Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 470: - Cab

"What's wrong?" Kidd asked when he saw Qianyu's delicate expression beside him. "Did you think of something?"

"Why are you a phantom thief?" Qianyu asked. "I'm just a little curious about the reason for this."

"Some very subtle reasons," Kaitou Kid just smiled and shook his head. "No one is born wanting to be the bad guy in other people's eyes, just having to do it for some purpose."

"Is this goal really worth the price?" Qianyu asked again after thinking for a while.

"Of course it's worth it," Kaitou Kid showed a wry smile. "No matter how big the price is, it's worth it. You're still young and there's a lot you don't know yet, but trust me, it's a necessary price."

"Then there's nothing to say, good luck," Qianyu shrugged. "But why tell me these things? Can't you just tell the police?"

"It's pointless to tell the police," Kidd suddenly slowed down and his voice became lighter. "As for why I told you? Because I don't think you are an ordinary person. You are as special as that kid with glasses, and you are not the kind of person who pursues legal justice."

Chiba didn't answer, for the same reason Kidd slowed down.

"CatC," Kidd called out the code name of the red Siamese cat member who was guarding the cockpit that Chiba had just told him while pushing the front door open—though the airship's living quarters were covered by various doors. Separated, but Kidd still needs to keep the volume down to make sure no one else can hear them. "are you here?"

"Huh?" CatC turned his head and saw CatF disguised as Kidd looking at him from behind the door. "How did you come?"

"I'll tell you one thing, I always feel that something is wrong..." Holding a button in his hand and showing it to CatC, Kidd walked quickly to CatC. "Look at this button—"

Saying this, Kidd's hand that didn't hold the button suddenly flashed a very mini stun gun, and then poked CatC's body, only to see that CatC just spasmed and lost his ability to resist, trembling and falling. in Kidd's arms.

At this moment, Chiyu suddenly realized that the line of Kid's hand was a little subtle - it seemed to be wiping it on CatC's mouth. Kidd used to put a needle in the back of the opponent's neck before.

"Did you give him something to eat?" Qianyu asked.

"Huh?" Kidd looked at Chiba in surprise. "The eyes are good. I just put a sleeping pill in his mouth. After all, the needle at the back of the neck is just a super fast-acting anesthetic needle and can't stop the resistance, so I will feed a sleeping pill by the way - it will gradually melt in the mouth. Then put them to sleep, enough to ensure a stable coma for more than ten hours."

"Have you fed this to all those people before?" Qianyu asked in surprise. "I didn't see it at all..."

"This is a pair of hands comparable to a magician," Kidd moved his fingers. "Don't underestimate their flexibility!"

Saying this, the two walked to a door in front of them that had a different structure from all the previous doors.

"This is the cab." Leaning CatC against the wall, Kidd began to check the door of the cab, and he already had a poker gun in his hand - Chiyu asked him just now why he didn't use these people. Captured gun.

"I'm not like you, kid, you're just a poor ordinary kid who got involved in this incident by accident, but I'm a strange thief that the police can't wait to get rid of," Kidd said helplessly. "It's okay if you're forced to kill someone, but if I accidentally hurt someone, the cops wouldn't mind smearing me with that charge - so I'll just use a poker gun!"

Having said that, Kidd pushed open the door of the cab directly, and the poker gun in his right hand was already aimed inside the cab.

The two pilots acted as if they didn't notice anything, still driving the airship diligently.

"Hello!" The confused expression on Kidd's face was instantly relieved after his fingers slid across the back of the cab door, and he said softly. "You two, turn around."

Qianyu also slipped into the cab and glanced at the position where Kidd's fingers crossed. At this time, he realized that the back of the cab door seemed to have a whole layer of sound insulation board, so the two drivers may not have heard it just now. Movement from outside.

"Huh?" The two drivers turned their heads immediately, and then turned to Kidd. "Sir, do you still need to continue changing the course?" one of them asked.

"Don't worry, I'm a good person compared to them," Kidd patted his chest. "Introduce yourself, the phantom thief Kidd, compared with these guys with guns, he is an uncompromising good guy!"

"Phantom Thief Kidd?" One of the drivers who looked younger seemed quite surprised, but the driver with more wrinkles on his face in the main driver's seat was calm. UU reading www.

"So, what should we do now?" the older pilot asked - from the emblem on his chest, it seemed that he should be the captain of the pilot group, that is, the captain. "Excuse me, the man at our door—"

"I was knocked out by us. I'm sleeping, don't worry." Kidd seemed to be thinking about something while he was talking. "In this way, you secretly lower the altitude first - don't make it too obvious, just keep the flight angle of three to five degrees downward, and it is suitable for the police to do something when you land at a low altitude first."

"What about those intruders?" The pilot adjusted the flight parameter wheel of the central control system to the -3 angle, and continued to ask. "Those people will come to check soon, right?"

"Do this first, and leave the rest to us." The phantom thief Kidd urged. "They're not going to do anything to you anyway - you're valuable pilots on this ship, so there's no way he could do it to you."

At this moment, the radio in Kidd's hand rang again. And this time things are going to be a lot more troublesome.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" This was the leader's voice. "Hurry back to the next step."

"..." Kidd's brows furrowed. "It's not good now... In any case, it's impossible for me to pretend to be several..."

"What's the biggest number we heard just now is CAT? P?" Qianyu thought. "If we killed eight just now, maybe there are still eight left?"

"What do you want to do?" Kidd probably guessed Chiba's thoughts. "Let me state in advance that it is impossible for me to fight against so many people at the same time. That would be too dangerous."

"But their manpower is not enough," Qianyu spread her hands. "Otherwise, shall we showdown?"

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