Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 421: ——Mori Kojiro has been waiting here for a long time

"I didn't expect that this line would really let them go through..." Hattori Heiji murmured while looking at the text message on his phone. "I really didn't expect..."

"But it's fortunate that they put forward that conjecture, so I can continue to act." Conan nodded. "So we can find it now as long as we follow Miss Chengjiang's driving school records."

"Brother Hattori," At this moment, Officer Sakata came over. "I have already investigated clearly. The previous deceased were all people who learned to drive together 16 years ago, and Numabuchi Kiichiro was indeed among them!"

"So are there any other living people?" Hattori Heiji asked. "Any one is fine!"

"Actually, there is only one other person who learned to drive with the same coach with the five of them." Police Officer Sakata said after hesitating for a moment. "It's Mr. Goji himself."

"Miss Goji!?" Hattori Heiji frowned. "Really him?"

"It's absolutely true," Officer Sakata nodded. "Should we go to him now and ask for his cooperation?"

"That's for sure." After exchanging a glance with Conan, Hattori Heiji nodded. "Officer Sakata, please drive us there."


"By the way, I always think, do you pay special attention to the guy who is at large?" After seeing Haibara Ai's move, Qianyu lightly knocked a white stone on the chessboard. "continue."

"Of course it is," Haibara Ai put Kuroko on the way. "In this case, although you have disconnected me, your inner eye position has also been restricted by me, at most it can be made into a foolish shape of five knife handles, and the outer eye position has been destroyed by my three pieces and the outer matching pieces. In any case, the two real eyes needed for live chess cannot be made. (In Go, a chess piece with two real eyes is regarded as a living chess piece, and the knife handle five describes a part of the chess pieces surrounded by a five-hole shaped like a kitchen knife.” "Eye", which cannot form two true eyes without interference from the other.)

[If you are interested in this question, this is question 14 of RB's "Fa Yang Lun".

"Well, there is no problem, but there is a second solution," Qian Yu said, releasing 6 black, 5 white, and eleven pieces from the board. "Try to look around."

"Do you start from above?" Haibara Ai looked at White. "Although I feel that the white chess above is indeed relatively empty, and it is easy to cut a piece, but if you want to capture it, it does not seem to be particularly easy. In addition, I am indeed familiar with Numabuchi Kiichiro."

Saying this, she took a small sharp step and hit the black piece within White's vision range.

"You can still eat it if you want," Chiyu said, placing Shiroko next to Kuroko. "It can't be someone from that, can it?"

"Indeed," Haibara Ai felt that the upper part of White was running out of space, and chose to look for fighters from the lower part. "He used to apply for a job, but he ended up being a clinical volunteer."

"It sounds very tragic. Although it takes a lot of money, it is also prone to health problems. How is his health?" Seeing Haibara Ai's choice, Qianyu immediately blocked the defense line with a very tough attitude. "You two pieces can't be connected in series. If you fight for each other, you can cut off the protruding part on me, but you can't kill the main part of me. Think about whether there is any other plan."

"I'm in good health, and I feel better after taking supplements, but I ran away because I thought the clinical volunteer didn't sound good." Looking at the situation with a frown, Haihara Ai frowned and removed the second sunspot. "I think about how to lay it out... but if it is not laid out from here, there is no way to open the situation in the bot lane."

At this moment, the door of the room they were in was opened, and Officer Otaki walked in. "We found the trace of Kiichiro Numabuchi in the mountains, and after contacting this minister, he agreed that we would take you to the scene as Heiji's brother had instructed - but you have to follow us, otherwise we will also be in danger. responsible.

"Okay," Chiyu nodded, and after asking Haibara Ai's approval, she picked up Shiroko and placed it. "The above can actually continue to make a fuss. As long as the above article can ensure that it forms a joint force with the bottom, it can be entered below."


"What? Senator Goji has already played billiards, but he still doesn't want to see us?" Hattori Heiji was stunned.

"Yes," Mr. Goji's secretary responded politely. "Now Senator Goji has rested."

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji silently glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's only 7:55, and the MP has already rested?"

"Uh..." The secretary was obviously a little embarrassed, so he could only bite the bullet and respond. "Yes, Mr. He... Mr. He is a little tired today, so he rested earlier.

"Speaking of which, Officer Sakata seems to be gone," Conan said while looking around. "I remember he seemed to say he went to the toilet just now, didn't he?"

"I went to the bathroom at 7:53, and I'm excusable if I haven't come back yet," Hattori Heiji nodded. "Anyway, we'll just stay here, as for there..."


In a room with a closed door not far away, Senator Goji was smoking a cigar in a room with no lights on, looking at the tightly drawn curtains through the dim light of the night light.

As long as this is the case, you will not be able to see the situation inside, and you will be safe...


Thinking like this, he looked at the closet not far away.

On the closet, an empty hook is quietly showing the difference between itself and other hooks hung with various accessories.

"Huh—" He exhaled a breath of Senator Goji turned his gaze to the smoke, not knowing what he was thinking.

In a few minutes, we should see the difference.


At eight o'clock sharp, the warehouse of Senator Goji's house.

A figure is holding a slender and tough piano wire in his hand, hiding behind a pillar.

Just now, Senator Goji refused to meet Heiji Hattori and the others in various ways, which means that he didn't want to talk about it, and he didn't want them to know about his private meeting with Senator Goji.

In other words, he will follow the ultimatum he told him on the phone before, and now a person will come here in secret and "trade with him on the secret from sixteen years ago"

As long as you dare to come, I will make you pay for what you do.

At this moment, the sound of leather shoes stepping on the wooden floor of the warehouse clearly entered his ears.

Here comes... As long as he gets a little closer, he will be sure that he will not be able to escape - if Senator Goji is far enough away from the door, then even if he wants to escape, he will be able to shoot him directly with a gun.

He didn't use a gun before just to conceal his identity, but since this is the last goal, he no longer needs to be concealed - even if he is arrested immediately after revenge, it is no longer important.

But the next second, something unexpected happened.

"I'm sorry, Officer Sakata, I don't think Senator Goji will be here for the time being, because—"

Standing not far from the door, Kogoro Mouri, who had a samurai sword pinned to his waist, looked at Sakata's hiding place, the most suitable pillar for Tibetans in the entire warehouse, and said lightly.

"Mori Kogoro has been waiting here for a long time."

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