Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 51: ——Bombs in name only, ramen shop beaters

"Qianyu, what are you thinking?" Conan lay on the hospital bed to relieve his nervous body for more than an hour, looked at the restless Qianyu, and asked with a smile.

"Let's stay in another room..." Qianyu looked around the ward again. "I always felt like there were cameras here."

"How could there be a camera!" Conan sat up from the bed and said. "This is the medical care area. If there are cameras, it will definitely cause problems with the medical equipment here!"

"How did that guy know when we would get here and start the countdown?"

"Hmm—" Conan glanced out the window. "I'm guessing maybe he's from the five-story building across the street—no, when I didn't say..."

The sun is very dazzling. If you look from the building over there, you will not be able to see the scenery inside because of the reflection of the window glass.

"If you rule out all the impossible situations, then no matter how bizarre the final remaining conclusion is, it's true..." Conan suddenly thought of something and said speechlessly. "This bomb can't be tricky, can it?"

"I'd rather be inclined that this starter device is fake." Chiba rolled her eyes.

"The starter is fake?" Conan covered his face. "Then tell me, is the bomb always activated or has not been activated? If it has been activated, the bomb has already exploded. If it has not been activated, what is the purpose of the gangster placing the bomb?"

"Uh...this..." Qianyu suddenly thought of something. "Wait a minute, since the trains operate according to the regulations, that means there will always be times when the trains will pass through certain places at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour."

"So, this also confirms the saying of 'on the rails'," Conan said ashamed. "Then please tell me why the bomb is placed there? Since it won't detonate, what's the point of putting it there?"

"Don't ask me..." Qian Yu pouted. "I do not know either."

"But anyway, I still agree with your inference, maybe we can tell those policemen." Conan walked out the door. "I'm going to call."

"No need," Sato's voice came from outside the door. "I'll just call."

"Sa... Officer Sato?" Conan was shocked. "How are you..."

"Ah..." Sato said quietly. "Nothing, just thinking about something."

Once, in this room 310, another very heavy bomb was picked up. . . A bomb large enough to blast an entire hospital into the air.

And the clue to that bomb is attributed to a heroic spirit that has passed away.

But who is the culprit this time? If the first letter these two little devils sent to themselves was similar to the **** from a few years ago, the second letter was completely irrelevant to the previous style. . .

"Officer Sato?" Conan's reminder made Sato wake up.

"Ah! I'll contact the Mumu Police Department immediately!"

When Sato put down the phone, she looked at Chiba and Conan. "The police department asked us to take you to the Metropolitan Police Department, and we need you to record a statement."

. . .

"Uh..." When Chiba followed Officer Sato into a room, she saw someone he didn't want to see.

"Return my bicycle!" The seven- or eight-year-old child who had been knocked unconscious by Conan and snatched the bicycle was pointing at Chiba with an angry face.

"Tru!" the middle-aged woman next to him shouted. "Quiet!"

"..." Qian Yu glanced at Officer Mumu, who was sitting opposite the child, and said. "Your Excellency the Police Department, are you asking me to pay for the bicycle?"

"Ah..." Mumu scratched his head in embarrassment. "Since it's to defuse the bomb, of course, it's paid for by the Metropolitan Police Department... Mrs. Kurosawa, please take Linglang away first, and the Metropolitan Police Department will buy a brand new bicycle of the same style and deliver it to the house within three days. Come on, please be patient."

After Mrs. Kurosawa left with her son Toru Kurosawa, Officer Megure motioned Chiyu and Conan to sit down.

"I asked you and Conan-kun to come here to take a statement."

"Has the bomb been found?" Conan asked impatiently.

"I found it," Officer Mumu nodded. "It's all placed between the rails."

Although it is not on the rails that Conan deduced, it is similar.

"However, there is still a bomb that has not been found..." Mumu said hesitantly.

"Where are the four bombs?" Conan asked hastily.

"Is it near the midpoint between the two stations, where the train will always pass at a speed of more than 60 kilometers?" Chiba also asked.

"Uh... Yes." Mu Mu was stunned for a moment, glanced at the railway map in front of him, and then replied. "Just around the midpoint."

"Will there really be a train detonated? Chiyu asked with a frown. "In this case, unless a train happened to pass by when the detonation occurred, the probability is too low. 21 trams, 40 kilometers of track, 21 trams with a length of 5 kilometers and a brake, the distance is more than 5 kilometers, the probability is about 13%... No, in the case of the Dongdu Ring Line (the speed of the train is close to the platform) The place will be lower, so 87% of the safe paths may take more than 90% of the time to pass), and the probability will be even lower, so the expected blasting effect is half a car? Stealing so much explosives, taking such a big risk, just for such a waste? ? ? "

"We don't know about Officer Mumu shook his head and said. "Anyway, it's our business, you go home first, stay at home and try not to go out. "

"Officer Megumi..." Conan wanted to refuse, but Officer Megumi waved his hand, and Officer Takagi, who was waiting beside him, sent Qianyu and Conan out.

"I always feel," Conan said after walking out of the Metropolitan Police Department. "We went in the wrong direction."

"But the problem is," Qian Yu said helplessly. "We have no other direction to look for than this one. We are not even qualified to be wrong again."

"How about you go get something to eat first?" Conan suddenly stopped and said to Qianyu slightly embarrassed.

"Okay, the ramen shop next door is pretty good," Chiba pointed to the ramen shop next to her. "Come in and eat."

"You bastard!" As soon as they walked into the ramen shop, the sound of conflict inside caught the attention of the two of them, and they saw two drunken people fighting each other. . . It was not so much a scuffle, it was a unilateral beating by a middle-aged man against another middle-aged man, so others did not dare to dissuade him.

"..." Conan and Qianyu frowned, and after a wink, Qianyu immediately stepped forward.

The man who was beating grabbed the collar of the person being beaten with one hand, and smashed the other hand continuously with the other hand, then. . .

When the man punched again, Qianyu shot like a flash of lightning, stabbed the attacker's arm, and pushed the attacker's arm away.

"Ah!" The man immediately stopped the offensive and cried out in pain.

"Now, Your Excellency, can you calm down and explain why you hit someone?" Qian Yu said lightly, placing the man's arm on the glass of the window next to him with the tip of a non-marking umbrella.

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