Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 378: - meeting, target

"...!" Conan suddenly jumped up from his seat and opened the door from the driver's seat - Fumyo Edogawa successfully opened the door over there just now, so there shouldn't be a child lock there. .

The vigilance of the people in the organization is actually so poor... I wanted to escape so many times just now, but I still don't hold the gun in my hand at any time. Isn't this giving me a chance to escape?

"Stop!" Fumyo Edogawa was shocked and quickly pulled out his gun, but at this time Conan had already hid on the other side of the car and disappeared from Edogawa Fumyo's sight.

"Damn..." Fumyo Edogawa gritted his teeth. "Get out of here, boy!"

On the opposite side of the car, Conan hid behind the tires (so that even if Edogawa Fumyo squatted down, he couldn't see Conan's feet from the bottom of the car), thinking.

If Edogawa Fumyo wants to find him, he has to come over—if the other party is on the safe side, and if the other party is on the safe side, and then slowly walk around to see this side, Conan, who is by the car, can completely use the inside advantage to communicate with Edo. Chuanwen generation hide-and-seek. And if the other party comes around directly, Conan can go around a little bit, and then when the other party is not mentally prepared, he will climb to the roof of the car and use the anesthesia gun on his wrist to compare with the pistol in the woman's hand. .

Right now...

"Slap!" A stone suddenly fell to Conan's right.

"!?" Conan looked at the stone in amazement, and when he looked up, he found that at the door of the house, a man was leaning against the door, with one hand in a gesture of throwing something, while the other Point a gun at him.

On that man's face was a hideous Baron of Night mask.

"The game of hide and seek is very boring, don't you think?" The Baron of Night spread out his hands without a gun and asked.

There's no way out now, Conan can't escape from the Baron of Night's vision at this position - even if he escapes, Fumyo Edogawa can slowly walk around from another direction, covering the blind spot that the Baron of Night can't take care of.

Pressing his lips, Conan raised his hands a little unwillingly, representing himself giving up resistance.


Conan suddenly felt a hand grabbing his collar and picked himself up. At the same time, a familiar voice came from behind him. "Xiaoxin~"

"!?" Conan was stunned, then turned around and aimed at the owner of the voice.

Edogawa Fumyo's face was completely damaged - rather than being damaged, it might be more appropriate to call it torn - and underneath this face was not some vague flesh, but another very delicate face.

"Mom?" Conan was stunned.

"Hey~" Yukiko Kudo brought Conan to her face, and then kissed Conan on the cheek. "Xiaoxin, you are still so cute~~~"

During this process, Conan's body rubbed against Yukiko Kudo's bloated body.

"Mom, you are..." Conan said after realizing it. "What are you filling your body with?"

"There's no way," Yukiko Kudo put Conan back on the ground, then shook her clothes...

"Boom-boom--" A large number of various fillers fell out directly from under the clothes, and the effect of this dress, which is fatter than Kudo Yukiko's real figure, was worn on Kudo Yukiko's body instantly. The fit has become a least four Yukiko Kudo are tied together.

"Didn't I tell you from the very beginning?" After taking off the bloated robe to reveal the tights inside, Yukiko Kudo smiled and said with the voice used in Edogawa Fumyo's form. "I am your biological mother."

"Uh..." Conan had a black line on his face. "Then... why did you come to see me, Mom? We just met more than a month ago, right? Wouldn't the paparazzi catch you when you come back so often?"

"No way~" Yukiko Kudo said while hugging Conan. "This time we actually came back because of something, and it was for this reason that our process of coming back was very unobtrusive."

"Something?" Conan asked curiously. "What's up?"

"Your father knows more about it," Yukiko Kudo hugged Conan and walked towards Baron of the Night. "Ask him ←←"

Night Baron took off his mask and looked at Edogawa Conan with the face of Kudo Yusaku.

"D-day is coming." Yusaku Kudo said.

D-day is a traditional military term for the U.S. military, which means the day when a military attack begins.

Are you going to fight? to whom?

"The FBI told us that a credible informant proved that a list of spies kept by a certain operative was taken away by operatives because of his murder," said Yusaku Kudo. "As long as we can get through this hole before the organization can plug this suicidal blunder and hit their field units hard."

"FBI? Have they found a clue now?" Conan asked. "who's that person?"

"Actually, you have already seen his profile," Yusaku Kudo motioned for Yukiko Kudo to hold Conan into the We entered the room and talked slowly with friends. "


When the group entered the house and came to a small room on the second floor.

"I'm in." After Yusaku Kudo finished speaking, he opened the door and showed the scene of the house in front of Yukiko Kudo and Conan in her arms.

A thin man wearing a woolen hat took a photo into his arms, looked at Yusaku Kudo and the others, and then turned his attention to Conan.

"Is this the chosen son?" His voice was hoarse. "Shinichi Kudo, or Edogawa Conan?"

"Who are you?" Conan asked.

"Akai Shuichi, from the FBI," Akai Shuichi said lightly. "Nice to meet you."

"My father said you know who the deceased person who lost the spy list is, can you tell us about it?"

"No problem," Akai Shuichi patted a piece of paper on the table. "Come and see, it's all here."

"..." Yukiko Kudo put Conan down, and Conan immediately ran to the table and picked up this piece of paper. "Wait a minute, Masaki Okakura... this guy is..."

"He's the organization's spy," Akai Shuichi said lightly. "A few days ago, our informant told us that the organization suddenly began to secretly hit the top personnel in Japan to Tokyo, and the informant himself also received an order from a superior who belongs to one of the top personnel because of his sufficient rank— - The purpose of the organization calling them is to recover a list of the organization's field spies on a USB stick who were carried by the disloyal to the organization. Once we or any official organization get this thing, then the organization is in Japan A huge intelligence network could be destroyed in one fell swoop."

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