Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 317: ——History: Sanctions, Gene Blast

"Won't it destroy organs?" Fujiwara raised his eyebrows. "Although I really want to do this, it's not good to damage organs..."

When he heard this, the person who was **** on the bed began to struggle harder.

The woman motioned Kazuo Ota to answer the question.

"You have three minutes to punish him," Kazuo Ota said. "After that, we will start the dissection immediately, keep his core organs, and then subject the organs to gene explosion surgery. Oh, by the way, don't move his neck to the abdomen, if you stab what you need, it will not be used. Wonderful."

"As for tools," the woman handed Fujiwara a fruit knife hidden in a scabbard. "Under the quilt of the unoccupied hospital bed in front of me is a semi-enclosed garment, which can prevent your clothes from getting dirty. Just wash your face at the most."

"Thank you," Fujiwara nodded, then took out the dress the woman said. "Good clothes."

Quickly put on the surgical gown, Fujiwara put on the hat and mask in his pocket, and then came to the perpetrator with a fruit knife.

"What's your name..." Fujiwara stopped halfway through his question. "Forget it, it's not important, anyway, this title will soon be meaningless."

The button on the perpetrator's neckline was lightly untied by Fujiwara, exposing the entire throat area, and the fruit knife with the scabbard swiped gently on the central axis.

"!!!" The perpetrator continued to struggle, even with the fixture that fixed the lower jaw, shaking constantly within the range of motion. Only then did Fujiwara realize that the reason why the perpetrator couldn't make a sound was because he had a ball in his mouth... a pair of black stockings?

If it were normal, Fujiwara would definitely be stunned, but at this time he was not in that mood.

"Don't look at me like that," Fujiwara continued. "I don't want to see you either, because the first time you appeared in front of me, you bumped my most important friend into the ICU. To me, you were just a source of trouble."

The fruit knife is unsheathed.

"So, let's not push each other hard and meet each other." Fujiwara put the tip of the knife on the neck of the perpetrator. "I don't want to see you again until I die - ah, even if I die I won't meet you, your crime is too serious."

Fujiwara adjusted the fruit knife to an angle perpendicular to the perpetrator's neck, and then placed his other hand on the end of the handle to facilitate the use of force.

Take a deep breath, and then...

"Die!" Fujiwara gritted his teeth and stabbed the knife through the thin layer of skin he was touching.

Fujihara originally wanted to let him experience the pain of life rather than death, but he finally chose to kill him with one blow—even if it was just to buy Takeda some more time to prepare. At this time, there should be no extravagance.

"You're cleaner than I thought," the woman smiled and nodded. Ota Kazuo made a phone call immediately.

About half a minute later, several people in white coats walked in with a stretcher cart and pushed the dead perpetrator out.

When the stretcher van disappeared outside the door, Fujiwara took a step back as if waking up from a dream, leaning against the wall.

What did he just do? Like... a murder?

"You're starting to be confused now?" The woman came to Fujiwara and touched his head. "It doesn't matter, you just saved your friend's life. And his other organs will also be removed and used on other people - although you kill one person, you may save three, five Personally, you have helped more people!"

Her words seemed to have a magic power that could calm people down.


A few minutes later, in a workshop, Fujiwara was sitting in a seat, looking at two computer screens in front of him - one of them was taking pictures of three organs, including the heart, soaked in transparent liquid, while the other One is an extremely complex data page. Kazuo Ota sat on the seat next to him, while the woman stood behind him with her arms propped on the back of the chair Fujiwara was sitting on.

"What are you doing?" Fujiwara asked. "What is this so-called 'gene explosion'?"

"This technology is essentially a DIY gene chain," explained Kazuo Ota. "We copied a fragment of Takeda's antigen-related gene, and then through a technology found in bacteria (author: CRISPR, the tool used to edit genes now, found in bacteria), this fragment was found in the transparent you see After large-scale replication in the liquid, a targeted cutting tool is attached. As long as the gene fragments in these liquids are gradually washed out of the fragments in the organs while maintaining the oxygen supply to the organs, most gene fragments can be removed. Modified to Takeda's - in a sense, these organs are ideal transplants with a perfect match with Takeda. Because the cutting tool chain we use is very long, the clips that can be cut are very targeted So miscuts are almost impossible. Even if a small number of gene fragments are off-target and hit elsewhere, the chance that these fragments will threaten Takeda's health after transplantation is almost zero."

"Your technology is really advanced..." Fujiwara sighed. "However, sister, I have a question."

"What's the problem?" the woman asked.

"Who are you?" Fujiwara asked. "If you have such a technology, why didn't you get the Nobel Prize? The technical content of this is much higher than last year's Nobel Prize. (The 1988 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded respectively for the development of coronary heart disease drugs. Propranolol and an anticancer drug that does not damage normal cells, and this gene DIY are not at the same level as scientific research results)”

"We?" The woman said to Fujiwara after looking at Kazuo Ota. "We are a group, an organization that challenges the unknown and the dark. We are adventurers navigating the ocean of knowledge, loners dancing between taboo and truth, and fanatics dedicated to the destiny of mankind. Perhaps we will in the future Go to hell, but everything we get will become the most valuable asset on the road of human development."

"For human beings..." Fujiwara murmured.

"What's the matter, do you want to join us?" Kazuo Ota asked.

"Honestly," Fujiwara replied. "I'm really not particularly interested in this. After all, I belong to the kind of selfish person."

"You're very honest," the woman smiled and patted Fujiwara's head. "Not everyone has to have big ambitions. As long as you can agree with us in some areas, you can join us. Here, you will learn a lot and gain a lot."

"I'll think about it." Fujiwara shrugged.

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