Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 402: - Christie who appeared, Doyle who disappeared

Following Garner Teruya and Arthur, everyone who was curious about what was going on went out together, and watched Garner Teruya disappear at the end of the aisle on the side leading to the main entrance.

Just as everyone was about to reach the end of the aisle in the same way, Garner Zhao also suddenly stopped complaining about Arthur's unreasonable behavior.

"Sorry," came a soft female voice from the door. "I rang the doorbell a few times just now, but it looks like it's broken and hasn't been ringing. Arthur noticed me, that's why he came for you on purpose—and please don't be mad at Arthur."

"Ah..." Garner Zhao also smiled and scratched his head. "It's just that I didn't notice it at all, and of course I don't blame Arthur..."

From Qianyu's current position, it can be seen that Ganazhao is completely at a loss now, and his words and deeds all show that he is extremely nervous now, which means that he may...

Thinking of this, Qianyu smiled and shook her head.

Now that I think about it, when I presented the Tanabata gift to Haibara on the night of Tanabata, I was probably as eccentric as Ghana Zhao was now, right?

The group walked to Teruya Garner's side and saw a young woman untying the leash of the dog she was holding.

"Oh, who are these children?" the woman asked after seeing Qianyu and the others.

"It's a child brought by my father's old friend." Garner Zhao also explained, and introduced the woman to Chiba and the others. "This is Miss Lianmu and a member of the Dog Association."

At this moment, Arthur suddenly trotted in the direction of the dog brought by Miss Lotus, and started playing with the dog.

"Let's go out and play." Looking at the two dogs who were playing with each other, Miss Lianmu smiled and reopened the door, letting the two dogs out.

"What breed is that dog?" Chiyu asked, looking at the dog that Miss Lianzi brought. "Shetland Sheepdog?"

(Well, let’s diss the subtitle group of the resources on Sohu again... The butterfly ear dog is fine, after all, it’s just that the ears are a little different, so it’s excusable to admit the mistake. But... After Mitsuhiko clearly stated the sheepdog, he was forced to add one. Is the subtitle of the Old England Sheepdog really good? This is obviously a Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Shetland Sheepdog... Shetland and Old England Sheepdog are extremely fluffy breeds except for Is there anything similar to living in the British three roads and can be used to shepherd sheep...)

"Yes," Lianzi-san nodded. "It's called Christy."

"Christie..." Qianyu blinked, and then came to her senses. "Agatha Christie?"

"Yes." Miss Lianzi nodded.

"Wouldn't it be this young lady who ordered that set of speakers?" Dr. Li asked.

"Ah, yes." Garner Zhao also nodded. "It was ordered by Miss Lianzi."

"Huh?" Miss Lianzi immediately realized that Dr. Ali probably also liked that set of speakers. "Sorry, I mainly wanted to give this set of speakers to my brother to celebrate his entrance into high school."

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Dr. Li hurriedly shook his head. "I didn't particularly need this set of speakers, and I just said it casually at the time."

"Although it's none of my business, but I think I still need to remind me," At this moment, Miss Tosari also appeared next to her. "I saw Christie and Arthur playing just now, you'd better pay attention, in case they have offspring in the end, it will not only occupy Christy's youth, but also the **** born will have no market. Keep it or throw it away."

"Don't say that!" Tsunashima-san also appeared behind him. "Although the truth is true, Mr. Garner and Arthur are going to England soon, so it doesn't matter if Arthur and Doyle play for the last time, anyway, Christy and Arthur's most recent estrus is about October. , Garner and Arthur were long gone by then."

At this moment, a bell suddenly sounded behind everyone. Immediately afterwards, Doyle, who didn't know when he started being held by Haiyuan Ai, called out twice, broke free from Haiyuan Ai's embrace, and disappeared at the corner of the aisle.

"Huh?" Haibara Ai's voice fully showed how shocked she was.

"What's going on?" Qianyu quickly asked Garner Zhao also.

"It's okay," Garner explained with a smile. "It's twelve o'clock, Doyle's dessert time."

"Dessert time?"

"That's right, come to the kitchen with me and have a look!"


"Actually, Doyle didn't have the habit of eating desserts," Garner said after putting the cheesecake on the plate. "But after my grandfather, who loved Doyle very much, passed away, my grandma wanted to let grandpa continue to see Doyle, so she deliberately placed a small piece of cheesecake on grandpa's sacrificial table in the Japanese room at noon every day to let Daoyle go. Doyle eats at the sacrificial table - soon, UU reading this becomes Doyle's habit. Every time it hits twelve o'clock at noon he will have his favorite blue cushion in his mouth , sit in front of the original altar table and wait for dessert."

"Can dogs distinguish colors?" Conan asked. "I remember reading a book that said dogs don't seem to be able to distinguish colors?"

"Maybe it's because the books in your house are relatively old?" Mr. Tsunashima shook his head. "Just a few years ago, a scientist found that dogs can actually distinguish between yellow and blue, so Doyle can actually distinguish blue pads." (The vision of dogs is yellow and blue, and we can The red component seen is gray to the dog's eyes. For example, the red and blue half purple is half gray and blue to the dog's eyes. Also, this paper has been published since at least 1990-1.)

"Will Doyle also come here to wait when twelve o'clock at night?" Yuan Tai asked. "Wouldn't it be pitiful then?"

"We adjusted this clock," Garner Zhao also shook his head. "This clock will not ring at twelve o'clock in the evening, only at twelve o'clock in the daytime."

"Then I still have some uneasy conscience," Mr. Tsunashima asked with a smile. "I just took the clock away, what about Doyle's dessert time?"

"As I said just now," Garner Zhao also spread his hands. "The dessert itself is just for Grandpa to see Doyle more, so my mother said that we don't need to get used to Doyle anymore. In the future, let it be fed each morning and evening as it was at the beginning."

"Then I'm relieved." Mr. Tsunashima nodded.

"Let's go have a look." Picking up the plate, Garner Zhao also motioned for everyone to go to the Japanese room with him.

But in the Japanese room, they didn't find Doyle.

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