Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 333: ——History: Threatening each other

This conversation, which ended in an almost dramatic fashion, failed to resolve the issue between Hotaru and Yuma, and Takeda still faced the risk of being greened out at any time.

So with the attitude of giving it a try, Fujiwara entrusted this task to Chiyu and the others-after all, he accidentally discovered that the owner of the hot spring hotel that had a very good relationship with his family actually bought Dr. The doctor is accepting a repair request from the owner of the hot spring hotel. If you don't understand what I said, see Chapter 199). If you don't take advantage of such a coincidence, you will suffer.

As for how to convince Takeda and Hotaru to also go to the hot spring hotel, this is the simplest question - they have already agreed to go out on the weekend and have enough luggage ready, but they have not yet determined their destination. Just call them at night and tell them the itinerary.

So, this weekend, Fujiwara and his party went to the Hakone Hotel to spend the weekend together.

...... (continue to the end of Chapter 214, if you forget the specific plot, go back to watch it yourself)

Chiba was about to put away the small box containing the diamond necklace, but was stopped by Fujiwara.

"This box is not a reward, it has other uses," Fujiwara reached out. "give me back."

"Oh..." Qianyu took out the necklace, returned the box to Fujiwara, opened the door of the storage room, and left in a hurry.

Seeing the figure of Qianyu leaving, the corner of Fujiwara's mouth twitched slightly, and then he also walked out of the storage room with the small box in his hand.

Under the light of the corridor, all of Fujiwara's fingers shone with dazzling light.

Before he came, he made hands and feet on his fingers. The reason why his fingers were reflective was because he was wearing a pair of plastic gloves-this is also the reason why he chose a relatively dim storage room to face Chiba, so as to avoid Chiha Through the light, I could see that there was something wrong with Fujiwara's hand.

The reason why I have to wear these gloves is because Fujiwara intends to extract Chiba's fingerprints - through this necklace box.

The outer surface of this necklace is coated with a permanent coating and a floating coating, where the floating coating is freshly applied - the floating coating is very unstable and will be wiped off once touched One piece, thus faithfully reflecting any traces of contact with this floating coating. Therefore, even if Fujiwara put on gloves to prevent his fingerprints from mixing with Chiba, he still carefully clamped the two corners of the box to prevent his gloves from touching the temporary coating.

After extracting Chiba's fingerprints, Fujiwara carefully put the box into the container specially prepared for it, and then glanced at the phone.

It's time to meet another person.


A few minutes later, Fujiwara walked into a cafe downstairs that didn't close until midnight.

Someone was already waiting for him.

Yuma looked cautiously at Fujiwara, who walked up to her and sat opposite her.

"Do you know what I want to talk to you about?" Fujiwara sat down and chose to cut straight to the point.

"I don't know..." Yuzhen was a little confused. "What are you going to talk about?"

"It's about you and Hotaru." After Fujiwara finished speaking, he unexpectedly saw Yujin's face pale. "What's wrong?"

"You..." Yuma said after organizing the language. "Fujiwara-san, what do you mean?"

"Do you think I don't know what you and Hotaru did?" Fujiwara leaned forward, using a very aggressive body language to pressure Yuma. "Those things that are taboo and inhumane."

"What are you talking about..." Yuzhen was about to play stupid, but was interrupted by Fujiwara.

"The last time I rode the Ferris wheel," Fujiwara reminded. "What did you guys do in the car? Kissing? Or more?"

"..." Yujin's face was obviously a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how to answer this question.

"Anyway, you can figure it out," Fujiwara lay back on the back of the bench. "I'll give you an ultimatum. If I see you doing that kind of thing with Hotaru again, don't blame me for telling Takeda. Even if I make him sad, I don't want him to go on with you in a green hat. ."

Yuma fell silent, while Fujinoji waited for her final response.

Suddenly, Fujiwara realized that something was wrong with Yuma's eyes - her eyes fell behind her, not on herself.

Before Fujiwara could turn his head, he found a strange touch coming from behind him, as well as on his shoulders.

Hotaru was kneeling on the bench behind Fujiwara that was next to the bench where Fujiwara was sitting, and put his hands on Fujiwara's shoulders while burying Fujiwara's head on her own chest. "What is Fujiwara-kun talking about with Yuma-chan?"

(If it is represented by symbols, it is almost like the right side. The square brackets are the benches, the squares are the tables, and the two benches in the middle are attached to each other. 【□】【□】Yuma sits on the bench on the far right. , Fujiwara is sitting on the second bench on the right, and Hotaru is kneeling on the second bench on the left just enough to reach Fujiwara on the adjacent bench.)

"?" Fujiwara finished raising his head while rubbing against Hotaru's chest. After confirming the situation, he turned his head to Yuma again. "I should have said that I can't tell anyone about the fact that I asked you out to talk?"

"I didn't tell her!" Yu Zhen said anxiously.

"Okay, don't blame Yuma-chan, I followed quietly." Hotaru moved her body down slightly, so that her chest was sandwiched between Fujiwara's neck, and her head was gently resting on Fujiwara's. overhead. "Hey, but to be honest, it's not appropriate to invite your best friend's girlfriend to a cafe at night to be alone? I believe that if someone sees you, they will think Yuma-chan is your girlfriend."

Fujiwara frowned slightly.

"So, if we really want to discuss something, it's obviously the two of us that are more suitable, what do you think?" After speaking, Hotaru hugged Fujiwara and pressed his cheek from Fujiwara's side.

"..." Fujiwara glanced at Hotaru, and after a moment of silence, he said to Yuma. "Then go back first, I'll talk to Yingying."

After Yuma left, Hotaru got up from the and sat down on the bench where Fujiwara was sitting again, and moved closer to him. "I'll show you something fun~"

After speaking, she took out a few photos, and Fujiwara's complexion instantly turned blue when she saw these photos.

After the angle of the first photo is from Fujiwara's side, Fujiwara's body has been propped up on the table, and the upper body is already directly above the table. At first glance, Fujiwara's face seems to have been attached to Yuma's face. (This is when Fujiwara used verbal pressure)

The angle of the second photo is from the right side of Fujiwara. In this photo, Yuma looks embarrassed, while Fujiwara has a smile on his face. (This is when Fujiwara gave the ultimatum)

"You said," Hotaru said in a charming but dangerous tone full of temptation. "What would Takeda think if I put the second picture in the front and the first picture in the back? By then, you'll be the one to cuckold him."

"..." Fujiwara said solemnly after being silent for a long time. "what do you want to do?"

"It's just a deal," Hotaru rested her head on Fujiwara's shoulder. "Accurately, this is a deal you can't refuse. I could have threatened you with this, but now I think it's more reasonable to deal fairly with you."

"I promise not to kiss Yujin or anything like that, but as a condition, you can't force her to cut off your relationship with me. If you're going to break the contract, then I'll take the negatives of these two photos—the two I have a copy of each photo - pass it on to Takeda. You care about Takeda as a friend, don't you? So you'll agree to the deal, right?"

Hotaru raised her head and turned to look at Fujiwara who was biting her lip with a smile.

"Then, our treaty is established~"

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