Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 555: - Patient Zero of the Pearl Tree

Before Jiroyoshi Suzuki called the police, the Metropolitan Police Department had already learned the news of the hijacking of the Pearl Tree airship - Chiba had already told them about it.

As for why you didn't call the police headquarters? Because Chiba is not familiar with the police headquarters.

"We need to confirm your current location with the air traffic control department, but I think if you want to complete the task of rescuing you, you may need the cooperation of the Self-Defense Force..." When he said this, Officer Mumu sighed. "If, as you just said, the height of the airship is about 5,000 meters, we will need to bear considerable pressure even if we just take a helicopter to keep up with you."

Even if the Metropolitan Police Department helped them with their determination and belief, the airspace where the airship was located was a little too hard for the Metropolitan Police Department to touch.

After the Metropolitan Police Department promised to communicate with the police headquarters, Chiba reluctantly hung up the phone. The next thing is to hide first, and then make plans.


At the same time, the observation hall.

"It seems that people are almost here," the leader said after glancing at the number of people in the viewing hall. "Then, let me tell you the reason why we are here."

Just when he was talking about this, the little leader suddenly showed a rather curious look and looked into the crowd.

As everyone followed the little leader's gaze to someone, their faces changed.

I don't know when, Fujioka Takamichi's expression has been extremely panic, and a very obvious rash has appeared on his face - not only on the face, but from the interface between the clothes and the skin, the bare skin above the neck has appeared. area of ​​red rash.

"Am I... am I going to die..." Fujioka Takashi looked at everyone with a horrified expression. "Help me... I don't want to die..."

Saying so, he approached Jiroji Suzuki, who was closest to him. "Help me...I don't want to die..."

"Is he infected? Is that kind of bacteria with a fatality rate of more than 80%?" With the exclamation of one of the press corps brought by Fujioka Takamichi, everyone panicked.

"Calm yourself!" Although Officer Nakamori has been controlled like everyone else, he still hasn't forgotten his duty as a police officer. "Mr. Fujioka Takamichi, please calm down!"

"I don't want to die... Help me!" Fujioka Takashi, as if he didn't hear at all, continued to slowly walk towards Suzuki Jiroji.

Just when Fujioka Takamichi was about to walk in front of Suzuki Jiroyoshi, a figure rushed in front of Suzuki Jiroyoshi.

Maurilan made a karate-ready gesture and narrowed his eyes to look at Fujioka Takashi. "Mr. Fujioka, I advise you to think twice before moving forward. You should have experienced how fast I am, right?"

However, Fujioka Takamichi still turned a deaf ear, and his hands were even raised, as if preparing to grab Maurilan's arm. From this angle, everyone could see that even his arms were covered in rashes.

But even before he could do that, he was in Maurilan's attack range.

"Drink!" With a coquettish shout, Maurilan took a step forward, and then smashed Fujioka Takamichi's lower abdomen with a right uppercut.

After Fujioka Takamichi coughed sharply, his whole body bent into a bow shape, and then he lost consciousness.

However, what made everyone worried was that the unconscious Fujioka Takamichi's hands slid softly from Maurilan's arms that were also exposed.

"Lan!" Suzuki Sonoko stepped forward, worried. "Are you OK?"

"Don't come near me..." Maurilan took a step back, keeping a distance from the confused Sonoko. "I might have been infected too."

"It's okay, it shouldn't be an accident if you catch it, it's a droplet-borne bacteria!" Suzuki Sonoko said, and continued to walk in the direction of Maurilan.

"I knew it was spread by droplets, so I might have been infected too." But Ma Lilan stepped back again, showing a wry smile. "Mr. Fujioka coughed into my mouth just now, and I may have been infected too."

"Two troublesome guys..." The leader frowned, and then asked Jiro Yoshi Suzuki. "Is there any place on your side where you can isolate the sick? Lock these two guys up to fend for themselves. It needs to be locked."

"..." Jiro Suzuki replied after hesitating for a moment. "One of the places that can be locked is the isolation room on the ship, and the other is the smoking room."

"Don't lock Xiaolan with that guy!" Suzuki Sonoko said immediately. "That reporter has only developed rash symptoms. He may not be contagious yet! If he is locked with Xiaolan, Xiaolan will be really dangerous!"

"..." The leader glanced at Sonoko in dissatisfaction, but waved his hand after receiving a very strong return stare from Sonoko. "Whatever, I don't appreciate your wishful thinking, but it doesn't hurt. CatN, get a staff member to take this man to the isolation room; CatO and CatP, get a staff member to take this girl to the smoking room. Watch from behind, especially watch out for this Her bunt skills are not weak."


At the same time as such chaos occurred in the observation hall, Chiba was also faced with an extremely tangled situation.

The reason for the entanglement comes from Ai Haibara.

[I am hiding in the TV room now, but this is not a place to stay for a long time, as long as they come back to check, I will be found immediately. 】--Haibara Ai

If it is said that Qianyu was going to hide before because it was too dangerous not to hide, then he can't hide now. Otherwise, it means that he left Hai Yuanai and survived by himself.

Although generally speaking, such hijacking is for the purpose of demanding ransom from the hostages in their hands, but this does not mean that the hostages are safe.

This airship is flying at an altitude of 5,000 meters, and it is quite difficult to leave this airship quietly by any means. That is to say, it is almost impossible for these robbers to get out of this airship.

This is a very fatal problem, unless these robbers have no intention of leaving at all - for example, they are dead men with extreme ideas, intending to burn the whole airship and the whole airship to ashes after making the whole thing uproar.

Wait a minute... Chiba suddenly thought of a very delicate question.

How did these guys get on this airship? It would be too nonsense to say that it was delivered by something like a transport plane. After all, it is difficult for the parachute itself to accurately land on the airship that is flying at a high altitude, and if they stay in the thin atmosphere for a long time at this altitude, they will not be able to. You will have severe altitude sickness.

Could it be that... no wonder they came down from the movable door in the airbag area, maybe they stayed there after takeoff. If you make good use of thermal measures and oxygen cylinders and other means, you may be able to survive until now.

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