Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 349: - the high seas on land

"Russian diplomat?" The special forces team member was stunned. "Diplomatic immunity?"

"Tsk," Feng Jian raised his eyebrows. "Doesn't it look like we can't arrest you yet?"

"That's right, if you don't believe me, you can contact the Russian embassy to confirm." Belmod nodded slightly. "We have absolute freedom until we are sent home."

"Is that so..." Kazami pushed his glasses. "Then it looks like your car is still in the container, how about giving us some time to clean up the bodies in the container?"

"What if they do check it?" Fujiwara asked in Latin on the way to the car in the container. "Just check with the Russian embassy, ​​won't we be exposed? "

"It won't reveal the contents, Belmod's eyes slightly glanced at Feng Jian who was staring at them behind him. "Our documents are genuine. "

This time, the National Police Agency is absolutely prepared: it took them four or five minutes from the start of the shootout to the arrival of the National Police Agency. Even the National Police Agency would not be able to complete the assembly at this time. The police tarmac rushed over—the ability to do this showed that they must have been waiting for the signal beside the apron for a long time. Once the FBI issued an order for help or an order from the police headquarters, they immediately boarded the plane and rushed over.

But even this is a bit too fast. The map indicates that there should be no apron set up by the Police Department in this area...

No, no matter why they came so quickly, they must have come well prepared. Now that that Judy knows who she really is, it's impossible not to know that she's starred in a Catholic propaganda film organized by the Vatican's Holy See - in which she shows she's been able to cope after only a few months of study Latin proficiency in general religious procedures and everyday conversations.

In other words, the group of people behind may have special talents who can understand Latin.

Fujiwara probably also realized what the problem might be, so he changed the way of communication.

"What do you do with the bottle of seventeen-year-old wine you put in the car? Did you drink it in the car or go home and taste it slowly?" he asked in French.

What about the seventeen-year-old guy in your car (Ai Haibara)? After leaving here, kill her or take her back to the base to work as a district?

"That kind of wine that has been brewed just right, of course, is to be savored after returning home," Belmod's mouth slightly twitched. "I appreciate it—"

Suddenly, just behind them who had already walked to the front of the car, there was a sudden sound of guns being loaded.

"!" Belmod, Fujiwara, and Calvados looked behind them in surprise at the same time, but found a familiar person.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Akai Hidey said calmly, holding a shotgun. "Any last words to say?"

"Oh," Belmod pretended to be surprised. "It turned out to be Mr. Silver Bullet, but unfortunately, as a Russian diplomat in Japan, I have—"

"You only have immunity in Japan," Akai Shuichi said coldly, raising his shotgun. "But you know what, you just executed the murders of these people with others in this container."

"So what?" Belmod raised his eyebrows. "This is Japan anyway, so the immunity I can only use in Japan has been—"

"This container hasn't passed through customs yet, do you understand what I mean?" Akai Shuichi slightly raised his mouth. "This means that although the container is on Japanese territory, it is not Japanese territory."

Belmod's expression immediately became wonderful.

"So don't try to come out," Akai Shuichi said leisurely. "Trust me, before you can escape, I must have helped you out."

"I remember correctly," Belmod said with a smile. "It's your idea to set up an ambush here, right? Is that why you set the ambush location here?"

"Otherwise?" Akai Shuichi asked rhetorically. "Do you think our embassy in Japan didn't notice that the Russian embassy suddenly had telephone maintenance personnel in? Do you think we wouldn't follow up and find out that they all went to the bar you often use to connect?

"Hmm..." After Belmod made a pre-judgment of the distance from the car, he said nothing. "I didn't expect you to be amazing!"

"But that's it," Akai Shuichi shifted the direction of the muzzle. "You're useful, but the guy next to you who's clearly in combat and the man on the other side with a fake mask (Fujiwara is wearing a mask) is gone."

Before he could finish speaking, the muzzle braked suddenly on the way to Fujiwara and re-aimed at Calvados.

But just before that, a ball had been drawn from Calvados's hand and fell to the ground. And a somewhat impatient soldier has already aimed at the ball.

At the same time that Calvados' body underwent a strange change in posture, white smoke quickly enveloped the entire container.

"Fire!" Shuuichi Akai had no time to blame the soldier, but bent down and retreated to the back of the line of fire, shouting loudly.

A large number of bullets poured into the smoke screen instantly.

"Aim for where the car should be!" Kazami commanded. "They must be hiding behind the car to avoid the barrage!"

One magazine, two magazines, three magazines, and the continuous shooting continued until the smoke in the container filled the container port with natural convection. UU Reading

"Go back and use the bunker to aim at the blocked smoke area!" Akai Hideo said in a deep voice. "Beware of the other party escaping through the smoke!"

Smoke bombs in confined spaces are very efficient things, because it is almost impossible to diffuse and dilute in such spaces.

At this moment, the other end of the container, which was supposed to be welded, also slowly rose a huge column of smoke.

"What's going on?" The surprised expression on Shuichi Akai's face was obvious, and he immediately realized the situation. "Go and look across the street! They may have unlocked the door on the other end of the container and escaped there!"

Mistake... I should have been armed ahead of time...

When Akai Shuichi and Kazami led a few people from the National Police Agency to the other side of the container, they found that the lock of the door on the other side of the container had been smashed, and the entire door was completely open to all of them. in front of people.

A few small **** suddenly appeared in the smoke—this thing everyone knows: Unlike the ones Calvados used to attack the FBI before, these are offensive grenades with relatively low power and not easy to accidentally damage.

"Lie down!" As soon as Akai Hidey finished shouting, he hid behind a bunker formed by a nearby container before everyone could react.

At the same time, the roar of the engine sounded from the smoke.

They didn't escape, but hid in the smoke and waited for the chance that the National Police Agency would fall into chaos... Now even if they wanted to block, they would not be able to enter the firing position due to the threat of the grenade - Shuichi Akai was very sure that since there were grenades here, Then there must be the same thing at the front end of the container in front of the police officers who are guarding there.

There's no way... Now there's really no way to catch them.

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