Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 432: - Horror movie that works for 0 feathers

Outside the final gate of the haunted house, Qianyu leaned against the wall and looked at Haibara Ai with a smile.

"I just felt the potential danger just now, and I didn't feel any fear at all." Haibara said lightly.

"Huh? ←_←" Chiyu showed a feigned surprise. "The wind is a bit strong, I didn't hear it, you say it again."

"I just felt a potential danger just now, not a negative emotion like fear at all." Haibara Ai repeated it again.

"Hmm..." Chiyu's expression suddenly became quite wonderful. "In other words, those monsters didn't scare you at all?"

"Yes!" Haibara Ai emphasized again. "Not at all!"

"Ow—" Just after saying this, Haibara Ai's ear suddenly heard the roar of the skinned monster that had appeared before.

"Ah!" Haibara Ai's calm expression instantly collapsed, and she exclaimed while rushing towards Qianyu.

"Calm down," Qianyu put her hands on Haibara Ai's shoulders with a bit of laughter, and finally stopped after taking a few steps back. "We're out of the haunted house."

"It looks like this thing is really intimidating, doesn't it?" The young man they met before who called the shopkeeper's uncle father looked at Haibara Ai who was a little embarrassed and asked with a smile.

"That was..." Haibara Ai was obviously unable to let go, staring at a loudspeaker in the young man's hand. "Is this speaker?"

"Yes," Qianyu nodded with a smile. "Just now this uncle came over when you said you were not afraid at all, so I will ask you again to see if you will find your way back."

"..." Haiyuan Ai turned her head to look at Haiyuan Ai, the embarrassed look on her face suddenly disappeared after a moment of stagnation, and then turned into an inexplicable smile.

"Then, I'll take you to play with another thing next," Ai Haibara said with a smile that made Qianyu a little uneasy. "An equally interesting place."

Although she didn't know what would happen, Chiba couldn't help but fight a cold war.


"~~~" Haibara Ai walked in front with a happy expression, while Chiba followed behind her, a little uneasy.

If he remembered correctly, this should be the 3D movie area. Why did she bring him here? Is there something strange here?

"Haihara, you brought me here—" Before Qianyu could finish speaking, she realized that Haibara Ai seemed to have brought him to where she wanted him to come.

"3D movie, try it?" Ai Haibara asked with a dangerous light flashing in her eyes. "I'll try with you."

" can, but what kind of movie is this?"

"You'll find out later." Haibara Ai was in an unusually good mood, so she just replied.


Just like that, with a little apprehension, Qianyu sat in the seat and put on 3D glasses.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, Chiba suddenly realized that Haibara Ai seemed to be doing something to his hands on the armrest of the seat.

"It's nothing, it's just to make you more immersive~" With such an answer, Haibara smiled sadly and fixed Chiba's hands on the seat with the restraint straps that came with the seat. "Don't worry, I'll tie it up too."

Feeling the restraint of her two wrists, Chiba felt a little helpless—this feeling of being bound is really bad.

About thirty seconds later, Chiba saw through the 3D glasses that the screen in front of her started to show. "Haihara, what is this?"

"You just have to be optimistic," Hai Yuan's answer seemed to contain a hint of joking. "Trust me anyway, you'll be impressed."

"What is it?" Qian Yu was helpless. "Won't it be Auschwitz or some sort of prison scene?"

"According to your senses, it's obviously not such a warm thing~" Haibara Ai's tone suddenly became sharp. "I want you to feel the real fear!"

"Hey!" Before Qianyu could continue to ask, she already realized what the situation was with this 3D movie.

"Ouch—" A hand suddenly stretched out of the originally harmonious scene, and then, a ghastly-looking female ghost tore the scene apart like a wallpaper, and then got out.

"Hey hey," Qianyu was obviously nervous. "this……"

In the next instant, the entire screen was suddenly occupied half of the screen by a terrifying grimace that seemed to be in front of the main perspective.

"Ah!!!" Qian Yu had already shouted out instantly, her face full of horror.

Compared with the previous haunted house, this one can really scare the existence of Chiba with an auxiliary unit-although the normal haunted house is quite scary, but because of the auxiliary unit, Chiba's brain can run faster at the same time. Speed ​​processing of information, so the ghosts in the haunted house are slow-motion existences in Qianyu's eyes.

But now, the electronic projection mode of 3D movies has caused these pictures to appear in front of Qianyu without This time, no matter how good the auxiliary unit is at processing information, it is impossible for Qianyu to realize him before he reacts. what might be seen.

[This guy... No wonder she brought me to play this, it turned out to be an abacus with my auxiliary unit...]

"What's the matter? Mr. Fearless?" At this moment, Chiyu heard Haibara Ai's obviously excited voice coming from the seat next to her - she was actually screaming in fright just now, but compared to the Chiyu was not so panicked. "You know you're scared now?"

"You devil!" Qianyu replied loudly. "Just to scare me, you brought me to play this?"

"Isn't it possible?" Haibara Ai asked back. "After all—ah!!!"

Just as Haibara Ai was halfway through speaking, the picture was once again without warning, and a large number of tentacles appeared on the screen. After being polarized by 3D glasses, they turned into a large number of tentacles reaching out to the viewers.

"Ah—" Chiyu subconsciously wanted to protect her chest with her hands, but her hands were tied to the seat by the restraint straps.

If it wasn't for the responsiveness provided by the auxiliary unit, maybe he wouldn't be so frightened—because maybe normal people would react after the tentacle's animation ended.

Just when Chiyu was a little hesitant about whether to turn off the response acceleration function of the auxiliary unit, a burst of warm air suddenly sprayed lightly on Chiyu's neck.

"Ah!!!!" Qian Yu's face flushed instantly, and she shrank her neck while screaming.

Other visual and auditory stimuli are good to say, but the warm current blowing directly behind Qianyu's neck just made his whole body soften.

This project... is really a nightmare...

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