Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 313: - unknown

"What about the little girl who lives in your house?" Doctor Xinchu looked at Qianyu with a smile. "It's so late, she should be at home right?"

"Going to buy something," Qianyu spread her hands. "I estimate that it may take another fifteen minutes or so to come back."

"Going out to buy something so late?" Doctor Shinju showed a surprised expression. "Did she tell you herself?"

"SMS." Qian Yu replied. "Uh...I'll call her to confirm."

After a few short chats with the newly released doctor, Qianyu suddenly felt something was wrong. Only by calling Haibara Ai to confirm can she feel at ease.

The new doctor looked at Chiyu's hand attentively at the keys, but didn't say anything.

Then, no one answered.

"..." Qianyu frowned.

"Is there no one answering?" Doctor Shinichi guessed the situation after taking a look at Qianyu's expression.

"Yes." Qianyu nodded. "How is this going……"

"I'm afraid it's inseparable from the people who climbed your wall," Dr. Shinichi said in a low voice, glancing at the line of defense where Officer Mu Mu was taking notes for Fujiwara. "Don't tell police officers Mumu and the others, or you will definitely get a search warrant thrown by the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Then what should I do?" Qianyu's anxious expression flashed across her face, but she thought of something. "Wait a moment……"

Qianyu looked at the newly released doctor who was still smiling. "You know something, right? You or Fujiwara must know where the next batch of cars came from!"

"Well—that might disappoint you~" The newly-born doctor's eyes curved into crescent shapes. "Sorry, I have nothing to offer, but maybe we can find some clues."

"Like?" Qian Yu raised her eyebrows.

"Little girls usually don't run out by themselves at night," said the new doctor. "So it's nothing more than being kidnapped or kidnapped at home. Considering that there doesn't seem to be anything unusual about your home, it should have been kidnapped, so who can take that little girl out?"

"Uh..." Qian Yu thought for a moment, and then suddenly thought of an answer.

Haibara Ai has a strong vigilance against outsiders, except...

Hotaru, who has a good relationship with Ai Haibara because she likes cats?

"..." Qianyu glanced at Fujiwara who was still taking notes.

"Who did you think of?" Doctor Shinichi seemed to realize that Qianyu had the answer. "Look at think it's his girlfriend, Mizuko Hotaru?"

"Uh..." After thinking for a while, Qianyu chose to nod her head. "Maybe with her."

"Then let Fujiwara take us to see it later," suggested the new doctor. "He should know where the lady's family lives."

At this moment, the record on Fujiwara's side ended.

"Then, let's do this first," Officer Mumu stood up and walked towards Qianyu. "Qianyu, I want to tell you something."

"?" Qian Yu was a little surprised, because he didn't understand why Officer Mumu came to him.


In the kitchen, Officer Mumu closed the kitchen door with a dignified expression, and turned to look at Qianyu who was confused.

"Is your family rich?" Officer Mumu asked.

"Uh..." Qianyu thought for a while. "It's barely okay? My family left me a fairly generous fortune before they passed away."

"..." Officer Mumu said seriously after thinking about it. "Everything I say next, you have to listen carefully."

"?" Qianyu tilted her head.

"Someone is targeting you," Officer Mumu said. "And these people are likely to be within the police hierarchy."

"..." Qianyu showed a surprised expression. "police?"

Someone from the Police Department was watching him, Qianyu knew, but Qianyu didn't know how Officer Mumu knew about this.

"Yes," Officer Mumu said solemnly. "Listen to me, if a policeman wants to enter your house in the future, you will ask him to show a search warrant. If you can't show a search warrant, call me immediately, understand?"

"Understood..." Qianyu obviously still didn't understand what was going on, but she nodded immediately.

"Okay," Officer Mumu patted Qianyu on the head. "If you run into trouble, just call me directly."

After speaking, Officer Mumu walked out of the kitchen, leaving Qianyu alone with a confused expression. "Let's go outside and take a look at the scene, so I won't disturb you for now."

"We might have to go out. We're so hungry that we have to buy something to eat." Qian Yu said. "Then we went out through the back door? This shouldn't damage the scene."

"It's your choice," Officer Mumu replied. "But be careful."

After speaking, he greeted the other policemen and left through the front door together.

"What are you discussing over there?" At this time, Fujiwara turned to Chiba and Doctor Shinichi and asked. "It doesn't seem like an easy thing?"

"Don't you think there are fewer people?" Doctor Shinichi motioned to Fujiwara to think. "The little guy thinks that little girl might be with your girlfriend."

"Is it at Hotaru?" After hearing Chiba's inference, Fujiwara raised his eyebrows. "Well - it's possible, then let's go and see."

"That," Qianyu said suddenly. "Can you tell me Miss Ying's cell phone number?"

"?" Fujiwara glanced at and then told him a series of numbers.

"..." Qianyu nodded, and then the auxiliary unit started to work.

Just now, Qianyu opened a brain hole, and then directly did an experiment-since the mobile phone call is performed through the base station, can you simulate the call by doing something in the base station that Qianyu can simulate?

The principle of mobile communication is very simple - firstly, the communication request is sent through the base station, and then it is connected to the base station where the called party's mobile phone is located, and finally the communication request is communicated through the base station where the called party is located.

So in this process, the base station where the called party is located will be submitted - the base station simulated by Chiba's auxiliary unit can extract this data.

The auxiliary unit has completed the learning of the calling behavior of Chiyu's mobile phone, and can directly simulate the signal of Chiyu's mobile phone as a base station without connecting the mobile phone, and then send communication requests to mobile phones under the control of other base stations.

While Chiba was working, she left the Tachibana mansion with Doctor Shinshi and Fujiwara through the back door.

The first call was to Haibara Ai's cell phone.

After about five seconds, the communication entered the time to call the called party through the base station, and the base station number had also been transmitted. Qianyu immediately ended the communication after obtaining this data, so that potential disadvantaged parties would not find out that he had made a call.

The second call was made to Yingying's mobile phone, and the base station number was also passed on soon.

The two mobile phones belong to the same base station - considering the distribution density of base stations in the city, this means that the distance between Hai Yuanai and Ying Ying's mobile phones will not exceed 100 meters.

"..." Chiba was silent, and got into the new doctor's car with Fujiwara.

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