Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 289: - Lunch, Clock Museum

At noon, the train arrived at Matsumoto Station.

"We won't go to Matsumoto Castle first," Dr. Agsa said with the map. "We'll go to the Watch and Clock Museum, then go north to the museum, then go to Matsumoto Castle, then we'll go to Matsumoto Shrine, and finally we'll visit the old Kaichi school. We planned to go to the museum, but considering the museum The paintings in it are all very obscure and not very well-known works, and the museum is closed at 4:30 and closed at 5:00. Adding it to the process may affect the same prohibition at 4:30. The venue, the old Kaizhi school that closed at five o'clock. Tomorrow we'll go to the attractions in the south."

"Matsumoto Shrine?" Ayumi asked curiously. "Is that a deity that Matsumoto City believes in?"

"Who knows," Conan replied. "Maybe it's just because this is Matsumoto City."

"Gulu—" At this moment, Yuan Tai's stomach reminded them that it was time for lunch. "Doctor, where are we going to eat?"

"Well—" Dr. Li thought for a while. "Where do you want to eat?"

"Anyway, as long as there is eel rice, that's fine?" Conan glanced at Yuanta. "After all, apart from Yuan Tai, we shouldn't have any dietary preferences."

"I don't really want to eat eel rice this time. After all, eel rice can be eaten anywhere." Yuanta shook his head. "It is said that there are many special dishes here!"

"It tastes amazing, it doesn't have any flavor," Yuan Tai said after swallowing a piece of raw horse meat and after a while. "No wonder Matsumoto's horse meat is the best!"

Yes, the specialty restaurants here include horse meat - Matsumoto's horse meat dishes are a must in Japan.

"Qianyu, Haibara-san, this is really delicious." After eating a piece of raw horse meat, Ayumi also made a strong Amway to Qianyu and Haibara. "Aren't you really going to have one too?"

"I won't eat it." Qianyu's expression was ugly, and he refused the proposal very firmly - he was studying at a university in the UK, so just like the British, he had a very strong resistance to horse meat. (British people see horses as their noble companions, so culturally resist horse meat...)

"I don't like to eat horse meat." Haiyuan shook his head sadly. (The United States is similar. At the stage when Hai Yuanai went to study, because the price of beef fell, horse meat had been abandoned by the Americans again.)

"It's okay," Conan glanced at Qianyu and Haibara Ai. "Didn't they order an extra portion of pan-fried mantou? (おやき, the dough made of mustard flour, which is also a local specialty, is filled with stuffing. According to wiki, it is almost the same as the pan-fried mantou in our country.

"Moreover, both the stuffing and the outer skin of the raw fried steamed buns with wild vegetables are made with the most proud specialty here, so they must have a different flavor." His eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, obviously the taste of the fried steamed buns was not bad.

"..." After seeing Qianyu's expression, Haibara Ai obviously also developed a little special curiosity about the pan-fried steamed buns, and picked up the pan-fried steamed buns in front of her, then took a light bite, and then the corners of her mouth twitched. Slightly raised. "Ugh..."

Qianyu's eyes were attracted by the voice, and the smile on her face became even more intense after seeing Haibara Ai's expression.

"What have you two experienced?" Conan sighed looking at the expression on Qianyu's face.

From Matsumoto Station all the way to the east, after passing through Kokufucho, turn to the north, pass through Shinmeicho and Isecho, and then turn to the east after reaching the river bank. You can see the clock museum painted yellow within 100 meters.

"This is one of the best watch museums in Japan," Conan said. "It is said that there are more than 100 kinds of clocks that have appeared from ancient times to the present."

From the outside, the Watch Museum located at the intersection has a rhombus shape, and the part of the rhombus near the center of the intersection is a 270° arc protrusion, and the protrusion is…

"What a big wall clock!" Yuan Tai looked at the swinging clock operating in the protruding glass arc column, and said in surprise.

"This should be the largest swing clock in Japan," Dr. Agasa replied. "It is also the treasure of this museum."

"Then let's go in!" Mitsuhiko said excitedly. "There must be all kinds of weird clocks in there!"

"Wait a minute, I'll go buy you tickets first!"

Chiba and Haibara Ai walked side by side in the corridor, and the others had long since separated from them, and the two of them were happy to visit the museum in this way—there were mobile phones and communication badges anyway, they didn’t May get lost.

"You said," Ai Haibara asked suddenly. "Is the clock a sign that human beings have mastered time, or is it a sign that human beings have surrendered to time?"

"Haven't you listened to the elective course in philosophy?" Qian Yu asked with a smile after being slightly stunned. (Part of the philosophy class is about the relationship between humans and nature)

"I have read some basic textbooks of philosophical schools." Ai Haibara replied. "But I want to hear your opinion."

"The arguments for the two options you provided are probably based on the following two reasons?" Qianyu explained. "Mastering time is when one is able to observe the flow of time with precision; surrendering to time is when one chooses to do as much as possible from time's chronic verdict on life by precisely measuring time, but is completely incapable of challenging it. exist."

"Yeah." Hai Yuanai nodded.

"I think, human's attitude towards time..." Qianyu replied after thinking for a while. "Should it be hostile?"

"Huh?" This answer is obviously not within the scope of the answer that Haibara Ai had envisaged before. UU reading www.uukanshu. com "How do you say that?"

"As prisoners of time, human beings have always sought ways to combat the passage of time - clocks and clocks are designed to master time to reduce waste, and other advances, including medical advances and living conditions, are also essentially designed to extend the time limited by human life. Use it effectively. The ancient use of lead makeup and the current use of makeup to fight aging is also one of the human resistance to time.”

Speaking of this, Qianyu suddenly remembered something and asked in a low voice. "I have a question-"

"Huh?" Haibara tilted her head.

"Does my existence mean that humans have conquered time?"

"I'm sorry, it doesn't count." Haibara Ai showed a somewhat sad smile. "We do get a child's body, but the telomeres in our body are still at the level of wear and tear they were in before we got smaller. That is, if your life expectancy is 70 and you were 17 before you got smaller, So you can only live another 53 years even if you don't change back."

"What is the principle of your drug?" Qian Yu frowned. "How can a suicide poison have such an effect?"

"As far as I know, one of the core ingredients of the special medicine for you core personnel is colchicine," Haibara Ai shrugged. "You should understand what this means, right? The special version of the medicine can not only kill you, but also make you die without seeing your body - the cytoskeleton of the whole body will be rapidly disintegrated under the action of the colchicine component, and then part of the liquid component will be disintegrated. And some organic ingredients will boil or decompose under the action of other ingredients, and you will end up with a dry flat ball of human skin filled with residue."

"Tsk..." Qian Yu smacked her lips. "Sounds like this kind of death must not look good..."

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