Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 434: ——coffeeafterkiss

For kissing, experience is very important - if everyone is a novice, it is easy to encounter some problems. Even if it does not affect the experience of the kissing process, it may also affect other aspects.

For example, a question like this - how long does it take to kiss?

Chiba didn't know the answer to this question, so although his hand was still around Haibara Ai, he didn't exert any force - if Haibara Ai wanted to control how long the kiss was, she could easily control it.

But Haibara Ai was only a novice, so she didn't know how long to kiss, and she was also waiting for Chiba to lead the whole rhythm.

Haibara Ai, who had closed her eyes at first, finally ran out of oxygen during the long kiss. She opened her eyes and began to breathe, and the warm gas hit Chiba's face in an instant.

"Pfft—" Qianyu broke out of the original romantic atmosphere in an instant, and took the initiative to end the kiss, and then laughed.

"What's wrong?" Haibara Ai asked with some dissatisfaction, blushing.

"It's nothing," Qian Yu shook her head with a smile. "It just feels like this kiss is so long, I feel like I'm about to suffocate."

"I feel the same way," Haibara Ai said with a dumbfounded expression. "But the problem is I don't know how long to kiss..."

"I don't know either," Qianyu shrugged. "But you can't ask anyone else this question... I feel so ashamed!"

"Then, stop if you feel the breath can't keep up?" Haibara Ai suggested. "Who is the first to stop when he feels that his breath is not enough?"

"Alright," Qianyu nodded. "But to be honest, I don't think this is the case in my daily life - the most common kissing environment should be something like a good morning kiss or a goodbye kiss, and those things should be a light kiss That's it."

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded nearby, scaring Chiba and Haibara Ai to let go of each other at the same time, nervously looking towards the direction of the footsteps.

However, the footsteps only got closer to a certain distance and then went away - the owner of the footsteps was obviously just passing by this intersection just now.

Chiba and Haibara Ai looked at each other with a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that there was no point in staying here any longer.

One more kiss or something... To be honest, although Qianyu was the one who took the initiative to kiss just now, it is impossible for him to do it again - just now, he was completely supported by the atmosphere that was brewing inexplicably. The courage to kiss it, and now he always feels that there will be something strange about kissing.

"Then how about we go to the coffee shop first?" Haibara Ai saw Chiba's expression and probably guessed Chiba's thoughts, so she suggested. "There's no point in staying here any longer."

Obviously, Haibara Ai also felt that the previous atmosphere had dissipated, and now was not the time to continue that deep interaction.

Chiba immediately nodded in agreement.


"I don't know how to judge the black tea here," Qianyu raised her eyebrows after taking a sip of the black tea in the coffee shop. "Although the taste is probably this style, but I always feel that there are some subtle differences."

"What if the auxiliary unit is turned off?" Ai Haibara added a cube of sugar to the coffee. "That should be the case, right?"

"I've turned it off," Chiyu said, taking another sip. "After reopening the auxiliary unit...the auxiliary unit indicated that this black tea is different from the Earl Grey Classic in my memory, but I am not sure if my memory of the taste of the Earl Grey Classic is wrong or the Earl Grey here is really the same as me It's not the same as the one I used to drink."

"Anyway, I'm very satisfied with the coffee," Haibara said sadly after taking a look at Qianyu's tangled expression, and continued drinking the coffee. "Anyway, I drink coffee mainly for functional purposes, so it doesn't matter how hard it is, as long as it doesn't affect my mood."

"Then you told me that it didn't taste good after I bought the sandwich before?" Qianyu rolled her eyes.

"You mean that time in June?" Haibara Ai immediately remembered something. "The jam you bought that time was not of that brand at all, and the taste was so much worse! Jam is different from coffee. I drink coffee to refresh myself, not because it tastes good... But jam is used for It's delicious!"

"Well," Qianyu suddenly thought of something. "No, I think I'll have to go to the import store and get some Earl Grey tea back then."

"Anyway, it's you who go to the import store, I'll do whatever I want." Haibara Ai showed an indifferent expression. "But don't forget to buy my jam. After all, it's a waste of time to go to the import store twice in a row. It's not worthwhile to go to the import store just because you bought one less jar of jam."

"Then since you said it's not worth it, why should I go again for a jar of jam?" Qianyu was speechless.

"But jam is what I need," Ai Haibara answered the question with a natural Although from your point of view, going to the import store again is not worth it, but for me It's a good deal for you to go to an import store! "

"..." The corners of Qian Yu's mouth twitched, looking at Haibara Ai with some helplessness. "Although it's true, can you not say it so bluntly... I always feel like I've suffered a huge loss when you say that!"

"Well, as a materialist, you need to learn to make judgments in an objective way," Ai Haibara showed a happy expression. "It's a fact that doesn't change no matter how I express it, isn't it?"

"Stop talking... I want to sort out my mood..." Qian Yu raised her forehead.

"~" Haibara Ai's expression became more pleasant.

After drinking her own drink, Chiba and Haibara Ai walked out of the coffee shop together.

"It still seems a little late," Chiyu frowned as she looked at the time provided by the auxiliary unit. "The galleries and everything are closed, and I'm afraid there are only a few grocery stores left in American Village besides the haunted houses and coffee shops we just played - if I remember correctly, the ones here Grocery stores seem to be full of fashion gadgets. Do you need anything? If so, I'll go shopping with you."

When Hattori Heiji recommended him before, he didn't specifically say when is the best time to come to American Village, but from the fact that those galleries have already closed, it can be seen that the most suitable time is definitely not now.

"I'm not interested in those things," Haibara shook her head sadly. "Any other places you recommend? Near here."

"Are you asking for my personal recommendation?" A place name flashed in Qian Yu's mind immediately. "Well--"

"Let's go to Shin Umeda Shido Street. I personally like it there."

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