Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 468: - accidental murder

Chiba sat in the pipe and learned about the structure of the airship through the contacts established by the Metropolitan Police Department with the design team of the Pearl Tree airship.

"You don't need to worry about monitoring," said the design team. "The terminal of this monitoring system is not on the airship, but is temporarily placed at the Tokyo Observatory."

"Huh?" Qianyu showed a surprised expression. "Tokyo Observatory?"

"That's right," the design team replied. "This monitoring system is now hosted by the Tokyo Observatory, because they proposed that the monitoring video of the monitoring probe of the observation office must be provided to them, otherwise it will be difficult for them to ensure the safety of the large astronomical telescope installed. Therefore, Suzuki consultants directly monitored the entire monitoring system. The terminal is installed in a place designated by the Tokyo Observatory, and the two parties are jointly responsible for monitoring the duty - on the ground of this site."

"So that means it's impossible for the people on the airship to see my whereabouts through the surveillance system?" Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "Yet you can see their movements?"

"They can also see, but the terminal control is below." The design team replied. "So to keep you safe, we'll contact them to turn off the entire terminal, so they can't see you through surveillance -- although we can't tell you where they are through surveillance."

"Okay," Qianyu sighed. "That's fine... Then how long do I need to stay here now? Before you turn off the surveillance."

"I have contacted them by landline, and the monitoring should have been turned off two minutes ago." The design team said so. "But kid, you'd better not meet them rashly, it's very dangerous."

"Understood..." Qian Yu sighed. "Then should I contact the police first?"


After hanging up the phone, Qianyu sat on the spot, thinking about the next steps. At this moment, Qianyu suddenly heard footsteps—from the corridor below him.

"It should be here..." As the footsteps stopped right under the shutters in front of Qianyu, there was a murmur. Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of climbing from below - this shutter is the one that Qianyu and the others climbed up before, and this climbing sound is likely to be someone preparing to climb in from the cabinet next to them!

Just as Chiba was thinking about countermeasures, the shutters were smashed open—there was no doubt that someone was planning to break in.

Without the slightest reason, Chiba immediately took up the traceless umbrella and aimed it at the blinds.

Although it is said that the intruders should bring helmets, Chiba bet they will not come in wearing helmets - the helmet itself has the function of shading, and the tinted transparent viewing window will also affect their visual resolution, causing them to be in a darker environment. The ability to detect enemies is weak.

If they wear helmets, they probably won't find themselves at all, if they don't wear helmets...

Chiba's nerves tightened as her two hands clawed at the edge of the gap in the shutter.

As long as he dared to climb up, then he would dare to directly defeat him at close range with the crossbow arrow of the Umbrella.

Just when he thought so, the other party climbed up—it was a man with a red Siamese cat, without a helmet, and now the other party was looking at Qianyu with stunned eyes.

At this moment, Qianyu subconsciously pulled the trigger.

"Chi—" Everything was silent, only a brief tearing sound remained.

After a while, Qianyu came back to his senses, and the scene in front of him made his mind go blank.

The blood-red flowers spread out on the neck of the man in front of him. At this time, the man didn't look like a vicious gangster at all, but was just a dying man who kept shaking.

His mouth was trembling, his face was pale, and he stared blankly at the crossbow bolt inserted into his neck.

In the end, he raised his eyes again with great effort, and then finished looking at Chiyu for the last time.

Qianyu pursed her lips, used the auxiliary unit to overcome her fear, and looked at him firmly.

Under Chiba's gaze, the man was so weak that he couldn't catch the gap in the blinds, and finally disappeared into the gap in the blinds.

"Pfft!" Such a voice came from outside the shutters.

"!!!" Only then did Qianyu react, and then she hurriedly climbed to the shuttered window and looked at the situation below.

He...killed someone with his own hands? ? ?

Chiba's feelings are very complicated now.

Both true and false, just like a dream. I feel as if my soul is out of my body, not really in my body, and I feel as if my spirit is imprisoned in the senses of the body, troubled by various feelings.

Qianyu is very fortunate that he has an auxiliary unit, which has minimized the mental shock he suffered - otherwise, he may continue to be in a trance for a long time.

But now, there is no time for further hesitation.

Qianyu jumped down and started to search for the person's body before anyone came.

At first glance, the gun he is hanging on his chest should be the MP5SD2 - a silenced version of the MP5 submachine gun. The magazine capacity should be 30 rounds, and the total weight is about 3.7 kg. (The gun weighs 3.2kg, empty magazine 160g, 30 rounds 360g) There are also three magazines on him, so there should be a total of 120 rounds.

Now, after killing a person, he picked up the gun in that person's hand—in other words, Chiba is now planning to continue killing.

This sucks, doesn't it?

But this is also completely out of frustration, isn't it...

With a wry smile, Qianyu pulled the crossbow arrow from the wound, and then used the silenced submachine gun to fill the man's neck twice.

It's best to try to hide the fact that he killed this person with a traceless umbrella, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

As for killing this person, it's not the most important thing right now.

With that said, Qianyu used the auxiliary unit to call Officer Mumu's There was a gangster who wanted to kill me just now, and then...I killed him...what should I do..." As soon as the call came through, Chiyu said in a rather panicked tone, "What should I do..."

"Calm down!" Officer Mumu said firmly after two or three seconds. "Do not be afraid!"

"Will I be arrested?" Qianyu continued to say in a panic. "I seem to have killed someone just now?"

"It's okay," Officer Mumu quickly comforted. "It's okay, that gangster was the bad guy who wanted to kill you, you just killed him, it's okay!"

Qianyu continued to pretend to be frightened, but he was relieved.

Fortunately, this is not too far from what he expected...


Article 1, Paragraph 1, No. 2 and No. 3 of the "Robbery, etc. Prevention Act" promulgated in 1930 stipulates that when you want to prevent carrying a murder weapon, or stealing, damaging the door wall, or opening the door lock and breaking into another person's house, or when trespassers to mansions, buildings, or ships; to resist innocent trespassers in other people's dwellings or mansions, buildings, or ships, or when asked to leave such places. When these circumstances occur, in order to exclude the ongoing danger to one's own or others' life, body or virginity, killing and wounding the perpetrator of the crime is equivalent to the defensive behavior stipulated in Article 36(1) of the Criminal Code. According to the current mainstream point of view, as long as the conditions for the equivalence of defense means are met on this basis, it can basically be regarded as justifiable defense. (The Judgment on June 30, 2008, No. 4, No. 48 of the Penal Works, held that compliance with the "Robbery, etc. Prevention Act" alone is not sufficient to judge justifiable self-defense, and the condition of equivalence of means of defense must be met.)

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