Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 414: - traffic jam

Miss Okazaki Saito Apartment

"Why can't we go!" Yuan Tai protested loudly. "We are the juvenile detective team!"

"Shut up!" Kogoro Mouri, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the police car, directly deterred him with a loud roar like a hair dryer. "Children, don't get involved in this kind of trouble!"

"But, if you don't let us go, we will have two adults and five children here," Mitsuhiko reminded. "If we don't let us go to two, the next car that will pick us up to take us to the famous detective's brother's house can't carry us, right?"

"Don't worry about these issues," their tour guide looked at Mitsuhiko with a smile. "In this case, I will return to the nearby tour guide station for a short rest, and after the situation is over, I will take you to continue to explore the beauty of Osaka."

"So, you guys just wait here honestly, understand?" Kogoro Mouri said unhappily. "Let professional people do this kind of professional work, hurry up and take time to rest, and then taste the food of Osaka is the real business! I run around like crazy every day, and I haven't even eaten the food in Osaka in the future, I'm really embarrassed Say you have been to Osaka?"

"Okay, kids," Dr. Aga patted Genta and Mitsuhiko on the heads. "Listen to Uncle Mori, wait for the police headquarters to pick us up and take us to Hattori's house to rest for a while. I promise to take you out to eat delicious food at night. Look, even Qianyu and Xiaoai didn't follow.

Behind them, Chiba and Haibara Ai just quietly accepted the gazes of Mitsuhiko and the others.

"The top detective in Kansai is already there," Chiba shrugged. "There's no need for us to get involved. After all, we're technical murderers. If we focus on you and me, we won't even be able to collect corpses."

"What about Conan?" Ayumi was obviously worried.

"He's following that Hattori Heiji," Chiba spread her hands. "Don't worry, where that Hattori Heiji is there, there will be almost unconditional unconditional support from the entire police headquarters. In any case, they cannot be approached and assassinated by the murderer."

Unless... Chiba was thinking about this possibility in her heart. Unless the corpse falls on the car it's really not a coincidence, it's inevitable...


About 30 minutes later, the police car was driving on the road.

"Is it always this way here?" Mitsuhiko looked at a large number of cars in front of him.

"I don't know, but this section is easy to get stuck in traffic." Officer Otaki in the driver's seat said helplessly. "There is obviously no such thing as more lanes and fewer lanes or traffic lights, but there is always a large-scale traffic jam from time to time, and it will be blocked for a long time."

"The lanes are not reduced, and there are no traffic lights?" Mitsuhiko's eyes widened. "Then why is it crowded here?"

"There are too many cars." Yuan Tai replied. "Would it be much better if there were fewer cars?"

"But why would there be a lot of traffic jams?" Mitsuhiko asked rhetorically. "I mean, in a place like this where there are no lane reductions and no traffic lights, how did the traffic jams come about in the first place?"

The audience was silent.

"It's just how it happens." Chiba glanced at Mitsuhiko. "Is there any special reason for this?"

"Then how did 'what should be produced' come about?" Mitsuhiko continued to play the role of a curious baby.

"Uh—" Qianyu sighed. "Let me give an example. If everyone is driving forward and the car in front suddenly brakes, what do you think Uncle Otaki will do?"

"Then..." Mitsuhiko glanced at the car in front of him. "It must be the brakes?"

"Then what will happen to the car behind?" Qianyu continued to ask.

"Then, of course, continue to choose the brakes!" Mitsuhiko continued to answer.

"The other vehicles behind will also slow down, can you understand?" Chiba continued to ask.

"Yeah." Mitsuhiko nodded.

"Next question," Chiyu asked again. "Although we hit the brakes immediately after seeing the car in front of us, we can only find out when the car in front slows down significantly, and it takes time for us to step on the brakes, and it takes time to decelerate. That is, from the car in front of us. There may be a time difference of a second or two from significant deceleration to our car's significant deceleration. Does that make sense?"

“Then there is a similar delay when the car accelerates. One car is delayed for two seconds, thirty cars is one minute. It means that if the first car starts to brake or hit the accelerator, the first car will be delayed after nearly one minute. Thirty cars will follow. The delays that don't seem to be very long for each driver add up and continue to pass, and the total delay will be quite long."

"For this, I have seen the documents of a programmer named Itakura Taku a few years ago," Dr. Aga also turned his head because of the brake and accelerator between each car Every action takes a reaction time to transmit, so if you look from directly above, the action of braking and stepping on the accelerator will be transmitted like water waves from the car in front to the car behind, like the ripples of a stone on the water. . "

"In view of this characteristic, he asked his friends to do an experiment - he invited thirty-one friends to drive at a constant speed on a circular track. Note that he specifically asked his friends to drive at a constant speed. Although the track is not very long, there is still enough front and rear distance for thirty-one cars to drive safely. But despite this, after about ten minutes, there is still chaos on the entire circular track."

"Really?" Mitsuhiko was surprised.

"It's true," Dr. Agsa nodded. "Later, his friends said that after driving for a while, the movement of the car in front was suddenly extremely irregular, fast and slow, like a drunken drunk, so they could only adjust their speed at any time. In fact, the reason why the car in front is fast and slow is precisely because the car in front of the car in front also faces the same problem as this car - each of the more than 30 people's artificial adjustments to their car will affect The next car, and the strain after the next car is affected affects the next car in a more complex way. Then it keeps affecting the whole cycle and let its own influence go through a cycle after Again affecting myself and everyone else."

At this moment, the police car's intercom system suddenly rang. "Otaki, can you hear me?"

"I can hear, what's the matter?" Officer Otaki quickly connected to the intercom system and responded.

"Someone called the police and said that their relatives in the Xidu apartment near you may be in danger. I hope you can take a look."

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