Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 439: - morning talk

"If we continue in this order..." Chiyu suddenly thought of something. "Before July 15th, the red Siamese will launch the next action?"

"Yes," Hattori Heiji nodded. "And the police headquarters still don't know what the red Siamese cats are doing these things - their behavior is too weird and too abnormal."

"Right," Qianyu suddenly thought of something. "Since it's a red Siamese cat, do the bosses who have been caught have any ideas?"

"In the very beginning, we sent people to contact the Metropolitan Police Department to visit those old leaders - but they all said they didn't know."

"Then what should we do now," Qian Yu's mouth twitched. "Aren't we in danger if we follow this inference?"

Just over ten days ago, they had just experienced a dangerous biochemical attack in Matsumoto City, and they never wanted to encounter it again.

"Yes," Hattori Heiji sighed. "There was only one biochemical attack with no specific source two weeks ago, and now I might face another... This is really..."

Chiba is also very entangled, because they originally planned to stay here for a long time - after visiting the whole of Osaka on July 14, they will go to a local Suzuki observatory to conduct astronomical observations on July 15.

But if this is the case, you must carefully consider whether it is necessary to leave here, even if you go to other places to observe.


After the necessary communication was reached, Hattori Heiji, who was obviously still very worried, quickly bid farewell to them and left here.

After Hattori Heiji left, Chiba's worried eyes were immediately caught by Dr. Akasa.

"How's it going?"

"Anyway, what is certain now is that the red Siamese cat is definitely not a large-scale indiscriminate attack group," Qianyu said after thinking for a while. "Otherwise it's just spreading the virus, and there's no need to bring it up to the public - that itself affects the suddenness of the virus attack."

"So, they use these viruses purposefully?" Dr. Akasa immediately understood Chiba's thoughts.

"Yeah," Qianyu nodded. "So let's deal with the environment here a little bit, and then we'll wait until tomorrow, and then wait for the press conference at eight o'clock in the morning."

Until they can determine the details of the virus, the best thing they should do is to cut off contact with the outside world and wait for the press conference at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Considering that the whole thing has been exposed by reporters and it is impossible to hide it, the police headquarters should provide some useful information about the virus in order to appease the public.

Then contact Sister Sonoko again to see if the astronomical observation needs to be changed to another location.

With a little worry, Chiba and everyone closed the room briefly, and after enjoying the sushi that Chiba brought back, they turned off the lights and rested—it was now eleven o'clock, which is already too late for children. is quite late.


the next morning.

When Haibara Ai woke up, Chiba was standing in the space between the curtain and the window, looking out. The sunlight leaking from the open curtain where Chiba was standing allowed Haibara Ai to vaguely see the hands of the clock—7:20.

"Are you up?" As soon as Haibara Ai got out of bed, she saw Qianyu creeping back from the edge of the curtain, and the room dimmed as the curtain re-fitted to the wall.

"What are you looking at?" In the darkness, Ai Haibara gave up and asked while sitting beside the bed.

"There are still so many people outside, and it hasn't decreased much. It seems that the red Siamese cat incident has not seriously affected the city." In the darkness, Haibara Ai couldn't see anything, but noticed that Qianyu's voice was gradually approaching, And then she felt a subtle sinking on the left side of the edge of the bed where she was sitting. "Don't worry too much, the virus shouldn't affect us much if we're here."

"I think the one among us who is most worried about this is you," Ai Haibara looked in Chiba's direction in the darkness. "It's you who should relax.

"Me?" Qian Yu smiled wryly. "Well, maybe it's a little...compared to those people out there, I'm a little neurotic."

"However, I thought about it last night. Judging from the characteristics described by Hattori Heiji earlier, this virus should be the most advanced BSL-4 virus in terms of efficiency," Haibara Ai's voice was a little helpless. "Where did they...get this kind of thing?"

"Maybe it's a mutant," Qianyu snorted. "I'm curious if they will mention how this virus came to be at the National Center for Microbiology in Tokyo today."

"I hope this thing is only BSL-4," Haibara sighed. "If it's just BSL-4, it will be somewhat limited and not cause mass chaos. But if it's something more terrifying...hope that the virus they found is just an ordinary weapon, not a world-destroying spell ."

"Speaking of which..." Qianyu asked quietly after a moment of hesitation "Did those people find the devil?"

"I found it, but the devil is still in the cage." Haibara Ai immediately understood what Qianyu was asking. "In the permafrost of Siberia, we found devils who have witnessed 30,000 years. We know what they were like, but we don't know why they are like this - they seem to be doing it in a completely different way than their current descendants. Self-construction... Fortunately, they seem to have been alive, but they are not a threat to humanity - but it is only them who are not a threat, not the group of demons."

(Haihara Ai is talking about the Siberian broadmouth virus, which was historically collected in late Pleistocene sediment samples of the Siberian permafrost in 2000, and was pointed out in a paper in 2014. This virus is currently known The largest known virus is 1.5 microns long, and most proteins are different from the viruses in the existing virus system. It is worth mentioning that this big guy does not need to use the host's nucleus like other viruses. Instead, it can complete the replication cycle independently in the host's cytoplasm. Fortunately, this virus has only killed amoeba so far, and it seems to be completely harmless to modern humans.)

"Crazy scientist—" Chiyu stopped suddenly.

"Don't be shy," Hai Yuanai's mouth twitched slightly. "I would have loved to go crazy for knowledge."

At this moment, a voice came from behind Haibara Ai.

"Qianyu, Haibara, what are you talking about?" Ayumi's listless voice sounded.

"It's nothing, it's just some interesting knowledge about pathogens." Qianyu looked at Ayumi, who couldn't focus on him because of the darkness, and said lightly.

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