clothes: it was a spare shrine maiden's white robe, the length of which was no different from a normal female kimono, so it was used by Ying as Chiba's temporary underwear-according to the results of the two of them negotiated, Qianyu can even wear this dress home (of course, you need to wear a coat outside), just return the clothes to her when Ying goes to see him later.

"I think the clothes look good with you," the goddess Muying looked at him with interest. "It's better to say, Chiba like this seems to have a unique charm, and it's very popular!"

"But it still feels weird..." Qianyu pouted. "Let's not say anything else, the main thing is... You know, the air is leaking from below."

Although Ying has chosen a decent dress as much as possible, it is also true that Chiyu's shorts can no longer be worn until they are dry, which causes him to be in a vacuum now.

"There's no way," Ying made an embarrassed expression. "I can lend you my fatness to wear, but... if it's a boy, my fatness probably won't fit?"

"Uh..." After being described so bluntly, Chiyu's expression was a little embarrassed. "Well, let's skip this topic... I think that's okay, it's just a day's work anyway."

Covering her mouth lightly, the goddess Muying's eyes narrowed into crescent shapes. "Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed~"


At 11:20 in the evening, Tiannv Mee's bedroom - to be precise, it is now the bedroom of Ying and Chiba, because the two of them are lying side by side in their own bedding.

"I haven't seen such heavy rain in a long time," Ying sighed while listening to the sound of rain outside the door. "It's been at least half a year, right? In my impression, the last time it rained so heavily was in June last year."

"Indeed, I have rarely seen rain of this magnitude before," Chiba also looked in the direction of the closed door. "If it were narrowed down to being forced to travel in the rain, it might have been my first time at all."

The light in the room is very dim - to be precise, the only light source in the entire bedroom now is a small candle that Ying lit on a candlestick.

Suddenly, the room fell silent. Of course, this is not because they have no more topics to talk about, but because their eyes met while peeking at each other.

"Pfft—" Ying was the first to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" As soon as Qianyu asked this question, she also began to laugh.

After laughing, the two became quiet again and looked at each other.

"Is this the first time?" Ying put her hand out of the quilt and said softly. "I feel... although there is nothing that should be interesting, but I just find it interesting."

"Hmm..." Qianyu originally planned to say something, but Haibara Ai suddenly flashed in his mind.

[Once upon a time, myself and Shiho were like this too...]

[But some things must be put down, no longer nostalgic, no longer aftertaste]

After dispelling the haze in her heart, Qianyu also made a very gentle expression, and also stretched out a hand, like imitating the walking of a villain, and put her hand next to Ying's hand with two fingers, and gently rubbed it. on.

In this way, the two people's hands entwined and played with each other, like two small animals licking each other's fur.

Until a certain time, the two of them seemed to have a heart-to-heart, and their fingers intertwined until they intertwined.

The two looked at each other's hands and laughed again.

"Qianyu," Ying gently moved her body under the quilt and gave a rather unconvincing excuse. "I feel a little cold... Can I visit you there? It might be warmer that way."

"..." Qianyu laughed dumbly. "Yes, of course."

Having said that, he lifted his quilt and watched Ying crawled in obediently, and then he realized a question—could it be that the two of them were going to share a pillow?

This is a single pillow... Could it be that I want it so early—

Chiba's thoughts calmed down a little after Ying brought her own pillow too.

However, why do you feel relieved when the other person is not so close?

[However, is your progress with her too fast today? 】 Chiba has even begun to reflect like this. [Although strictly speaking, everyone should be interested in each other, and I am happy to continue to promote my relationship with her, but...]

In the bottom of his heart, there was always a shadow that made him worry about all this - this shadow once brought him laughter, happiness and all the nouns that can be used to describe happiness. But now, this seems to be the scar in his heart that he is most unwilling to and the heaviest shackle.

Just when he was a little confused, she felt a warm touch on her face.

The goddess Muying, who had just pecked on his face just now, was staring at Qianyu with a surprised expression with the purest eyes.

"I'm still a little cold," she made her own little request. "Can you... hug me? I think I'll be warmer that way."

After realizing her hesitation and dereliction of duty just now, Qianyu was more decisive this time, and gently held Ying in her arms.

Ying was nestled in Qianyu's arms with such a happy face, but the expression of Qianyu who was holding him was much more complicated, and even seemed to be a little lonely.

Just when Qianyu thought the girl in her arms was about to fall asleep, she suddenly spoke up.

"The Far East..." She asked a somewhat strange question. "Is it a country that speaks Chinese?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Qianyu replied immediately. "You...haven't slept yet?"

"Yeah," Ying nodded lightly, rubbing Chiyu's arm through the cloth. "Just... a little curious."

"Well... in principle, the language used in the Far East is called Chinese, so this question is meaningless. So I guess you should be referring to the official language of the Far East, which is Mandarin (プートンホワ), right?" Qianyu explained. . "That's right. In 1923, the Far East's Committee for Renewing the Guoyin Dictionary ruled that Jingyin, that is, after the new Guoyin replaced the old Guoyin, Mandarin was the official language of the Far East. But... why are you asking this?"

He heard Ying let out a sigh.

"You..." Ying asked such a question. "After you go to China, will we be separated forever?"

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