Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 293: ——The first suspect - Kono Yoshiyuki

The arrival of the ambulance does not mean that they are safe. After all, the sound of the ambulance's whistle cannot disperse the sarin gas. They must wait until the sarin gas dissipates to a certain extent before they can leave here safely - liquid sarin gas is a persistent poison, if the concentration is extremely high, even if it is open terrain, the effect of sarin gas will not be very good, If no special detoxification measures are implemented, it is likely to retain a very high concentration in a certain place, so it is definitely not a good choice to go out rashly.

A few minutes later, more ambulances and fire trucks honked.

"I think the situation this time is quite serious..." Qian Yu had already lifted a corner of the curtain and said while looking outside. "Even the Rice Kho Hospital is not equipped with so many ambulances."

"This time the situation is definitely not trivial," Haibaraai said solemnly. "If it turns out to be a terrorist attack, it's definitely the event of the year this year."

At this moment, the phone in the house rang.

"?" Yuan Taizheng was about to run over to answer the phone, but was stopped by Conan. "Wait a minute, we're not sure who the caller is yet!"

"The ambulances are here, do they want to stay here?" Qianyu tilted her head. "Shouldn't it be standard practice to run away at this time?"

At this time, three ambulances and a fire truck stopped under the hotel where they were, and a group of people wearing obviously much inferior chemical protective suits ran through the hotel door.

"You check the first floor, let's check upstairs!" Someone among them shouted.

"Perhaps there is no major problem." Haibara Ai said after looking at the chemical protective suits on them.

......In a ward of the Hospital Affiliated to Shinshu University (this is the real hospital in Matsumoto City, about two to three kilometers northeast of where Chiba and the others stayed. After the accident, this is the nearest large hospital.), The doctor looked at Chi Yu and the others who were sitting opposite him, and then looked at the test report in his hand in surprise.

"Although they are close to the patient next door, they don't have the same negative indicators as the guy who has fallen into convulsions. Obviously, it's not a big problem." The doctor looked at the test report and said.

"When we opened the door, we found that the windows had been taped up by them," said a nearby nurse. "It looks like they did a very good quarantine in time."

"Really?" the doctor asked in surprise. "That's really impressive..."

At this moment, a doctor opened the door and walked in.

"The patient presented with symptoms of muscle tremors and persistent smooth muscle spasms, which I suspected was the result of a large-scale pesticide spill, and I requested prescription rights for atropine and phosphatadine to combat the M-like symptoms that had occurred (sympathetic excitation, muscarinic, etc.) Atropine-like symptoms, symptomatic treatment by atropine) and N-like symptoms (nicotinic-like symptoms such as muscle tremors, symptomatic treatment by pyridoxine)..." Halfway through he said, he and Chiba and others looked at each other in dismay. "How are you?"

"A new doctor?" Qian Yu was stunned. "Why are you here?"

"I originally came here to hold a meeting. I was arranging a hotel to rest, but I was urgently summoned to deal with the sudden illness." The new doctor's face couldn't hide his surprise. "Why are you here?"

"I also think it's a pesticide problem," the testing doctor for Qianyu and others wrote a note and said to the new doctor. "This note is the highest authorization that my level can give, and it should just be able to allow you to prescribe these two drugs. If the combination of atropine and pyridoxine is effective, remember to let me know - oh yes, pyridoxine will definitely be To enhance the effect of atropine, please slightly reduce the amount of atropine when combined with drugs."

"I understand." Saying that, the new doctor took the note and left in a hurry.

"You shouldn't have any abnormality," the doctor immediately said to Qianyu and the others. "But considering the potential risks, you all have to stay in another place for the time being - the entire Shenzhi District (I don't remember saying I didn't say it, but again, Shenzhi District is the area where Matsumoto Station is located, which is where the hotel where Qianyu and the others stayed before belonged to) There is a potential risk of poisoning in the area).”

"Okay." Dr. Li nodded. "I'll take the kids somewhere else."

...a few hours later, June 28, 1994, at 6:30 in the morning.

Chiba and Haibara Ai sat side by side on a stool leaning against the wall and communicated on their mobile phones.

"How did you know that there was no sarin gas outside?" Qianyu asked. "If you hadn't insisted on vouching for it, I would never have let you open the door."

"Their chemical suits are very low-level, and they are just a simple protective mask in terms of respiratory protection. I have come across this kind of mask before, and the biological department has used it before, but the special gas research and development department has not even touched it. Touching - The respirator doesn't have any defense against the gas they come in contact with. The fact that they can get here alive means there isn't enough gas to hurt them (especially considering they take in a lot of air just to run) , so the amount of poisonous gas inhaled is far from the amount of poisonous gas that Qianyu and the others may inhale when they go downstairs and leave and such an amount cannot harm those medical staff, which basically means that Qianyu and the others will not have too much gas when they go downstairs. It is a big danger. As long as you go to the hospital for an examination, you can rule out the last possibility of poisoning. ), so I will be sure that the sarin gas has basically been lost."

At this moment, the sound of the TV turning on caught their attention. A few seconds later, the TV turned on—Dr. Agasa was surrounded by Conan and Ayumi, staring at the TV screen together.

"... Nai, here is the urgent news from Nippon TV." On the screen, a woman with curly hair was reporting. "Just last night, a large number of residents in Fukashi District, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, were found to have abnormal symptoms at home and were rushed to the hospital. There were more than 1,000 patients, and it is reported that there have been more than 20 dead."

"Oh my God!" Qianyu heard Ayumi's exclamation.

"It is reported that the police have been involved in the case, and the first informant, Yoshiyuki Kono, has been summoned, and the case is currently under investigation. In addition, according to exclusive information, the police have found a variety of pesticides after searching the home of Yoshiyuki Kono. It is not yet confirmed whether these pesticides can produce the symptomatic effects of this incident, but it is very likely that this will be a breakthrough in this case."

"How could this be?" Conan frowned. "We clearly saw two people..."

"This person is probably wronged!" Mitsuhiko said in surprise. "We have to call the police and tell them what we saw!"

"It's optional," Qianyu said after thinking for a moment. "But let me remind you first, I don't think this matter can be handled by a small-scale gang. If you want to provide testimony, you'd better use a mobile phone or letter or the like instead of reporting the case directly."

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